India to Sign Deal for MQ 9 Predator drones worth 4 Billion USD

31 drone in 4 billion dollar that's 129 million a piece. :oops:
Shahed is designed to be low cost and used in saturation strikes. same is not true of MQ-9 UAV

each drone costs $30m but India is paying more than $120m per drone... making the US MIC rich
30M$ claim is rubbish. Turboprop drones with a full day endurance and SATCOMS don't come cheap. High end technology comes with a price.

in times of crisis neighbours help each other, but Akinci did not find anything
Sure sure, even if we believe it didn't find , still it was able to fly in that weather and detect the fire, meanwhile cheap drone user Iranian forces were waiting for fog to disappear.

Shahed is designed to be low cost and used in saturation strikes. same is not true of MQ-9 UAV

each drone costs $30m but India is paying more than $120m per drone... making the US MIC rich

in times of crisis neighbours help each other, but Akinci did not find anything

yes $120m per drone doesn't include operating costs either thank you for reminding me
Who told you that? India always orders spare, weapons with the deal. This deal also includes control rooms and training equipments.

U are comparing a 20k drone to 130 mil mq-9 for India lol
I'm discussing that different roles cost different amount.

Israel's defence against Iran missile, drone attack 'cost over $1bn
Not for long. Slow 20k$ Shaheds can be brought down by 10* 100$ 40mm airburst rounds.. it's only matter of time to adapt against these.
31 drone in 4 billion dollar that's 129 million a piece. :oops:

UAE bought 18 for 3B$. One drone can do job of 4 boeing737-poseidon. Discussing it's capabilities is above the paygrade of Pakistanis and Iranians denigrating this purchase. It's like sour grapes for them.
Aren't there cheaper alternatives?
Not with the kind of ISR technology that MQ9 comes with. Not with the levels of integration with P-8 and MH-60R and other partner forces.

The mq9 can drop sonobuoys that can be be picked up by P8 or MH-60R not just of Indian Navy but partner forces like Australian Navy or USN.

The range and endurance of the drone will literally more than double the area that can be monitored live by the Indian Navy. This will significantly reduce the operational hours on P-8 and take over the bulk of ISR responsibility.

And when the time comes we can bolster the quad against PLAN threats through a common picture.
oh I totally agree. For operations against terror groups with no AD's, its a great asset. As a supplement to the Poseidon, its far better value for the money.

However using it against Iran or its proxies or against Russia or just don't work.
MQ-9 is a large drone that can be equipped with different types of payload to produce desired effects. This drone has tremendous potential in warfare.

The US is testing MQ-9 with EW payload.

The US is testing MQ-9 as a mothership that can instruct much smaller drones to attack designated targets.

The US is testing MQ-9 as a fighter that can shoot down other drones.

The US is testing MQ-9 as a network-centric component in collaborative combat scenario.

The US might program MQ-9 to launch standoff munitions.

Now you see how versatile and dangerous this platform can be? This drone is far more capable in comparison to many drones in use around the world. Turkish TB2 is a toy in comparison to this thing.

The US might not export some of the capabilities to other countries but the US can transform MQ-9 into a lethal fighting force for its needs.
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MQ-9 is a large drone that can be equipped with different types of payload. The US is testing MQ-9 with EW payload.

The US is also testing MQ-9 as a mothership that can instruct much smaller drones to attack designated targets

The US is also testing MQ-9 as a fighter that can shoot down other drones.

The US is testing MQ-9 as a network-centric component in collaborative combat scenario

The US might program MQ-9 to launch standoff munitions.

Now you see how versatile and dangerous this platform can be? This drone is far more capable in comparison to many drones in use around the world. Turkish TB2 is a toy in comparison to this thing.

The US might not export some of the capabilities to other countries but the US certainly can transform MQ-9 into a lethal force.

For now India is using it strictly for ISR missions
For now India is using it strictly for ISR missions
Yes, but my point is that people should not write off MQ-9 just like that. The US can prepare this drone for conventional warfare if necessary. This drone is far more capable in comparison to numerous hyped toys. The US is testing MQ-9 with different payloads and in different roles to expand its capabilities on many levels. This can be a fearsome weapon in time.

UAE bought 18 for 3B$. One drone can do job of 4 boeing737-poseidon. Discussing it's capabilities is above the paygrade of Pakistanis and Iranians denigrating this purchase. It's like sour grapes for them.

Maybe because people of the UAE aren't starving, they can afford to make dumb decisions
Yes, but my point is that people should not write off MQ-9 just like that. The US can prepare this drone for conventional warfare if necessary. This drone is far more capable in comparison to numerous hyped toys. The US is testing MQ-9 with different payloads and in different roles to expand its capabilities on many levels. This can be a fearsome weapon in time.
MQ-9 will not survive long in contested/enemy airspace but it is a powerful platform for anti-terror ops against enemies that lack air defences ... is that India's objective here?
MQ-9 will not survive long in contested/enemy airspace but it is a powerful platform for anti-terror ops against enemies that lack air defences ... is that India's objective here?
The SeaSpray AESA radar on the MQ-9B has an impressive 600 km range, and for maritime surveillance, it's a beast. In the air, however, its endurance and tactical ISR abilities are designed for persistent surveillance over specific areas of interest. That said, its ability to loiter for 40+ hours gives it an edge in prolonged tactical reconnaissance. It allows the drone to loiter over critical chokepoints like the Strait of Malacca, Sunda Strait or the Gulf of Aden for extended periods. For example, if a hostile submarine or Chinese naval patrol enters IOR, the MQ-9B can spot it early, giving the Indian Navy the heads-up to take action. The MQ-9B is all-weather capable and comes with anti-ice and de-ice systems, which allow it to operate in extreme weather conditions like high-altitude icing environments. This is a critical feature for long-endurance flights in harsh conditions, especially over the IOR.

It also has EO/IR sensors that provide high-resolution, real-time video in all weather conditions, day or night. The ESM systems help detect and locate enemy radar signals, giving it an edge in electronic warfare. For communications, it’s got ROVER 6Si and TNR2x transceivers, along with Ku-Band SATCOM and LOS terminals, allowing it to send live feeds directly to ground stations or HQ. MQ-9B can continuously operate for days with lower operational costs, compared to manned P8i.
MQ-9 will not survive long in contested/enemy airspace but it is a powerful platform for anti-terror ops against enemies that lack air defences ... is that India's objective here?
MQ-9 was not equipped for conventional warfare but COIN operations in large part but I have documented some experiments in post # 80 that show that this drone can do a lot more and can be prepared for conventional warfare. Many drones are specialized and expendable but MQ-9 is a multi-mission platform that can be equipped to shoot down other drones, launch smaller drones and instruct them to attack designated targets, provide information to other aircraft, conduct SEAD operations, and even more. The US is also testing MQ-9 as a cyber warfare tool. So there is much to see in this platform.

Indian navy will use MQ-9 to complement and support P8i aircraft in ASW role.
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UAE bought 18 for 3B$. One drone can do job of 4 boeing737-poseidon. Discussing it's capabilities is above the paygrade of Pakistanis and Iranians denigrating this purchase. It's like sour grapes for them.

If you people really think like that than Pakistan is really lucky to have an adversary like India.
MQ-9 was not equipped for conventional warfare but COIN operations in large part but I have documented some experiments in post # 80 that show that this drone can do a lot more and can be prepared for conventional warfare. Many drones are specialized and expendable but MQ-9 is a multi-mission platform that can be equipped to shoot down other drones, launch smaller drones and instruct them to attack designated targets, provide information to other aircraft, conduct SEAD operations, and even more. The US is also testing MQ-9 as a cyber warfare tool. So there is much to see in this platform.

Indian navy will use MQ-9 to complement and support P8i aircraft in ASW role.
those are all true but none of those will work in contested airspace against a peer adversary. spending $130 million per drone for a 23 year old platform to use against terrorists seems overkill
MQ-9 will not survive long in contested/enemy airspace but it is a powerful platform for anti-terror ops against enemies that lack air defences ... is that India's objective here?

What part of ISR do you not comprehend ?
What part of the Indian Ocean airspace is contested ?

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