China says test launched ICBM into Pacific Ocean

It's unlikely that a nuclear bomb would alter the Earth's rotation. The rotational energy of the Earth is much greater than the explosive energy of even the largest nuclear bombs
for those who don't know.

Starfield is a space travel/adventure game that build on the science that human can travel interspace by performing a "Grav Jump" and that would pull the system toward you instead of you travelling to the system, and that in turn was build based on a "starborn" technology called "Artifacts" that have their own gravitational structure. In which the side effect is each grav jump will pull earth's atmosphere off its orbit, and thus destroying earth

In reality, "Artifact" does not really exist and the rotation and orbit earth travelling on is based on a physics of "nth body problem" which each planet and the sun have its own mass and object gravitate between the planet by the gravitational pull of each planet in the system.

To alter Earth's orbit, you need to apply a force big enough to alter the planet weight
5.972168×1024 kg)
and that in turn will affect the gravitational pull for each planet on this solar system, which if you did, you can probably solved the famously unsolvable 3-body problem

Do you know how much it costs to do a full ICBM flight test?

One ICBM (without a nuclear warhead), telemetry systems that need to be called up for the full ICBM flight, the deployment of the survey ship ‘Yuanwang’, and naval fleet and submarine escorts for the full flight. ...........

This is a very, very expensive test mission.

The maximum power of an ICBM is to have it on standby on a launcher, not to launch it.
Should test comparable to as often as the US to maintain credibility of deterrence to US.

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