23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

Like I said you need to sort your own mess out first before formenting trouble in India
Your on verge of complete collapse
Look at the title at look at the shit you are venting on the forum.
Spewing crap like a super region power? Are you for real?
Its retards like you that create animosity and spread hatred. Look at your own backyard before going on a rant on a forum like this. No more or else......
Look at the title at look at the shit you are venting on the forum.
Spewing crap like a super region power? Are you for real?
Its retards like you that create animosity and spread hatred. Look at your own backyard before going on a rant on a forum like this. No more or else......
The loser drags in this super or rather micro power nonsense in every other thread, just yesterday @Oscar put him in his place but like a typical whore shaking her booty to get attention.
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LoL even uniformed men know who is their main target. Save yourself first. Look at this youtuber crying 😂

Stupid P’jeet.

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But you will live In the shadow of regional super power called India that will call the shots in this region
We are now recognised and respected globally because economic might is the single most important measure of a nations strength
As for Pakistanis hating Indians trust me it has never been more unpopular unwanted unappreciated by the modern world to be a Moslem.
Islamaphobia is rife all over the world
USA Europe Israel even India Japan Australia etc
You people don't belong future modern secular or multi cultural nations
You should stick living amongst yourselves in your deserts

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world by a distance

When you are a Sikh, your a nobody, you have no nation state, no army, no navy, no nothing, you are dependent on the good intentions of others

Islam is 2 BILLION and growing fast, when you are 2 BILLION and spread across the world is all ethnicities and people's with multiple countries

Then you DONT HAVE TO GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ANYONE, we can hate others more then they hate us and we have the numbers and time
It's only pusseys who live through the eyes of others
Now that these clowns are going through demographic crises, Islam will continue to grow and flourish
Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the accession to India because Pakistan attacked Kashmir. As for Junagarh and Hyderabad, the Nawab of Junagarh and the Nizam of Hyderabad fled to Pakistan, so these states automatically became part of India.
Who the fk gave Hari Singh any authority to sign off the future of millions of Kashmiris?

Even if one concedes on the authority he had to sign it in india's favor given that he and his family had been massacring Kashmiris in large numbers for decades.

America has not created our 4 trillion gdp or 680 billion Forex
We Indians did this ourselves
USA did not build our nuke subs or carriers
USA wants us as allies due to our strength and huge potential

Now in contrast nobody wants to listen too or have the headache of a basket case

This is reality for states and normal human life
Yes they did! And you know it. Stop going into denial. If the US imposes sanctions on you today, half your population will die quickly.

Your entire premise of existence is based upon the age old colored gypsy sob story no? Looking for concessions and humanitarian assistance.

Coloreds also have human rights? That’s all yous got as a sales pitch. 99.9% of your country is colored peepal no?

Yous and these Turks……both legacy beggars in perpetual conflict wid da west.

Gypsy peepal subhanallah! Hamain paisay day do…..hamain education day do……uplift us cuz wes coludzz and oppressed. OMG…….save us praaan. Pyo…..😝
Indian sponsored terrorists
Pakistani army created problems including sectarin and racial conflicts

Keep the military relevant and smuggling on going and billionaire corps commanders running

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