Announcement: New forum feature, SpeedLimit

It's a temporary measure, we will bring the auto-merge back with a reduced time limit of 5 or 10 minutes.

PS: I never see the user's number of posts before banning the user 🤣

Please do not do that.

I like the fact in fact that the forum currently allows you to make back to back posts on completely different ideas, without them getting merged into a single post, and one idea getting lost.

Cheers, Doc
Other than too many reply/post, I don't think you are going to have any other reason for banning me, if you want to ;)
You're doing well, and I appreciate your concern. The idea behind this new functionality is to create a category for users whose posts are frequently reported. Some members generate a significant workload for moderators with 20-30 daily deleted posts. This feature aims to ease the pressure on moderators and prevent them from becoming overwhelmed by such repetitive tasks.

Many members frequently get banned and make new accounts. This feature allows them to continue interacting but with reduced activity on the same account. There is another proposal in my mind that users can make unlimited posts in Members club but the limit applies to other sections.
Please do not do that.

I like the fact in fact that the forum currently allows you to make back to back posts on completely different ideas, without them getting merged into a single post, and one idea getting lost.

Cheers, Doc
I agree. The issue arises when people misuse these features. Some users post with just one emoticon or one-word response, which isn't appropriate for a serious forum engagement.
I've added about 10 members to the SpeedLimited UserGroup, but also exempting them from post limitations in the Members Club. If any issues arise, please inform me.

In a few weeks, we'll adjust the policy: Users with 3 warning points will be automatically demoted to the SpeedLimited group, retaining reply/thread creation access. Any additional warning points will result in a ban.
Currently, we've added users based on consistent reports, not individual preferences.

Edit/Update: The SpeedLimit does not apply in the following sections
  • Members Club
  • Members Introduction
  • Sports
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So is getting speed-limited essentially the same as getting banned, except that they can still post in the above mentioned three sections?

Also, what does one get speed-limited for? Trolling?

Edit: I see that @Mr X has explained this in another thread. Maybe it is worth copy-pasting that explanation here:

Explanation of speed limiting
I think it's a good plan, and should be working smoothly, as it already is.
I don't think it is working smoothly at all.

But I shall look forward to the new changes in the policy on Wednesday announced by @Mr X

The facts that remain:

1) while the system is automated, it is still based on accrual of warnings given by human decision

2) if reason for warning is given , there should be a mechanism of referral available to the warned

3) this mechanism should not involve the moderator who gave the warning, as it both pressures the admin to maintain the credibility of the moderator, and makes the moderator lose face in front of a member he is put in place to police. These are basic corporate etiquettes that are universal.

4) speed limit if that is the way to go should not kick in with just 3 warnings. It is ridiculously easy for one to accrue those many very quickly. Trust me. Think like a member. Not a policeman.

5) the speed limit should be fir a reasonable span of time. In the heat of battle, even an hour hurts. 24 hours tops please. You are trying behavior modification. Not shoving crap under the carpet. Till in spills over from every side.

6) lastly, please have a mechanism in place to ensure reporting is on point. Both reporting as well as moderator action are open to biases and abuse. Let me put it out here openly.

@Waz @RescueRanger @Musings

Cheers, Doc
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We've seen a surge in reports over the last three days, and we want to improve how we handle them. Our goal is to actively address each reported post, whether we approve or reject it. To ease the workload on our moderation team, we're making some changes.

Beginning tomorrow, we're introducing a forum feature called "SpeedLimit". Users included in this group will be limited to 10 posts and 1 new thread per day. We'll continually monitor and make adjustments to deter spam and enhance the overall quality of posts. The limited number of daily posts should hopefully encourage thoughtful contributions by the members. Users in this group can return to their original User Group if they avoid being reported for two weeks during the trial period.
Don't do it's terrible rule. It will discourage people from participating and contributing. @Mr X @RescueRanger @Waz
I couldn't agree with you more. I also rarely post more than 10 comments a day, or almost never. This is actually an excellent idea, especially because certain users like Falcon29 and BeijingWalker continuously spam the entire forum with their propaganda bs which is unnecessary and detrimental to the quality of the forum.

Particularly, Falcon29 has literally hijacked the discussion on the Gaza conflict posting over 100 comments every day (literally) if not more, thereby undermining the entire purpose of forum debate.

Now I wonder, what will these two users do throughout the entire day 🤔 Find a job? :sneaky:
This isn't a US website you know, I hope not any way, free speech should be respected and alternate news and views aired without censorship. If you want to listen to hear biased news then go to Fox news, CNN, NBC etc and you can see and hear the slurps of Israelis arses being licked.
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It's the Hindjew gang that is pushing for this, there is a big swing in their favour in this new forum.

Have you counted and checked how many Hindus are in pink.
Have you counted and checked how many Hindus are in pink.

And how do we know the religious breakdown of the offendees? It is only the posts that determine that Group.

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