Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

I took your sneering statements and showed you that your people had started that whole thing, with their lies about infiltration.
"You people?" You mean Keralites? I mean, yes and no. But we got tired of infiltrators doing crime and escaping to Bangladesh.
What is it with Sanghis and their total dependence on hypotheticals?
Do you have no facts at all, ever, anywhere?
You started it, I asked a simple question, which one is it? Are there no infiltration, or it's all a conspiracy of the Sanghi? Or is it somewhere in between? Don't short circuit now.
That is a question that your pet constable can answer better. He needs to explain his frequent visits to other countries, immediately before elections are held there.
meh! I don't get the insult or reference. Who?? Be more specific, I like it better when people are straight about what they mean. Not these "Your sanghi, your commie, your batmobile".
It is.

Ever since they picked a sycophant from the ranks of the serving diplomats to be the minister, Indian relations with every single neighbour has gone downhill. The reason is very simple, and everyone gets it: our little smarty-pants is trying his level best to translate the street-corner thug-like thinking of his master into diplomacy, and the results are clear. Pakistan in permanent hostility, Nepal gone, now Bangladesh gone, Sri Lanka silent because they are broke, the Maldives sucking up to the huge Indian tourist trade - let's not talk about how even Bhutan, faced with our administration's obtuseness, has opened a line of discussion with the Chinese, to protect themselves, since we failed.

Until you have facts and figures about infiltration, STFU.
So you are saying Lankan crisis, Myanmar crisis, Pakistan problems, Maldives crisis heck even Afghan crisis(?) and todays BD crisis is because of S Jayshankar?

Do you even read what you type? I'm arguing that India is not interfering in their affairs, yet you quote me to argue that India is, in fact, interfering. But then you somehow expect Bhutan to avoid a relationship with China? If Nepal, BD and Sri Lanka are 'gone' means before they were building their foreign policy based on what India wants? Isn't that us interfering with their affairs?

Let me get something straight, I’m not a Sanghi, but even if I were, at least make a logical argument. Don't ever quote me again to call me names or I will forget your age. The gall of this guy to call me a Sanghi. Choose your battles wisely, Joe Shearer.
How do we know what the "people of BD" wanted as it looks like a bunch of students decided that they will run this university now? Was a referendum carried out to find out what anyone else thought?

They are students and not university management and so should focus on their studies and not the running of this university.

Anyway, there is still a law in place in BD and these students have actually broken the law by in effect forcing, through unlawful physical means, the current head of the university to step down.

Like I already said if they have issue with this dean, then the process is to take this to the interim Ministry of Education who will then decide whether he stays as dean or goes.

While he is still in place he decides on the rules that govern the university. That is the way it works in every other country in the world, including Muslim ones.

One mob rule is seen as normal and the "people's will", then do not expect to switch it off at will like a light switch.

The people in very great numbers joined the protest, did you not follow the events closely?

He himself broke the law by not allowing students recite qur'an.

These are goons, goons need to be removed by the revolution. The other goons, the chief justice was also removed by them which is also legitimate.

The the dean himself broke the law but having an issue with
The people in very great numbers joined the protest, did you not follow the events closely?

He himself broke the law by not allowing students recite qur'an.

These are goons, goons need to be removed by the revolution. The other goons, the chief justice was also removed by them which is also legitimate.

The the dean himself broke the law but having an issue with

Once you start using "people's will" and "revolution" then it is very difficult to build a country where people will respect law and authority for a very long time at least.

BD needs to move back to the rule of law and a respect for the administrative structure in place.

They(students) have a very sympathetic government in place and so there is a pathway to get rid of this dean, probably quite quickly if he had indeed broken any laws or religious sensibilities, but they decided they will use physical intimidation in order to get their way.

Bad bad way to do things.

PS - I was just running with your "people's will" argument and the people of BD do not get to decide who runs a university but the Ministry of Education. No country in the world is a direct democracy, maybe Switzerland today is the closest example.
Once you start using "people's will" and "revolution" then it is very difficult to build a country where people will respect law and authority for a very long time at least.

BD needs to move back to the rule of law and a respect for the administrative structure in place.

They(students) have a very sympathetic government in place and so there is a pathway to get rid of this dean, probably quite quickly if he had indeed broken any laws or religious sensibilities, but they decided they will use physical intimidation in order to get their way.

Bad bad way to do things.

PS - I was just running with your "people's will" argument and the people of BD do not get to decide who runs a university but the Ministry of Education. No country in the world is a direct democracy, maybe Switzerland today is the closest example.

When you never recognize "people's will", revolution never takes place and despots and fascists get legitimacy to rule forever.

BD is moving back to rule of law, there was none in the last 15 years though. The constitution needs to be removed and re-written.
It is.

Ever since they picked a sycophant from the ranks of the serving diplomats to be the minister, Indian relations with every single neighbour has gone downhill. The reason is very simple, and everyone gets it: our little smarty-pants is trying his level best to translate the street-corner thug-like thinking of his master into diplomacy, and the results are clear. Pakistan in permanent hostility, Nepal gone, now Bangladesh gone, Sri Lanka silent because they are broke, the Maldives sucking up to the huge Indian tourist trade - let's not talk about how even Bhutan, faced with our administration's obtuseness, has opened a line of discussion with the Chinese, to protect themselves, since we failed.

Until you have facts and figures about infiltration, STFU.
You picked avery good point there, dada.

Perhaps the biggest diplomatic failure of BJP is, they outsourced the diplomacy to the RAW & like agencies.

There is no permanent enemy in diplomacy. But by S. Jai Shankar's handbook, there is a lot of permanent enemies.

In Bangladesh it’s BNP or anyone that opposed Hasina/Modi axis. In Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal they repeated the same mistake of creating permanent enemies out of everybody.

That's the thinking/psychology of a intelligence agency, not a functioning diplomatic corps.

It's not like that durning previous indian governments there was no diplomatic or other issues between BD & India, but at least there was always an exit.

Like India also supported Ershad (of course for sake of Hasina) but in the '80s or '90s there was no permanent enemy.

It was also the last Congress government, with collaboration of USA that orchestrated One-Eleven and installed Hasina to power.

But BJP took it to whole new level by suppoting her to rig the elections, night elections, and shield her from International retribution.

Such a colossal failure, but no self reflection.
You picked avery good point there, dada.

Perhaps the biggest diplomatic failure of BJP is, they outsourced the diplomacy to the RAW & like agencies.

There is no permanent enemy in diplomacy. But by S. Jai Shankar's handbook, there is a lot of permanent enemies.

In Bangladesh it’s BNP or anyone that opposed Hasina/Modi axis. In Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal they repeated the same mistake of creating permanent enemies out of everybody.

That's the thinking/psychology of a intelligence agency, not a functioning diplomatic corps.

It's not like that durning previous indian governments there was no diplomatic or other issues between BD & India, but at least there was always an exit.

Like India also supported Ershad (of course for sake of Hasina) but in the '80s or '90s there was no permanent enemy.

It was also the last Congress government, with collaboration of USA that orchestrated One-Eleven and installed Hasina to power.

But BJP took it to whole new level by suppoting her to rig the elections, night elections, and shield her from International retribution.

Such a colossal failure, but no self reflection.

Bangldeshis are making a crucial misake that they think supporting Hasina and BAL was a BJP policy. 1/11, 2008 election, 2009 BDR killings, 2013 election all took place during Congress rule.

We should not incorrectly minimize the problem, the problem is the policy of India as a state, not of BJP or Congress.
I think there is a little too much hype here as to India being able to get Hasina and then keeping her in power for over 15 years.

You cannot have it both ways, as in BD nation removed her and then India being able to impose and sustain her. Well if India was so powerful then how come she was removed from power by the student protests?

Yes India did support her but the BD population by in large went along with her as she was giving "enough" in terms of stability and economic growth till Covid-19 came along.

Without Covid-19 and the Ukraine war, it is very likely that she would still be in power now and rule till 2029 as the economy would still be doing well and giving enough jobs and economic opportunities to make most people overlook her authoritarian tendencies.

In a poor 3rd world country, the average man and woman cares more about their livelihoods than the "rule of law" and it may seem heartless but as long as the repression does not personally affect you or someone you care about, then you are not going to risk much over this. Hasina's repression did not touch enough of the population to make BD nation turn against her rule.

India will by in large deal with any BD government that is not anti-India and so best not to dwell on India's role too much, and just focus on reforming BD and then moving forward.
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Well, well, well! Another big fish is kicked out. Rear Admiral Sholail has been sent to compulsory retirement. This is one of Hassina's thug that served in DGFI and RAB.



Lieutenant general Mujib remains. That fucker must be fired and apprehended as soon as possible. He is still a hazard.
@LeonBlack08 @Bengal71 @AbuShalehRumi @Arthur @Alter_Ego
I think there is a little too much hype here as to India being able to get Hasina and then keeping her in power for over 15 years.

You cannot have it both ways, as in BD nation removed her and then India being able to impose and sustain her. Well if India was so powerful then how come she was removed from power by the student protests?

Yes India did support her but the BD population by in large went along with her as she was giving "enough" in terms of stability and economic growth till Covid-19 came along.

Without Covid-19 and the Ukraine war, it is very likely that she would still be in power now and rule till 2029 as the economy would still be doing well and giving enough jobs and economic opportunities to make most people overlook her authoritarian tendencies.

In a poor 3rd world country, the average man and woman cares more about their livelihoods than the "rule of law" and it may seem heartless but as long as the repression does not personally affect you or someone you care about, then you are not going to risk much over this. Hasina's repression did not touch enough of the population to make BD nation turn against her rule.

India will by in large deal with any BD government that is not anti-India and so best not to dwell on India's role too much, and just focus on reforming BD and then moving forward.

Economic situation was definitely a catalyst, but is not the only factor. You are saying Hasina's repression didn't touch everyone - that is completely incorrect and completely disconnected from ground reality. Major groups in the society were impacted by Hasina's repression. If anyone was a practicing Muslim (which is a huge group in Bangladeshi society), they were treated as a second class citizen and worse yet harassed with false terrorism charges. Girls were being harassed for wearing hijab even in educational institutions.

Businessmen got extorted to the point many had to sale off everything and move out of the country. Coveted public sector jobs were all being taken away and given to party loyalists. Army was forced to watch as their brightest officers were killed in Peelkhana and they were able to do nothing because of Hasina. How many officers lost their jobs just for questioning Hasina's role in BDR mutiny?

Only opportunists and BAL supporters had it good in the last 15 years.

This was no longer a student protest after July 16, after the first student died. Just look at the casualty list and see how many average civilians without political affiliation including working professionals, BNP, Jamaat, Hefajot, Islami Andolon activists died. It was a mass uprising, not a mere student protest as you have put it. I had friends who are well settled in their career joining in with the students. They had nothing to gain but to see downfall of a dictator. Mir Mugdhdho - one of the well known Martyrs of this revolution already had a well set career as a freelancer. One of the highest rated in Fiverr from Bangladesh. He needn't be in the protest for govt job quota.

And don't underestimate the role of army either, the junior officers forced the army chief and Hasina loyalist generals to not give orders to shoot at people. Had army not done that, she would still be in power and Bangladesh would head towards a civil war within a year or two. Have you seen videos of army officers and soldiers cheering the downfall of Hasina? Have you seen the joy when her picture was taken down? What does that tell you?

It clearly indicates to me a deeper problem that had been brewing over decade than just covid and Russia war related economic downturn. Too bad if you still can't or don't want to see it.

And no, Indian influence is not being over hyped at all. It was a massive Intel failure on their part, that is why you can see them barking everywhere non-stop.

Please don't try to oversimplify things down to economics. That's a narrative Indian media like to use to hide their failure for backing a brutal dictator all these years and now wondering why there was a mass uprising.
Economic situation was definitely a catalyst, but is not the only factor. You are saying Hasina's repression didn't touch everyone - that is completely incorrect and completely disconnected from ground reality. Major groups in the society were impacted by Hasina's repression. If anyone was a practicing Muslim (which is a huge group in Bangladeshi society), they were treated as a second class citizen and worse yet harassed with false terrorism charges. Girls were being harassed for wearing hijab even in educational institutions.

Businessmen got extorted to the point many had to sale off everything and move out of the country. Coveted public sector jobs were all being taken away and given to party loyalists. Army was forced to watch as their brightest officers were killed in Peelkhana and they were able to do nothing because of Hasina. How many officers lost their jobs just for questioning Hasina's role in BDR mutiny?

Only opportunists and BAL supporters had it good in the last 15 years.

This was no longer a student protest after July 16, after the first student died. Just look at the casualty list and see how many average civilians without political affiliation including working professionals, BNP, Jamaat, Hefajot, Islami Andolon activists died. It was a mass uprising, not a mere student protest as you have put it. I had friends who are well settled in their career joining in with the students. They had nothing to gain but to see downfall of a dictator. Mir Mugdhdho - one of the well known Martyrs of this revolution already had a well set career as a freelancer. One of the highest rated in Fiverr from Bangladesh. He needn't be in the protest for govt job quota.

And don't underestimate the role of army either, the junior officers forced the army chief and Hasina loyalist generals to not give orders to shoot at people. Had army not done that, she would still be in power and Bangladesh would head towards a civil war within a year or two. Have you seen videos of army officers and soldiers cheering the downfall of Hasina? Have you seen the joy when her picture was taken down? What does that tell you?

It clearly indicates to me a deeper problem that had been brewing over decade than just covid and Russia war related economic downturn. Too bad if you still can't or don't want to see it.

And no, Indian influence is not being over hyped at all. It was a massive Intel failure on their part, that is why you can see them barking everywhere non-stop.

Please don't try to oversimplify things down to economics. That's a narrative Indian media like to use to hide their failure for backing a brutal dictator all these years and now wondering why there was a mass uprising.

Lol, he is still trying to soften up Hassina and what she did.
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Human Rights Group Odhikar finally published a list of 61 confirmed dead Hefajot activists from 5th May 2013. The list is not complete since it does not include the list of disappered individuals.

This so called Human Rights group refused to publish the list of death back in 2013 but only releasing it now after being put in pressure. These so called human rights groups are part of the problem and must be held accountable for their silence.


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