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China Can Beat the U.S. Air Force in a War


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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There is no communist block as you brainwashed to believe, China and Soviet Union were sworn emenies for the most part of the history. we Chinese know what we want, we dont' need you to tell us what we want.
In 1950-1953 you were still friends and allies. Both the USSR and the PRC were allies of North Korea in the war.

National interest always comes first before ideology, that is why China fell out with Soviet Union and Vietnam, even north Korea sometimes.
And we're still talking about the Korean War,not the post-60s era.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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In 1950-1953 you were still friends and allies. Both the USSR and the PRC were allies of North Korea in the war.

And we're still talking about the Korean War,not the post-60s era.
The same thing, national interest always comes first, an unified Korea is not in China's interest, and China never has long term plan to stay in Korea, right after Korean war armistice, China quickly pullled all its troop back to China, not a single soldier left, unless US troops, still occupy south Korea today over 70 years after the war.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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The same thing, national interest always comes first, an unified Korea is not in China's interest, and China never has long term plan to stay in Korea, right after Korean war armistice, China quickly pullled all its troop back to China, not a single soldier left, unless US troops, still occupy south Korea today over 70 years after the war.
US troops don't "occupy" Korea,they are there to help protect the Republic of SK from the NK and PRC. Unfortunately,the world is not like your propaganda says. Take for example this thread. How exactly can China beat the U.S. Air Force? The quality of your fighter jets and bombers is generally inferior to what the USAF and USN can field. The USAF has a very strong AWACS,EW and support fleet of aircraft as well.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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US troops don't "occupy" Korea,they are there to help protect the Republic of SK from the NK and PRC.
China had pulled all its troops back to China over 70 year ago, stop spinning lies and trying to get China involved in it again. You mean South Korea can not protect itself from North Korea?


Aug 28, 2006
US troops don't "occupy" Korea,they are there to help protect the Republic of SK from the NK and PRC. Unfortunately,the world is not like your propaganda says. Take for example this thread. How exactly can China beat the U.S. Air Force? The quality of your fighter jets and bombers is generally inferior to what the USAF and USN can field. The USAF has a very strong AWACS,EW and support fleet of aircraft as well.
There is always "somebody" who will write a bad article to spark debates.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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China had pulled all its troops back to China over 70 year ago, stop spinning lies and trying to get China involved in it again. You mean South Korea can not protect itself from North Korea?
Why am I spinning lies? South Korea needs the help of the US not only for NK,but also to protect them against any potential PRC or Russian involvement in a possible war with the North. Although,mostly against the PRC,since I doubt the Russians have any interest to get in a conflict in that area.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Why am I spinning lies? South Korea needs the help of the US not only for NK,but also to protect them against any potential PRC or Russian involvement in a possible war with the North. Although,mostly against the PRC,since I doubt the Russians have any interest to get in a conflict in that area.
China is South Korea's biggest trading partner and two countries enjoy good relations for decades already, go to South Korea and ask the people on the street how many of them think China will invade North Korea, you just live in your fantasy world. Millions of South Koreans used to live in China.
Don't try so hard to spin China threat lies just to defend your daddy US.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I think right now it is 50-50 as to who would win if the US-Taiwan-Japan all fought against China in any Chinese invasion(technically forced reunification) of Taiwan.

China still needs to upgrade all its J-20s to carry the WS-15 powerplant, and they need to get the Fujian carrier into service with 4-5(48-60 planes) squadrons of J-31s.

Once this is done then it is game over and China will be the true absolute hegemon in the region.

PS - If the war lasted a long time like years then China will still win now by its sheer industrial might.
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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PS - If the war lasted a long time like years then China will still win now by its sheer industrial might.
Sure indeed, China has the world biggest rocket and missile network. Taiwan is so close to the mainland, navy is not even needed, fishboats and speedboats are enough.



Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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China is South Korea's biggest trading partner and two countries enjoy good relations for decades already, go to South Korea and ask the people on the street how many of them think China will invade North Korea, you just live in your fantasy world. Millions of South Koreans used to live in China.
Don't try so hard to spin China threat lies just to defend your daddy US.
And Greece has good trade relations with Turkey. And USA had with Russia before the war in Ukraine.

Your point is invalid. Thank you for your call.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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I think right now it is 50-50 as to who would win if the US-Taiwan-Japan all fought against China in any Chinese invasion(technically forced reunification) of Taiwan.
It doesn't have to be an invasion of Taiwan. It could be a skirmish between the PRC and USA. Or it could be North Korea supported by the PRC,invading the South. Just saying.

PS - If the war lasted a long time like years then China will still win now by its sheer industrial might.
They could have a crazy wartime production,unless the USAF takes out the majority of their industrial centers. Although,I'm sure they could have underground factories as well. If Iran does,then China definetely can.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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And Greece has good trade relations with Turkey. And USA had with Russia before the war in Ukraine.

Your point is invalid. Thank you for your call.
Go and ask any South Korean you can find , see if any of them worry" China's invasion".


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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They could have a crazy wartime production,unless the USAF takes out the majority of their industrial centers. Although,I'm sure they could have underground factories as well. If Iran does,then China definetely can.
Only if they had the world leading industrial base like the one they did during WW2, Now they don't.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2023
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I think right now it is 50-50 as to who would win if the US-Taiwan-Japan all fought against China in any Chinese invasion(technically forced reunification) of Taiwan.
China would certainly be at a disadvantage if there was a war against USA-Taiwan-Japan.

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