China's $120 Million Stealth Fighters To Rival The US Air Force's Fifth-Ge


Mar 20, 2022
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China's $120 Million Stealth Fighters To Rival The US Air Force's Fifth-Gen Jets​

Premiered 3 hours ago #chinesemilitary #china #chinanews
A strong air force is a backbone of a military, perhaps that is how the US enjoyed a long era of dominance in the aviation sector. Slowly, but gradually, the scales now tip towards the emergence of a new contender. China entered the field late, but took the world by storm and now, the opposition fears its capabilities, exemplified by the mighty dragon aircraft – now recognized among the worlds finest. Today’s episode will uncover China’s formidable stealth fighter the Mighty Dragon J-20, and how it’s feared by the US.#china #chinadefense #chinesemilitary #chinanews Chapters00:00 – Intro01:05 - China’s Very Own Fifth-Gen Stealth Fighter03:20 - Comparison In Air & Production05:41 - The US Fears This Aircraft
129 million each that's a lot assuming that's base price
Add the weapons package and training and maintenance your talking 160 million each
Euro canard Territory
Very very expensive

Cannot see many buyers of these

China's $120 Million Stealth Fighters To Rival The US Air Force's Fifth-Gen Jets​

Premiered 3 hours ago #chinesemilitary #china #chinanews
A strong air force is a backbone of a military, perhaps that is how the US enjoyed a long era of dominance in the aviation sector. Slowly, but gradually, the scales now tip towards the emergence of a new contender. China entered the field late, but took the world by storm and now, the opposition fears its capabilities, exemplified by the mighty dragon aircraft – now recognized among the worlds finest. Today’s episode will uncover China’s formidable stealth fighter the Mighty Dragon J-20, and how it’s feared by the US.#china #chinadefense #chinesemilitary #chinanews Chapters00:00 – Intro01:05 - China’s Very Own Fifth-Gen Stealth Fighter03:20 - Comparison In Air & Production05:41 - The US Fears This Aircraft
Don't crap out with youtube source always junk and bogus, J-20 is not stealthy as F-22 and F-35, especially from rear and from below
Somehow I do not think China plan to sell that to other countries.
Especially to NATO known to be brown nosers of USA

So you need not have to worry
Don't crap out with youtube source always junk and bogus, J-20 is not stealthy as F-22 and F-35, especially from rear and from below
You should remain happy that USA got lots lots combat experience in fighting with goat herders and sheep herders.

Not too successful at that.

The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

The way America kept touting and touting their experience at war.

Not mentioning those war against sheep herders and goat herders with DIY missiles and AKs

America hoping those experience will be of use to them when they fight Russia or China for real

America forgetting.

Just to refresh America memories of the times they thought they can go in and clobber goat herders and sheep herders

And America came out then with turds running out from the legs of their pants

And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.

America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia either :enjoy:


Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🤣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq


The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading “the Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:




USA got fucked when USA tried that in Afghan . Against a bunch of tribesmen when USA had 1000 the firepower over them. And after a trillion of dollars what have USA got to show in Afghan? :yay:

Why did the United States of America fail to win the war in Afghanistan even after 17 years? Why does the lone superpower fail to defeat a group of goat herders?:eek:mghaha:

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.
Both Chinese fighters will be slaughtered by USA raptors and lightening fighters the sensor fusion networking of western countries is unmatched yet
Maybe F-22 but I would give it to J-20 in stealth against F-35.
Both Chinese fighters will be slaughtered by USA raptors and lightening fighters the sensor fusion networking of western countries is unmatched yet
Don't crap out with youtube source always junk and bogus, J-20 is not stealthy as F-22 and F-35, especially from rear and from below
Are you Chinese bot?

F-35 is not being contented against

F-35 is a lemon

Node of Time EN:

The most expensive and useless military procurement of Switzerland - American F-35 fighters...

...which will have to be repaired at the expense of the budget as soon as they arrive.

The essence of the matter is this: starting from 2027, the USA undertakes to supply Switzerland with 36 F-35 fighters. The whole thing costs ₣6 billion - the most expensive procurement in the history of the Swiss army.

But here's the problem: the engine and turbines of this aircraft often break down, which is why the US Department of Defense plans to upgrade them. And the fighters will arrive in Switzerland in an outdated assembly version. And what about all the modernisation?

That's right, at the expense of Switzerland.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

35000 dollars per day just to keep this piece of shit flying , even without a war , bunch of these can screw you over time ...

Could be worse you might have been lumbered with the F35-B which is even worse. The F104G scandel history repeats.

The independence came at a price!

D W:
The empire requires that tribute be paid. 🦘
Maybe F-22 but I would give it to J-20 in stealth against F-35.
F-35 is stealthier than F-22 and F-35 has superior EW capability than any other fighter right now with exception of F-18G and it is not that far behind the F-18G in EW capability... not to mention ISR, ELINT and SIGINT capability.
Do these guys seriously believe a Chinese fighter is better than the best stealth fighters in the USA

Heck the USA are decades ahead
China has made strides but don't underestimate the pioneers of stealth air power the good old USA
You should remain happy that USA got lots lots combat experience in fighting with goat herders and sheep herders.

Not too successful at that.

The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

The way America kept touting and touting their experience at war.

Not mentioning those war against sheep herders and goat herders with DIY missiles and AKs

America hoping those experience will be of use to them when they fight Russia or China for real

America forgetting.

Just to refresh America memories of the times they thought they can go in and clobber goat herders and sheep herders

And America came out then with turds running out from the legs of their pants

And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.

America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia either :enjoy:


Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🤣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq


The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading “the Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:




USA got fucked when USA tried that in Afghan . Against a bunch of tribesmen when USA had 1000 the firepower over them. And after a trillion of dollars what have USA got to show in Afghan? :yay:

Why did the United States of America fail to win the war in Afghanistan even after 17 years? Why does the lone superpower fail to defeat a group of goat herders?:eek:mghaha:

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

The USA doesn't try to win military war's decisively, it's the opposite

I thought you would understand this

They have this military so they can maintain the ideological and dollar financial system

Enemies are useful and needed for this, the win is keeping the paradigm going, not the war outcomes progoganda

Btw, you shouldn't forget, the USA is far more battle ready than China, just in terms of the hardware actually being tested
The USA doesn't try to win military war's decisively, it's the opposite

I thought you would understand this

USA fight wars to lose wars?

USA definately succeeded in that

The way America kept touting and touting their experience at war.

Not mentioning those war against sheep herders and goat herders with DIY missiles and AKs

America hoping those experience will be of use to them when they fight Russia or China for real

America forgetting.

Just to refresh America memories of the times they thought they can go in and clobber goat herders and sheep herders

And America came out then with turds running out from the legs of their pants

And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.

America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia either :enjoy:


Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🤣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq

The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading “the Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:



USA got fucked when USA tried that in Afghan . Against a bunch of tribesmen when USA had 1000 the firepower over them. And after a trillion of dollars what have USA got to show in Afghan? :yay:

Why did the United States of America fail to win the war in Afghanistan even after 17 years? Why does the lone superpower fail to defeat a group of goat herders?:eek:mghaha:

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

Even when China had less than 1% of the firepower of USA, and fighting with bolt action single shot rifles, just a noch above black powder muzzle loader.


Folks forgotten how China can fight and did fight.


USA had military advantage and fire power at least 100 times that of China in 1950

In 1950, the weakness of China very very real and not imaginary at all. Armed largely with single shot bolt action rifle a noch above black powder muzzle loader.

How can China ever hoped to prevail against battleships with 16 inch guns and planes and artillery and Ma Deuces with unlimited ammo supply and the claimed battle savy of USA army and Marines?

Dugout Doug and his generals laughed at those chink laundrymen and promised that they be crushed to red paste with firepower and laughed at the China warning not to approach Yalu river.

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter

Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.

That lie of Chinese using human waves in Korean war and dying like flies in face of ‘American firepower and shells and bullets can be examined in the casualty statisics.


Korean War Casualty Stats

Bullshit to all those crap talk of Chinese human waves and sending of Chinese into the meat grinder.

Feeble excuses as to how ‘American and their gang forces got fxcked and kicked back south of parallel by single bolt action rifles.

China told you all to get south of parallel and China stopped there.

Or they drive all of you down South of Pusan.

See the table of casualties.

That war became largely a war between Chinese and the rest.

Chinese suffered less dead and wounded than the rest of the ‘Muricans and UN doggies not withstanding single bolt action rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and kitchen sinks and battleships with 16″ guns.

If Chinese used human waves as so often lied about, China would have casualties 10 times worse than the rest combined.

Go read Coldest Winter
The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War: David Halberstam: 9780786888627: Books

Or you telling me David Halberstam is a liar and fiction writer!




USA dared not cross the parallel.

China told them if USA cross the parallel, China will put Chinese boots on the ground below the parallel in numbers that pale what China did when Dugout Doug approached the Yalu River.

USA remembered what happened when they encountered Chinese even though most of the Chinese had only single shot bolt action rifle against USA battleships and artillery and Ma Deuces and unlimited ammo.

USA blinked and blinked and tail between legs and did not have the cojones to cross.


Chinese have about 3,000 of these kind of AShCMs.

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500 semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.

Chinese have about 3,000 of these kind of AShCMs.

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500 semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.
Do these guys seriously believe a Chinese fighter is better than the best stealth fighters in the USA

Heck the USA are decades ahead
China has made strides but don't underestimate the pioneers of stealth air power the good old USA

Compare planes made by china in 2000 with USA's best fighters of that era.nand then compare Chinese best fighter with USA's best fighter of 2024. You will see who experienced the highest increase in capabilities and strength.
Compare planes made by china in 2000 with USA's best fighters of that era.nand then compare Chinese best fighter with USA's best fighter of 2024. You will see who experienced the highest increase in capabilities and strength.

Indians always big up USA and downplay China.

It is a form of “cope” for them.

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