Balochistan Terrorism Watch

What? Terrorists make up a tiny fraction of the population there. It’s the terror that keeps them scared of the terrorists. A visible lack of state action to engage and encourage the populace to come out and show their will is playing its own part in the deterioration of the state writ. I think political leadership has a more crucial role to play than military command.
No they don't, this is a lie spread by Pakistan to keep people calm

BLA has wide spread support in Balochistan among the old and young, especially in its suicide bombings and murdering people of non-Baloch ethnicity

Balochistan in the current state is in a dead-lock.

> You kill a few militants
> More militants recruited
> You kill more
> instability and blackmail against the state continues

You are stuck in this cycle for decades, which is why Pakistan went to sardars to buy support
Saw this on another forum and it's 100% accurate.

"The American strategy of "winning hearts & minds" was designed to tackle insurgenies on foreign soil, not for defeating ethnic separatism at home. Buying loyalties through incentives is only temporary (extortion) and not a long-term solution for stability, as it can (usually does) simply erupt again.

Going by globally proven examples that actually worked, there are no real effective ways to defeat separatism apart from diluting the demographics of a region. Otherwise, you remain stuck in a never-ending battle against militants without complete state writ over the areas.

Turkey (Kurdish region) , China (Xinjiang), Sri Lanka (Tamilian) , and maybe Bangladesh (Chakma)."

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