China's $120 Million Stealth Fighters To Rival The US Air Force's Fifth-Ge

Engine of J-20 is not stealthy as F35 and also J-20 has ventral fins and canards which gives extra surface area to radars
Indeed, a lot will come down to the WS-15 engines, and potential application of 2D TVC, which could allow China to remove the canards and go for a “Pelikan Tail”, similar to the layout of the French FCAS, 5th Gen fighter.

Another move is to do the Pelikan tail and have the “long exhausts” like the YF-23, a design choice said to contribute to the YF23 said to being stealthier than the YF-22. No need for heavy TVC nozzles with this option. This second option will also make it easier for China to transition to a tailless 6th gen design with its follow on aircraft.

IMHO, the current J-20 is not the final design form we should expect to see.
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Only the brown nosers in this forum going RAH RAH RAH and waving palm leaves and bleating hosannas over this LEMON

The F-35 is an overpriced lemon that doesn’t work​

It is clear that defense industry is totally incompetent or deliberately slow rolling fixes to gouge taxpayers. Perhaps it's both.
UPDATED ON JUN 14, 2021 12:46 PM EDT

Your friend and humble narrator is getting pretty sick and tired of continuing problems with the F-35, the super-expensive wonder jet that might be ready for a war against China or Russia by the turn of the millennium.

Bloomberg’s Tony Capaccio recently reported that the 25mm gun on the Air Force’s F-35 variant STILL doesn’t f**king work. This is not a new problem. It’s one of the many issues that has plagued the F-35 program for years – and the defense industry seems in no rush to get things fixed.
In fact, both reports from 2018 and 2019 by Defense Department research, development, test, and evaluation describe the accuracy of the F-35A’s gun as “unacceptable.”
Both reports use the exact same words to describe the problem: “Investigations into the gun mounts of the F-35A revealed misalignments that result in muzzle alignment errors. As a result, the true alignment of each F-35A gun is not known, so the program is considering options to re-boresight and correct gun alignments.”

The shitcan of F35s , written by non brown nosers and beholdened to USA, got to be read to believe in.
Far too many for me to try to CTRL_C_V into here

Brown nosers should not read as they get heart attacks or they become suicidal

You chose a source having a single job of bad mouthing F35!
Each country will be based on its own situation (scientific and technological strength, economic capacity, strategic and tactical objectives...... ) to determine the performance tendency and development direction of their own weapons and equipment. There is not much point in comparing individual weapons and equipment between different countries.

J20: This is a heavy air supremacy fighter from PLAAF.
F35: This is a multi-role medium fighter led by the U.S. military and developed with the participation of many countries.

There is no comparison between the two.
At this moment, China's aero-engine technology is significantly lagging behind United States. While China has been trying to catch up in the aero-engine space, it is currently lagging behind United States, which is a fact.

Therefore, due to engine factors, the flight control performance of Chinese fighters is greatly restricted. However, the gap is narrowing rapidly.

In terms of radar detection technology, China is on the same level as United States, and even surpasses United States in some areas, especially in stealth detection. Therefore, this has given the designers of Chinese fighters different opinions on whether the stealth performance of the fighter is a priority.

There is a saying in China: "天下武功,唯快不破!The world's martial arts, only fast is not broken".

Chinese fighter designers pay more attention to the air performance of fighters. Therefore, when the J20 was designed, it was an air-to-air missile with longer maneuverability, speed, and range. Stealth performance was put on the back burner.
cimpex of inferiority
Yup, a lot of small nations from Eastern Europe had a deep inferior complex that anything the Uncle say and do are holy and always humanly best.

arguing with me that USA helped Japan in ww2 ???
Indeed that was part of the history. But people with inferior complex tends to love rewriting history to glorify the Uncle.

Didn't the Uncle try to steal weapons made by the Soviet Union while it boast its aircrafts were the most advanced, etc.? Didn't the US just steal from the South-West Polytech Univ 200 GB that possible contains designs of J20 and hypersonic missiles? In preparation for a potential war, isn't it necessary to know what your opponent thinks and acts? Your logic is stupid and naive.

Oh, I mustn't forget to mention to you people with inferior complex also hates ppl who they thought they were superior to but exceling by leaps and bounds over them.
Yup, a lot of small nations from Eastern Europe had a deep inferior complex that anything the Uncle say and do are holy and always humanly best.

Indeed that was part of the history. But people with inferior complex tends to love rewriting history to glorify the Uncle.

Didn't the Uncle try to steal weapons made by the Soviet Union while it boast its aircrafts were the most advanced, etc.? Didn't the US just steal from the South-West Polytech Univ 200 GB that possible contains designs of J20 and hypersonic missiles? In preparation for a potential war, isn't it necessary to know what your opponent thinks and acts? Your logic is stupid and naive.

Oh, I mustn't forget to mention to you people with inferior complex also hates ppl who they thought they were superior to but exceling by leaps and bounds over them.
You were liberated by USA, let's make it that FACT clear to you.
Let's make THE FACT clear to you that The Jews gave an idea about everything
Let's make clear to you, no matter how small my nation is we kinda fought it out with them.
A few battalions of foreign army had a good shit and beat crap out of youbin your capital. 40 years later those nations, gave you freedom.
With that freedom, you starved and killed 100 millions of your own.
Don't talk about USA, all children of your party officials live there.
Keep trolling and they keep enjoying.
You were liberated by USA, let's make it that FACT clear to you.
Let's make THE FACT clear to you that The Jews gave an idea about everything
Let's make clear to you, no matter how small my nation is we kinda fought it out with them.
A few battalions of foreign army had a good shit and beat crap out of youbin your capital. 40 years later those nations, gave you freedom.
With that freedom, you starved and killed 100 millions of your own.
Don't talk about USA, all children of your party officials live there.
Keep trolling and they keep enjoying.
Mad you receive pittance welfare from your
anglos masters???????????
Mouth farting is bad for mentally retarted individual born with negligible IQ
Mad you receive pittance welfare from your
anglos masters???????????
Mouth farting is bad for mentally retarted individual born with negligible IQ
Mad you receive pittance welfare from your
anglos masters???????????
Mouth farting is bad for mentally retarted individual born with negligible IQ
Eating dogs make your gob diry.
All of you look the same, talk the same, dumb the same, hungry the same.
I don't know, why the people with such traits get offended by everything?
You need to have personality and character to get offended.
Your " achievement " that you have a bowl of nice today isn't much of the achievement
Eating dogs make your gob diry.
All of you look the same, talk the same, dumb the same, hungry the same.
I don't know, why the people with such traits get offended by everything?
You need to have personality and character to get offended.
Your " achievement " that you have a bowl of nice today isn't much of the achievement
You should remain happy that USA got lots lots combat experience in fighting with goat herders and sheep herders.

Not too successful at that.

The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.

The way America kept touting and touting their experience at war.

Not mentioning those war against sheep herders and goat herders with DIY missiles and AKs

America hoping those experience will be of use to them when they fight Russia or China for real

America forgetting.

Just to refresh America memories of the times they thought they can go in and clobber goat herders and sheep herders

And America came out then with turds running out from the legs of their pants

And even at that, America got a miserable record of victories over 3rd world helpless countries.

America record against 500,00 kids a lot better though


Neither did USA win in Somalia either :enjoy:


Did USA win in Iraq?

USA said they won 🤣

Like Tojo claiming win for Japan after TORA TORA TORA:eek:mghaha:

USA tried and tried to kill Sadr and his supporters.
And this the final result in Iraq


The only wars USA won since WW2 were wars USA fought against Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada.

What was the military edge USA have over a bunch of separate goat herders in Afghan? Do not even need the entire fucking country of Afghan.
10,000 to 1 ? :pleasantry:

Or is it the Afghan goat herders have military technology greater than USA??
I finished reading “the Outpost” by Jake Tapper. How a bunch of goat herders in Afghan with AKs and rpgs and IEDs (because they do not have billion dollar industry to make bombs like USA, can only make bombs in backyard on a DIY basis) taking out USA brave men despite they having 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships and billions of dollars backing them and not so good in protecting them.

If USA fought bravely with massive firepower behind them, then what about the goat herders with only AKs and RPGs fighting against USA knowing they fighting against 155 howizters , 120 mm mortars , Ma Deuces, A-10s, properly build bombs, B52s and helicopter gunships , AC-130 Spectre Gunships ?

Even more fucking brave is the least I can say of the Afghans goat herders. Who were untrained knowing only how to herd goats unlike the USA special forces who went through countless hours and weeks and months learning how to kill and kill.
Yet who won? And who left Afghan?:enjoy:

Maybe USA army should consider making their fighting folks do a course in goat herding . As who knows, maybe herding goats might be better to build up fighting skills. :pleasantry:




USA got fucked when USA tried that in Afghan . Against a bunch of tribesmen when USA had 1000 the firepower over them. And after a trillion of dollars what have USA got to show in Afghan? :yay:

Why did the United States of America fail to win the war in Afghanistan even after 17 years? Why does the lone superpower fail to defeat a group of goat herders?:eek:mghaha:

WW2 against Hitler was won largely by USSR who take down and took out 80% of the best and most powerful divisions and fighting force of Hitler and America and UK took on a bunch of invalids send for R&R in Normandy

Your formidable fighting force in Pacific with battleships and carriers and planes and submarines fought and killed 200,000 japs in Okinawa and Guam and other Pacific islands

China with barely any arms killed nearly 2,000,000 japs .

China had less arms given to them then the surrounded German Army under Marshall Paulus received at Stalingrad.
And who has Chyna fought and beaten in the last 100 years? They’re fighting the Indians with sticks 😂
Grow tf up and come back when you’re out of diapers
Indeed, a lot will come down to the WS-15 engines, and potential application of 2D TVC, which could allow China to remove the canards and go for a “Pelikan Tail”, similar to the layout of the French FCAS, 5th Gen fighter.

Another move is to do the Pelikan tail and have the “long exhausts” like the YF-23, a design choice said to contribute to the YF23 said to being stealthier than the YF-22. No need for heavy TVC nozzles with this option. This second option will also make it easier for China to transition to a tailless 6th gen design with its follow on aircraft.

IMHO, the current J-20 is not the final design form we should expect to see.
Remove the canards? lol they’re going to have to design a whole new plane. You’re obviously no engineer

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