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China Can Beat the U.S. Air Force in a War


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Admins,what is this chatbot doing in the forum anyway? @Mr X what's going on? The guy is spamming and trolling non-stop.
Can you read? are they the same sentences?

We started from the very border and ended half way through Korea, let sane people decide it's a win or lose.

When Chinese army and US army first engaged, the battle line was at the Chinese border, when the war finished, US army was half way back in South Korea. let sane people decide it's a win or lose for US.


Aug 28, 2006
Neither has US
US-led coalition liberated Kuwait from Iraq in 1991.
US-led coalition defeated Yugoslavia in 1991.
US-led coalition eliminated Saddam regime in 2003.
US-led coalition eliminated Qaddafi regime in 2011.

Iraq has lost its power.
Yugoslavia is history.
Libya has lost its stability.

China has not fought a war after Sino-Vietnamese War in 1978 that was largely fought for control of Cambodia. Guess which side won.

Let's be honest. The US has far better military accomplishments than most countries since its independence.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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US-led coalition liberated Kuwait from Iraq in 1991.
US-led coalition defeated Yugoslavia in 1991.
US-led coalition eliminated Saddam regime in 2003.
US-led coalition eliminated Qaddafi regime in 2011.

Iraq has lost its power.
Yugoslavia is history.
Libya has lost its stability.

China has not fought a war after Sino-Vietnamese War in 1978 that was largely fought for control of Cambodia. Guess which side won.

Let's be honest. The US has far better military accomplishments than most countries since its independence.

China was a poor 3rd world country with rudimentary technological base in 1978.

Yes it is very impressive(bucket loads of sarcasm) that US managed to beat a bunch of small and mainly 3rd world countries and with a "coalition" of up to 30 or so other countries as well.

China in 2024 is a near developed country and it is rapidly catching up to US and is on target to equal US in aerospace technology by 2035, when they both are expected to have their next-generation fighters in service.


Aug 28, 2006
Iraq...lo,l, are you kidding yourself.
It is not a laughing matter. If you want to occupy a country in modern times, your military should be able to overcome its cities. Your military vehicles should survive in urban clashes. American and British tanks could survive in Iraqi cities. The US-led coalition reached Baghdad in 21 days, this is a world record in terms of blitzkrieg.


Aug 28, 2006
China was a poor 3rd world country with rudimentary technological base in 1978.

Yes it is very impressive(bucket loads of sarcasm) that US managed to beat a bunch of small and mainly 3rd world countries and with a "coalition" of up to 30 or so other countries as well.

China in 2024 is a near developed country and it is rapidly catching up to US and is on target to equal US in aerospace technology by 2035, when they both are expected to have their next-generation fighters in service.
China was able to save North Korea in the Korean War and defeat India in 1962. However, Vietnam also had battle-hardened forces in 1978 and defeated China in war. Your argument is not sound, therefore.

Do you realize how strong Iraq was 1991? And the logistics requirements of shifting a million troops to the Middle East to fight a war across Iraqi and Kuwait? Maybe ask a military planner.

Yugoslavia wasn't a walkover state in 1999 either.

War is not easy to fight in modern times. Too many weapons in hands of people.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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China was able to save North Korea in the Korean War and defeat India in 1962. However, Vietnam also had battle-hardened forces in 1978 and defeated China in war. Your argument is not sound, therefore.

Do you realize how strong Iraq was 1991? And the logistics requirements for shifting a million troops to the Middle East to fight a war across Iraqi and Kuwait?

Yugoslavia wasn't a walkover state in 1999 either.

War is never easy to fight in modern times. Too many weapons in hands of people.

Yes they had 30 downgraded(worse radar and missiles than Soviet model) Mig-29s and no modern SAM system(early 1970s vintage SA-8 was best) against 2000 4th generation western fighters like F-15s, F-16s and Mirage-2000s.

US has not proven anything and its wars have been against non-peer adversaries, and so largely irrelevant in terms of combat experience and not much better than large scale training exercises.


Aug 28, 2006
Yes they had 30 downgraded(worse radar and missiles than Soviet model) Mig-29s and no modern SAM system(early 1970s vintage SA-8 was best) against 2000 4th generation western fighters like F-15s, F-16s and Mirage-2000s.

US has not proven anything and its wars have been against non-peer adversaries, and so largely irrelevant in terms of combat experience and not much better than large scale training exercises.
And Vietnam had state-of-the-art Air Force in 1978? Which side was stronger in 1978? China or Vietnam?

Absolutely, bro. The US has not proven anything in war. Aliens from Mars have proven a lot though. Define "peer" adversaries.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
US-led coalition liberated Kuwait from Iraq in 1991.
US-led coalition defeated Yugoslavia in 1991.
US-led coalition eliminated Saddam regime in 2003.
US-led coalition eliminated Qaddafi regime in 2011.

Iraq has lost its power.
Yugoslavia is history.
Libya has lost its stability.

China has not fought a war after Sino-Vietnamese War in 1978 that was largely fought for control of Cambodia. Guess which side won.

Let's be honest. The US has far better military accomplishments than most countries since its independence.
None of the adversaries listed were capable of executing modern warfare, leave alone be near peer....


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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None of the adversaries listed were capable of executing modern warfare, leave alone be near peer....
What you guys forget is that the US didn't underestimate the Iraqi army. They went in carefully and fought the Iraqis with caution.

And again,at least the Americans fought in wars the last 40 years. The PRC hasn't even fought an insurgency.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
What you guys forget is that the US didn't underestimate the Iraqi army. They went in carefully and fought the Iraqis with caution.

And again,at least the Americans fought in wars the last 40 years. The PRC hasn't even fought an insurgency.
China is in same position as US was at the start of WWII, hadn't fought any wars in a generation and that too as a junior partner and when the war was practically over. But it was on the cusp of industrial and military expansion and greatness. It was behind both the Germans in terms of technology and Soviets in terms of sheer numbers.

China is already has the biggest industrial output and it's military is on a similar trajectory as was US 80 odd years ago.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2023
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US has not proven anything and its wars have been against non-peer adversaries, and so largely irrelevant in terms of combat experience and not much better than large scale training exercises.
Experience in war even against weak opponents as was the case with the USA and its wars since the 1980s is still valid, because it is an easier way to test and validate TTPs, doctrines and strategies. The PLA has none of this, I am really impressed how the PLA does nothing to remain modern and acquire experience in conflicts using its military power even against weak opponents, there are several countries in Africa fighting against guerrillas being a cause of discord, A good way for the PLA to validate its concepts is to start projecting itself more abroad, even if it is creating a PMC.

There are several countries in Africa fighting against terrorism. I could name more than 10 countries. There is still Syria and Iraq. Anyway...

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