23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

It’s so easy to swindle our state……hand out 1000 rupee bills and announce yourself as a jahil tribal sardar or wadera. Do mint main 1000 di tribal army is ready to run riot. And then you muscle your way up to da top as the most badmash tareen jhagga like all these ghunday badmash criminals.

It’s really that easy……😝

They get into our politics, they form parties

Then these idiots say, give the power to the people and parties, these mofo's are COMPLICIT

Im not saying I agree with establishment or military involvement BUT when you really look at the situation you understand why the military might feel that without a level of control the politicians would create even more chaos
A good read is how the Roman empire dealt with revolts and regions under threat. It's a pity the higher ups don't read anything aside their bank balance.
Everytime there is a bla attack, it seems Pakistani soldiers lose their lives by the dozen.

In a western/European army, heads would roll. It seems that the value of a Pakistani soldier is not worth much to the ones in charge.

I remember when the taliban managed to shoot down a helicopter in Afghanistan, killing a dozen US SpecFor operators. It ended up with a ton of people being fired, a massive clearing operation being declared, and new OpSec and new engagement rules being implemented. It was such a massive scandal that it was all the news and politicians could talk about for the entire next few months.
I was reading the BLA handout, and there were at least 3 instances where an incoming FC/army convoy sent for rescue was ambushed.

There is a video of an FC truck being ambushed and then the soldiers are killed and their equipment taken. A levies station was held for at least an hour. The bela camp was infiltrated (no matter how much the ISPR shills say it wasn't).

And the guy who's head you want to roll, he is saying yeh sab SHO ki maar hai.

Incompetence at the highest levels.
This isn't odd, Punjab always has been open to outsiders, no ethnic killings here unlike many other places.

Well it's been happening to Punjabis too for quite some time in Balochistan, Punjab still gets bad light.

Whatever led to what, it's wrong to put everything on Punjab.
Once again - the idea is “We don’t have ethnic issues” and “ we are prosperous” -

So regardless of the human misery the other areas are going through and unable to develop because of ignorance by the state- it’s their cultural fault.
There is no unity beside forums and FB, real world is different and fact is that every ethnic group in Pakistan hate each other, but at least Punjabi's are not to the point where they will kill people who will move to their state for work/income, unlike in KPK/Balochistan if you develop New York style cities these Tribal's will still hate any " outsiders " who come to " their " land for better future.

I saw few Punjabi students finally raising their voices against the hypocrisy of Pashtoon/Baloch, every where these two ethnic group goes violence/terrorism increases 100 fold, I know its stereotypical rant but that's the truth.

I don't want people nor I expect them to change, but self-accountability is first step in the right direction, but problem with the people is that no one even address the problem, you can clean their areas from insurgency but it will return within a year or two, not because of zulum ke pahar on them but its their culture to instigate violence against whom they consider outsiders, if that is the case than I rather have every Pathan move back to KPK, every Baloch move to Baluchistan, Punjabi to Punjab, Sindhi to Sindh... if that is what it takes to stop them from brutally killing each other so be it.
How does the culture change if there is no enablement for it?
Insurgency clean up is completely different from what is uplift. If the idea is they cannot be “fixed” then it should also be clear that no resources from that area be taken or used.

If you want to “leave them alone” then do the same as with East Pakistan. Agree that “ham idhar, tum udhar” and not be hypocritical about it everywhere just because an artificial entity was put together by misguided people from UP and Bengali trying to find land to get economic independence.
That's a rather naive and amusing assumption to think of the "rest" as some sort of unified nation. Punjab bore the brunt of partition and it is the true guardian and symbol of Pakistani identity. Without Punjab, most of the Muhajirs from Bihar and UP would end up confined to Mahsooreen/refugee camps, much like what happened to them in the former East Pakistan. Be careful what you wish for.

Equally naive is the assumption that any other province could impose an embargo on Punjab without facing serious consequences. A landlocked Punjab can still survive, but Sindh wouldn't last without river water. Yet again, despite the naive rhetoric, it is evident that other provinces are more dependent on Punjab for their survival than Punjab is on them. The irony lies in their continued attempts to leverage and manipulate Punjab.

Returning to my point, we’re tired of shouldering the burden of supporting the entire nation while being unfairly criticized, abused and killed for our ethnicity. The real solution should be to end this unjust criticism and hatred that leads to violence. All provinces rely on each other to survive and thrive—that’s the essence of a modern nation-state. However, your suggestion seems to be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. And I, for one, have no issues with that as well
It’s not a Naive suggestion other than a ethical one - you’re suggesting no province will survive without Punjab and I’m saying let’s put it to the test.

Punjab has borne the unfair burden of partition when it wasn’t as a population even that into the idea if not for the unionists looking for their economic gains.

Why should it suffer the delusions of a former ruling class from UP looking to gain importance again?

Neither Balochistan nor KP were also in favor of Pakistan so essentially to your point not only did Punjab take up someone else’s idea it now has to act as quasi policeman for this artificial entity which you seem to imply owes it all to Punjab.

I say let the Muhajirs drown in the sea - Sindh figure out its own rivers - and go to the scenario. Because the current situation is more of a colonization rather than anyone really interested in being together since they contribute nothing compared to Punjab.
It’s not a Naive suggestion other than a ethical one - you’re suggesting no province will survive without Punjab and I’m saying let’s put it to the test.

Punjab has borne the unfair burden of partition when it wasn’t as a population even that into the idea if not for the unionists looking for their economic gains.

Why should it suffer the delusions of a former ruling class from UP looking to gain importance again?

Neither Balochistan nor KP were also in favor of Pakistan so essentially to your point not only did Punjab take up someone else’s idea it now has to act as quasi policeman for this artificial entity which you seem to imply owes it all to Punjab.

I say let the Muhajirs drown in the sea - Sindh figure out its own rivers - and go to the scenario. Because the current situation is more of a colonization rather than anyone really interested in being together since they contribute nothing compared to Punjab.

The entire country works as one,, but people from Punjab or Kashmir aren't murdering innocent people on busses or at schools

Pointing this out isnt unacceptable and poverty or anything isnt a valid excuse
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It’s not a Naive suggestion other than a ethical one - you’re suggesting no province will survive without Punjab and I’m saying let’s put it to the test.

Punjab has borne the unfair burden of partition when it wasn’t as a population even that into the idea if not for the unionists looking for their economic gains.

Why should it suffer the delusions of a former ruling class from UP looking to gain importance again?

Neither Balochistan nor KP were also in favor of Pakistan so essentially to your point not only did Punjab take up someone else’s idea it now has to act as quasi policeman for this artificial entity which you seem to imply owes it all to Punjab.

I say let the Muhajirs drown in the sea - Sindh figure out its own rivers - and go to the scenario. Because the current situation is more of a colonization rather than anyone really interested in being together since they contribute nothing compared to Punjab.

At no point have I suggested that other provinces "cannot" survive without Punjab. My argument is that they would struggle more in its absence, as Punjab bears part of their burden. Punjab, on the other hand, would fare better without this unnecessary weight. The true irony lies in those who depend on Punjab more than it does on them, yet still attempt to manipulate and leverage it.

Regarding the ethical aspect, I fully agree that compelling people to be part of a nation against their will undermines the very essence of nationhood. In 1947, millions of Punjabis lost their lives because they were led to believe that Muslim Punjabis were a separate nation from their non-Muslim counterparts. Today, Muslim Punjabis are being targeted by their Muslim fellow countrymen, being taught through violence that Punjabis are a separate nation from the rest. The concept of Pakistaniat increasingly feels like an elaborate and cruel joke played on Punjabis.
Manz tens of thousands of people die in those places every year

We are lucky we can cap it to some extent, the amount of ethnocentric jahilat we have on our western borders is incredible, we should thank the lord we have the military to repeatedly reply to the scum bags living in those areas
Otherwise it would be even worse
Teri saadgi pay sadqay...
How does the culture change if there is no enablement for it?
Insurgency clean up is completely different from what is uplift. If the idea is they cannot be “fixed” then it should also be clear that no resources from that area be taken or used.

If you want to “leave them alone” then do the same as with East Pakistan. Agree that “ham idhar, tum udhar” and not be hypocritical about it everywhere just because an artificial entity was put together by misguided people from UP and Bengali trying to find land to get economic independence.
Problem lies within their own culture which they have to address, their tribals leaders have to come out clean that they are not racists, but A lot of Baloch and Pashtoon's are racist, they hate Punjabi's and other ethnic group hence the violence.
Resources belong to Govt/State, not individual ethnic group.

Its not what I want, its what they want and the hypocrisy is that same Baloch and Pathans move to bigger cities for work but if someone goes to their cities for work they kill them, Its them who want to live in lawlessness with no one from outside tell them what to do including Govt, the country's two major provinces can't be ilaqa-e-gair for more than half of its people.
When someone travel to Punjab the or Sindh the worse fear you have is getting stopped and robbed at gun point or the kidnapping which is just a crime, but in KPK and Balochistan your name/ethnicity becomes your enemy, that is barbaric. If Pashtoons/Baloch wants to live in that uncivilized barbaric way they are more than welcome to do so but then also leave Punjab, Sindh and other states.

what happen in Balochistan is deeply disturbing not because 23 people were executed but they were kill because of their ethnic group, something they did not chose to be born with, its Allah's decision who will be born to a Sindhi or Balochi or Pathan or Urdu speaking family, secondly the comments on social media that I've been reading on FB/Insta and how Balochi's are calling BLA "King" and comments like "Welcome to Balochistan" with no remorse or condemnation tell me a lot about these people.
Problem lies within their own culture which they have to address, their tribals leaders have to come out clean that they are not racists, but A lot of Baloch and Pashtoon's are racist, they hate Punjabi's and other ethnic group hence the violence.
Resources belong to Govt/State, not individual ethnic group.

Its not what I want, its what they want and the hypocrisy is that same Baloch and Pathans move to bigger cities for work but if someone goes to their cities for work they kill them, Its them who want to live in lawlessness with no one from outside tell them what to do including Govt, the country's two major provinces can't be ilaqa-e-gair for more than half of its people.
When someone travel to Punjab the or Sindh the worse fear you have is getting stopped and robbed at gun point or the kidnapping which is just a crime, but in KPK and Balochistan your name/ethnicity becomes your enemy, that is barbaric. If Pashtoons/Baloch wants to live in that uncivilized barbaric way they are more than welcome to do so but then also leave Punjab, Sindh and other states.

what happen in Balochistan is deeply disturbing not because 23 people were executed but they were kill because of their ethnic group, something they did not chose to be born with, its Allah's decision who will be born to a Sindhi or Balochi or Pathan or Urdu speaking family, secondly the comments on social media that I've been reading on FB/Insta and how Balochi's are calling BLA "King" and comments like "Welcome to Balochistan" with no remorse or condemnation tell me a lot about these people.

If Islam can't fix the jahilat of the people in those areas, what use is it for them to be Muslims

They love their sardars and their chiefs, they are backwards and ethnocentric lanats

What mercy can such people expect, how can nations sink money and effort to try and fix people who don't want to be fixed and revel in their zaleel nature
If Islam can't fix the jahilat of the people in those areas, what use is it for them to be Muslims

They love their sardars and their chiefs, they are backwards and ethnocentric lanats

What mercy can such people expect, how can nations sink money and effort to try and fix people who don't want to be fixed and revel in their zaleel nature
Nothing can fix these people including Islam, the racism within our society is far more greater than we think, but once that ethnic hate started to harm people that's when i say state should just step in and kill them and their leaders who instigate the hate.
What's worse is that there should be wholesale condemnation

They literally murdered innocent people off a bus, yet we have people here saying stuff like they are poor, they seem to be JUSTIFYING this evil, as if poverty excuses such horrendous behavior

It's like some guy rapeing a woman and these guys saying
"Oh the guy lost his job and was saaad"
As if anything justifies this behavior
Everytime there is a bla attack, it seems Pakistani soldiers lose their lives by the dozen.

In a western/European army, heads would roll. It seems that the value of a Pakistani soldier is not worth much to the ones in charge.

I remember when the taliban managed to shoot down a helicopter in Afghanistan, killing a dozen US SpecFor operators. It ended up with a ton of people being fired, a massive clearing operation being declared, and new OpSec and new engagement rules being implemented. It was such a massive scandal that it was all the news and politicians could talk about for the entire next few months.

It's the mindset of the officer corps to view soldiers as expendable. It's what happens when you sell the shaheed and jazba slogans cheap.

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