China could match US in military conflict thanks to shipbuilding strength, analysts say


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Jan 6, 2024
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Food is so expensive in a huge agricultural country like the US.

The country is odd with no universal healthcare.

Yes and the idea that by 2030 US will be in any position to stop China walking into Taiwan will be ridiculous.

They will in position to defend Taiwan.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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US will have absolutely nothing that can go up against a Type-003 carrier with J-31s on board.

You really are delusional aren’t you? 🀣
The US has the most advanced military in human history and the capability to project power anywhere on the planet.


CSIS has the US sinking most every PLAN ship that matters and over 90% of its amphib force.


Within a decade US GDP will reach $40T, and will have all the resources it needs to maintain its dominance.


Full Member
Apr 16, 2024
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You really are delusional aren’t you? 🀣
The US has the most advanced military in human history and the capability to project power anywhere on the planet.

View attachment 50053

CSIS has the US sinking most every PLAN ship that matters and over 90% of its amphib force.

View attachment 50057

Within a decade US GDP will reach $40T, and will have all the resources it needs to maintain its dominance.
Well come on dude look at who these people are and where they come from... delusion of grandeur is all they got and if we came from these forsaken places we'd likely be high on delusion too.

They also suffer from severe inferiority complex. I mean how dare yankee whitedevils continue to be supapawa while wi celestials squat and wait our turn. But it's funny how they completely ignore that china is an unstoppable demographic/population time bomb.

Pollution of all kinds kills millions of celestials each year which tells how many millions that don't die are sickly and unhealthy. China is also running out of water due to overuse and just polluted but hey Wi Chirese built tons of naval ships Wi supapawa. :rolleyes:


Full Member
Mar 12, 2024
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Well come on dude look at who these people are and where they come from... delusion of grandeur is all they got and if we came from these forsaken places we'd likely be high on delusion too.

They also suffer from severe inferiority complex. I mean how dare yankee whitedevils continue to be supapawa while wi celestials squat and wait our turn. But it's funny how they completely ignore that china is an unstoppable demographic/population time bomb.

Pollution of all kinds kills millions of celestials each year which tells how many millions that don't die are sickly and unhealthy. China is also running out of water due to overuse and just polluted but hey Wi Chirese built tons of naval ships Wi supapawa. :rolleyes:
Lol you really believe in your bullshit huh?


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Usa is definitely the super power of the world, their navy is highly professional with a lethal force but we cannot deny that Chinese navy is a huge power itself, it doesn't need to match ship by ship but as long as it can cause a devastating damage to the Usa, it has already done its work. China is lacking in nuclear submarines, ballistic missile subs, aircraft carriers and navy aviation but in a decade they will build this weakness up aswell, they will definitely catch up the Usa. At the moment they are introducing new technologies in to their weak areas and once the technology is mature they will mass produce.


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Jan 11, 2024
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That is long time ago say pre-modern in tech eh, and IN was against a much smaller and weaker navy.

Fought against Pakistan navy in the 60's and you here brag about it right now?

"what battles have you one"

"n-no not that one it doesnt count"

lol PLAN has never and will never leave the first island chain. not 2030 not ever.


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Dec 11, 2023
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"what battles have you one"

"n-no not that one it doesnt count"

lol PLAN has never and will never leave the first island chain. not 2030 not ever.
In your dream, ignorant of PLAN history, present and future. No surprise of Indians.


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Jan 11, 2024
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What are they delusion in? Population declined in East Asia all because of economy progress that many Chinese don't want to be burden with 2 or 3 kids. The poor Indian breed like rats because majority of their lives already in the hellhole condition, many of their kids suffered the same fate won't matter to them.
Population decline in east Asia because you sacrificed everything to build Americans shoes in a sweat shop for a few decades.

Populatiin collapse isn't economic progress, it's failure. europe started and you copied. Like you do for everything. Pumping out products simply don't matter if you don't produce people to consume them. Common for allies victims of the American empire.

HeLLholE. OK jingling, did you look at some Google pics lol.
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Full Member
Mar 12, 2024
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Population decline in east Asia because you sacrificed everything to build Americans shoes in a sweat shop for a few decades.

Populatiin collapse isn't economic progress, it's failure. europe started and you copied. Like you do for everything. Pumping out products simply don't matter if you don't produce people to consume them. Common for allies victims of the American empire.

HeLLholE. OK jingling, did you look at some Google pics lol.
India still a hellhole on earth. Nothing you said can change that.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Population decline in east Asia because you sacrificed everything to build Americans shoes in a sweat shop for a few decades.
Huwei, BYD, DJI, lenovo... are not shoe factories, China now is the world biggest high tech exporter. India is trying hard to build Americans shoes in sweat shops but without much success, why?




Mar 20, 2022
You really are delusional aren’t you? 🀣
The US has the most advanced military in human history and the capability to project power anywhere on the planet.

US has the most advanced military in human history and the capability to project power anywhere on the planet.


The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

The way America kept touting and touting their experience at war.

Not mentioning those war against sheep herders and goat herders with DIY missiles and AKs

America hoping those experience will be of use to them when they fight Russia or China for real

America forgetting.

Just to refresh America memories of the times they thought they can go in and clobber goat herders and sheep herders

And America came out then with turds running out from the legs of their pants

And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.

America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia either :enjoy:


Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🀣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq


The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading β€œthe Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:


USA got fucked when USA tried that in Afghan . Against a bunch of tribesmen when USA had 1000 the firepower over them. And after a trillion of dollars what have USA got to show in Afghan? :yay:

Why did the United States of America fail to win the war in Afghanistan even after 17 years? Why does the lone superpower fail to defeat a group of goat herders?:eek:mghaha:

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Well come on dude look at who these people are and where they come from... delusion of grandeur is all they got and if we came from these forsaken places we'd likely be high on delusion too.

They also suffer from severe inferiority complex. I mean how dare yankee whitedevils continue to be supapawa while wi celestials squat and wait our turn. But it's funny how they completely ignore that china is an unstoppable demographic/population time bomb.

Pollution of all kinds kills millions of celestials each year which tells how many millions that don't die are sickly and unhealthy. China is also running out of water due to overuse and just polluted but hey Wi Chirese built tons of naval ships Wi supapawa. :rolleyes:

So projecting your issues onto others.


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