Assassination attempt on Donald Trump News & Discussion

One spectator in the crowd is dead, another spectator is in critical condition and the shooter is confirmed dead.
One in the crowd dead, another one is in critical condition and the shooter is confirmed dead.

I guess the shooter killed himself to prevent spilling the beans of his master?
It is going to get more and more violent. The US is divided badly. The political division in the US has the potential for further fragmentation. Throughout the years we have seen incredible developments. The attack at the the Capitol Hill were unprecedented. Now we are again seeing violent attacks.

You don’t understand US history. Our history is filled with assassinations and assassination attempts on Presidents and important political figures.
Axios reporter said this

To much information, we'll have to wait and see.
Well, I actually don't care if he was shot, as I said, I only think of those poor secret service that is going to protect him.

I will not lose any sleep if he died honestly. And most American won't change their mind whether or not he get shot. Comparing him to JFK (yes, someone already did) and Reagan are stupid, both were exceptional leader and President being assassinated or attempted were made during their Presidency, Trump don't really have that "I'll died for you" vibe, well, you die for him, not the other way around. At least we have "Ask not what the country do for you, but what can you do for your country" from JFK and "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this war" from Reagan, instead of a president pay more to shut up a porn star than tax in the last 8 years and build a wall and have Mexico to pay for it and ended up we fork out 20 millions for the 6 miles wall..
Never underestimate the sympathy card, Trumpy will get that especially with those undecided voters. This literally is the nail im the coffin for biden.
Trump had to endure jail and getting shot at by Democrats. What a guy.

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