Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Just one oligarch stole 8 billion USD. S Alam bankrolled Hasina regime. Legal action will be taken soon. Bangladesh Bank just issued orders to stop 6 banks associated with S Alam group from further lending.

Islami bank used to be the best performing bank in the country, until the Hasina regime forced Jamaat e Islam out of the bank and appointed it's own directors to facilitate looting. We need a separate thread just to highlight the corruption in banks.



How do you know he is competent? Do you even know the history behind this unique protest? You don't.

I think the more pertinent point is that students cannot just turn up to his office and force him to resign.

This is not the correct way to do this.

They need to take their case to the interim Ministry of Education who should decide whether he stays in post, and only he should be making the rules that all students follow while he is in position.
How do you know he is competent? Do you even know the history behind this unique protest? You don't.

He dosent know anything more than what tabloid RSS media have told in their comedy shows.

For them just being a average muslim man sporting beard and reciting Quran is enough to conclude «iSLaMiSt teRRoR»
Frankly for these folks, anything short of muslims abandoing islam altogether is unacceptable.

They dont understand bangla society at all.
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I think the more pertinent point is that students cannot just turn up to his office and force him to resign.

This is not the correct way to do this.

They need to take their case to the interim Ministry of Education who should decide whether he stays in post, and only he should be making the rules that all students follow while he is in position.

Yes in normal situation i would agree with you on that. But we know Hasina have pressed her silly ideology and stooges in almost every non-political institution.

While i dont know that much details about politics at DU, it is clear that AL controlled it with iron fist for almost 15 years now.
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Just one oligarch stole 8 billion USD. S Alam bankrolled Hasina regime. Legal action will be taken soon. Bangladesh Bank just issued orders to stop 6 banks associated with S Alam group from further lending.

Islami bank used to be the best performing bank in the country, until the Hasina regime forced Jamaat e Islam out of the bank and appointed it's own directors to facilitate looting. We need a separate thread just to highlight the corruption in banks.

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Unfortunately most of that money is probably gone forever. How much is the total value of S. Alam Group? Probably not more than a few hundred million now.
I think the more pertinent point is that students cannot just turn up to his office and force him to resign.

This is not the correct way to do this.

They need to take their case to the interim Ministry of Education who should decide whether he stays in post, and only he should be making the rules that all students follow while he is in position.
Revolutionary Students are the alpha and the omega here in Bangladesh.
Revolution isn't the correct way to topple a government. But, we did it anyway. Slowly but surely everyone with BAL connection will be forced to resign and then they will be investigated.
Every BAL thug will pay for their crimes and anti state activities.
We will talk about rule of law after next election.
Unfortunately most of that money is probably gone forever. How much is the total value of S. Alam Group? Probably not more than a few hundred million now.
Yeah for sure those are gone. Funnelled and washed somewhere in the West. The banks will eventually have to seize whatever assets they have. I hope they can at least run the companies with new management instead of having to sale off in auction. Who knows how bad the books are for each of the S Alam group companies.

Same goes for Salman F Rahman 's companies.
Revolutionary Students are the alpha and the omega here in Bangladesh.
Revolution isn't the correct way to topple a government. But, we did it anyway. Slowly but surely everyone with BAL connection will be forced to resign and then they will be investigated.
Every BAL thug will pay for their crimes and anti state activities.
We will talk about rule of law after next election.

The rule of law is not a switch that can be flicked on and off.
Many years ago a Bangladeshi member here in pdf told me that Hasina had a twisted mind and was fond of gory horror/slasher movies. I didn't take it seriously at the time, but after hearing all the horror stories coming out of Aynaghor, it doesn't seem too far fetched.

Agree that exemplary punishment needed for BAL party members. But I am concerned that Yunus is taking too much time to get things rolling. I heard they are finally going to start anti corruption raids.
The entire system is rotten to the core. You kinda have to do this methodically. The middle level hasina bureaucrats are still here. He just hired bunch of Secretaries on contract . Just fired all the DCs. Just have to be patient. This man built a large company out of nothing.
Unfortunately most of that money is probably gone forever. How much is the total value of S. Alam Group? Probably not more than a few hundred million now.
Getting that stolen money back will be as hard as getting the toothpaste back in the tube. If BD can make the case , and the money is just sitting in bank accounts they may get some back. If the money is tied up in properties or investments, then I say fat chance.

I think there is reason why they want UN to be involved in the process. This adds credibility to the judicial process. It just may help the case of getting some stolen money back.
I think the more pertinent point is that students cannot just turn up to his office and force him to resign.

This is not the correct way to do this.

They need to take their case to the interim Ministry of Education who should decide whether he stays in post, and only he should be making the rules that all students follow while he is in position.

They can actually.

People express their sovereign will through a revolution, a revolution is above the constitution itself. People's sovereign will IS the law. They made a mistake by not deposing the president and trashing the constitution, they should have done it.

As for these university appointees, whether dean or VC, they are all BAL cronies, most of them are not even qualified and are staunchly anti-Islamic.
They can actually.

People express their sovereign will through a revolution, a revolution is above the constitution itself. People's sovereign will IS the law. They made a mistake by not deposing the president and trashing the constitution, they should have done it.

As for these university appointees, whether dean or VC, they are all BAL cronies, most of them are not even qualified and are staunchly anti-Islamic.

How do we know what the "people of BD" wanted as it looks like a bunch of students decided that they will run this university now? Was a referendum carried out to find out what anyone else thought?

They are students and not university management and so should focus on their studies and not the running of this university.

Anyway, there is still a law in place in BD and these students have actually broken the law by in effect forcing, through unlawful physical means, the current head of the university to step down.

Like I already said if they have issue with this dean, then the process is to take this to the interim Ministry of Education who will then decide whether he stays as dean or goes.

While he is still in place he decides on the rules that govern the university. That is the way it works in every other country in the world, including Muslim ones.

Once mob rule is seen as normal and the "people's will", then do not expect to switch it off at will like a light switch.

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