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Arab league will now drop terrorist label from hezboullah in major shift

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Another analysis angle:

The request may have been made by Arab countries that wanted to support the party militarily, but this classification prevented them from sending troops or at least weapons...

But now we can say that the forces/weapons will be moved within a few days after removing this major obstacle, and woe to the enemies..


Full Member
Oct 21, 2006
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Hamas, the Houthis, and the Lebanese Hezbollah party serve as a shield and a first line of attack for the Arabs, and they are the first to support them against the Jews.

Reverse attack:

The Jews wanted to distract Egypt (for example) by attacks from the militias of Sudan, Ethiopia, and Libya, so the attack, with God’s power, turned against them from Hamas, the Houthis, and the Lebanese party.
They are very cunning bro.......always creating distractions and making excuses/ covering up for their machinations. Only the fools now fall for it. Most educated muslims now see right thru the fraud. Hard to believe there are some right here on our forum who still fall for the propaganda.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Commander of Iranian IRGC airforce says "We have the ability to attack Israel but our hands are tied"

Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force: The conditions that enable us to carry out direct action against Israel are not available to us


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