23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

Let me clarify why this is happening -

The simple question I put to the idea “Baloch and KP are backward scum that will never change” because of this incident

Was “How will they change a culture of millennia without enablement” which the state has failed to provide since 47

To which everything from sunk costs to Punjabi ethnic superiority has been thrown in based on this sort of incident never happening in the Punjab.

Very valid question.

And my answer is, they will never change that culture because that culture is what the state has been propagating since long in Balochistan. I have written many times on this so I sound like a broken record at this point.

But the estab needs to wake up that their strategy for the past 25 years in Balochistan has failed miserably.

Just to peek into their mentality, here is the narrative of their shill accounts over the past few days.

1- Attack repulsed in Bela, all good.
2- Bela attacker cornered in a section of the compound, only outer wall breached.
3- All across the province all attacks repulsed.

In the morning we find the true story.

And then the saving grace:

4- The attackers did not manage to hold any land or compound, they were eliminated.

This is the mentality we are working with here.
The first time I heard “You’re Indian” was from Punjab but ok if this is the general sanctimony being echoed around here.
Again, it begs the question - if this part of Northern Punjab(because the south is in the same misery as the rest) believes it is a master race and better than the other and doesn’t need them - please practice what you preach. Let’s put it to the test.
I am not a Punjabi but I have lived most of my life in Punjab, unlike other provinces, everyone get's accepted here and becomes the part of society, that's the beauty of Punjab and I understand where the racism comes from against Punjab, it's the internal insecurity.

No one said Punjabis is the master race, Punjabi isn't even a race just so you know.
One just needs to drive down Rawalpindis Muree Road or commercial hubs like Satellite Town or Sadar and count how many eatries under the name Quetta Cafe are doing booming buisness same can be said of Shinwari style restaurants.
Visited KPK provence many times, never felt out of place. Never visited any other provences but have relatives living in Karachi and some good friends from there as well. Found folks from Karachi to be prosperous yet humble. Baluchistan needs addressing but it's only a minority who are stirring trouble .
Absolutely - Afghanistan is a great example and all of the other countries which are landlocked with about 32 out of those 44 being designated developing countries by the UN - experience economic growth 6% less than others and have double or triple trading costs for their goods…unless you’re in the EU which doesn’t seem like a possibility.

Unless off course you are 🇨🇭 or Boliva with its oil fields.. maybe Armenia?
Im sure it’s doable and India could step in to help

Well, if the human development indicators are any thing to go by, we have already reached rock bottom. Reason dictates that Punjab's fortunes will only improve by casting off those who hinder its progress.
I am not a Punjabi but I have lived most of my life in Punjab, unlike other provinces, everyone get's accepted here and becomes the part of society, that's the beauty of Punjab and I understand where the racism comes from against Punjab, it's the internal insecurity.

No one said Punjabis is the master race, Punjabi isn't even a race just so you know.
The answers to the question I asked says otherwise and as for the accepted here - everyone has a different experience and just so you know my wife is Arain so Im well aware of the other “disregarded” - acceptance issues present in Punjab regarding caste but its all milk, honey and everyone singing Kumbaya.
Well, if the human development indicators are any thing to go by, we have already reached rock bottom. Reason dictates that Punjab's fortunes will only improve by casting off those who hinder its progress.
Absolutely - practice what you preach
Let me clarify why this is happening -

The simple question I put to the idea “Baloch and KP are backward scum that will never change” because of this incident

Was “How will they change a culture of millennia without enablement” which the state has failed to provide since 47

To which everything from sunk costs to Punjabi ethnic superiority has been thrown in based on this sort of incident never happening in the Punjab.

What’s really happening here is that you resort to the usual Punjab-bashing, blaming it for the misfortunes of others and accusing it of resource theft. When you're confronted with facts, you argue that Punjabis need others to survive. This is countered with the reality that others rely more on Punjab than Punjab does on them. The fact that Punjabis are better off and more prosperous than others does not inherently suggest that they are a superior race—unless, of course, one insists on viewing everything through an ethnic lens.
Very valid question.

And my answer is, they will never change that culture because that culture is what the state has been propagating since long in Balochistan. I have written many times on this so I sound like a broken record at this point.

But the estab needs to wake up that their strategy for the past 25 years in Balochistan has failed miserably.

Just to peek into their mentality, here is the narrative of their shill accounts over the past few days.

1- Attack repulsed in Bela, all good.
2- Bela attacker cornered in a section of the compound, only outer wall breached.
3- All across the province all attacks repulsed.

In the morning we find the true story.

And then the saving grace:

4- The attackers did not manage to hold any land or compound, they were eliminated.

This is the mentality we are working with here.
That is the problem which unfortunately missed by the whole “The people will never change!” Superiority issue.

The establishment, ruling elite prefer this system because it grants control without having to deal with more educated people questioning resource mismanagement - which leads to anti-establishment sentiment and that is now associated with anti-Punjabi sentiment just as it was in EP - and for those finding riddled bodies and seeing funded propaganda online their way of “fighting the occupation” is justified in targeted killing because to them the first blood was not drawn by them.

However, as is evident here - instead of tackling this the obvious answer is “Baloch and KP are scum due to their culture”
What’s really happening here is that you resort to the usual Punjab-bashing, blaming it for the misfortunes of others and accusing it of resource theft. When you're confronted with facts, you argue that Punjabis need others to survive. This is countered with the reality that others rely more on Punjab than Punjab does on them. The fact that Punjabis are better off and more prosperous than others does not inherently suggest that they are a superior race—unless, of course, one insists on viewing everything through an ethnic lens.
I never said an ethnic lens - what facts did you confront me with other than Punjab makes food?

After all, when your only response to what are obvious long standing facts on state ignorance of areas and ethnicities including perpetuating of “violent culture” is to go on a sanctimonious innocence of anyone from Punjab in enabling any of these policies is “we’re just better” - then what else is to construed?
I never said an ethnic lens - what facts did you confront me with other than Punjab makes food?

After all, when your only response to what are obvious long standing facts on state ignorance of areas and ethnicities including perpetuating of “violent culture” is to go on a sanctimonious innocence of anyone from Punjab in enabling any of these policies is “we’re just better” - then what else is to construed?

There is little point in reiterating what I've already stated; you can refer back to my previous posts if needed.

And I have not uttered a single disparaging word about the Baloch people or their culture, nor about the Pashtuns. It is a harsh reality that the Baloch have faced oppression and injustices, both from within their ranks and from the state. This cannot be denied. However, holding Punjab and Punjabis accountable for these grievances is neither fair nor constructive, and the killing of Punjabi civilians will not further their cause.
That's what I am wondering, how the heck did it become a Punjab vs Balochistan issue?

Sure, the underlying issue might have this topic as a contributor, but the current issue at hand is of an ethnic terror group, that is it.

Over 40 people have been killed in Balochistan simply for being Punjabis (and this is not the first time, nor the last), yet the level of political correctness is so extreme that even the title of this thread only refers to them as "travelers", not by their ethnicity. This isn't a Punjab vs. Balochistan issue. Punjabis are treated as children of a lesser god, and when they're killed because of their ethnicity, no one seems to care. The assumption is that because Punjabis are more prosperous, they must be to blame for the failures of others. Thus, these killings are downplayed and portrayed as understandable, even if they cannot be justified. This country has become a farce.
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@SteppeWolff is right about Punjab. Punjabi are progressive and welcoming people in general. Progressive in the sense that Punjabi are not into racism and other forms of profiling to work with people from different areas, any good personality will feel at home in Punjab. But Punjab is massive and I do not claim to know everything in it. The manner in which Balochi are treating Punjabi, I fear that some in Punjab might respond in kind. The state needs to wake up and tell people in all provinces to accept each other and not be a scum . But the state itself is in such a good shape, what to expect from others.
There is little point in reiterating what I've already stated; you can refer back to my previous posts if needed.

And I have not uttered a single disparaging word about the Baloch people or their culture, nor about the Pashtuns. It is a harsh reality that the Baloch have faced oppression and injustices, both from within their ranks and from the state. This cannot be denied. However, holding Punjab and Punjabis accountable for these grievances is neither fair nor constructive, and the killing of Punjabi civilians will not further their cause.
My post that began with “So the rest are not Pakistanis…” was originally targeting the disparaging words used against a people for their culture without acknowledging why the violence exists - why their culture has not evolved due to the ignorance of the state and as you rightly point out their own elite… but it doesn’t mean you isolate the idea that if they picked out these poor people solely because of their ethnicity is because it’s within their culture is superfluous and hypocritical at best which ignores the narrative they have been taking and the oppression they have been taking.

Your own post just stated how Punjab represents the “heart” of Pakistan then why is it surprising that they should not feel that Punjabis have stolen from them?

Now is that laborer shot dead responsible?

But is everyone from the earliest of leadership and going onwards of which many have hailed from Punjab the representative icons of misery of the Baloch and other marginalized ?

That is the question?

It’s the same question one could ask as an American -
Is it “They hate our freedoms” or is it the impact of foreign policy?
My post that began with “So the rest are not Pakistanis…” was originally targeting the disparaging words used against a people for their culture without acknowledging why the violence exists - why their culture has not evolved due to the ignorance of the state and as you rightly point out their own elite… but it doesn’t mean you isolate the idea that if they picked out these poor people solely because of their ethnicity is because it’s within their culture is superfluous and hypocritical at best which ignores the narrative they have been taking and the oppression they have been taking.

Your own post just stated how Punjab represents the “heart” of Pakistan then why is it surprising that they should not feel that Punjabis have stolen from them?

Now is that laborer shot dead responsible?

But is everyone from the earliest of leadership and going onwards of which many have hailed from Punjab the representative icons of misery of the Baloch and other marginalized ?

That is the question?

It’s the same question one could ask as an American -
Is it “They hate our freedoms” or is it the impact of foreign policy?
Yaar this is the fault of our establishment. They don’t want to sort shit out…….army ko kutta banaya howa hae because they don’t want to do anything themselves about how to run a multi ethnic country.

We are not stupid anymore to buy the narrative that army is responsible or balochi are bad or Pashto are dehshatgard. Or dalit king kulbhushan jhadhuvv jhames bhaandd or laughable notion dat somehow Irani supremacists who stomp the skulls of these jahil tribals are responsible for our miseries. 😝

Our establishment is not cutting da mustard! Plain n simple……

They can’t manage the administrative system nor can they manage their fiscal responsibilities.

Jahil people here need to understand that the establishment scapegoats our army and has turned them into a lower caste patsy.

Our army’s reputation is in the gutter! Thanks to these harami chaudhry, waderay sardar.

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