Chinese LHD / LAH Carriers - Type 075 & 076 and the future

Well, that was the conclusion when the thread was started and not much was known about the Type 076 ... today, several months later we know surely more, but surely not enough to know what exactly it is; A full aircraft carrier it is not in the same way it is not really a "normal" LHD/LAH ... so maybe we should wait a bit more?

Or what is your conclusion and is your conclusion a commonly accepted one?
LHA/LHD, these are the US Army definitions. Due to the US military supremacy after WWII, many weapon systems are being defined by the US military.

We found that the PLA, in learning from the U.S. military, does not exactly replicate the U.S. military's definition of weapon systems. For the military technology of the U.S. military, the PLA is learning and copying almost all of it, but the PLA has its own ideas on how to use this military technology.

For example: the U.S. Army uses tri-hulled warships for Littoral Combat Ships, and the PLA uses tri-hulled warships for rescue ships. On the Army board. The U.S. Army likes the A-10/AC130, China could but doesn't make a similar weapon system, and the PLA has chosen to vigorously develop rocket artillery systems.

So it doesn't really matter what warship the 076 belongs to. We just need to know what it can do. For the same reason that China refers to the 055 as a destroyer and the US as a cruiser.

At the moment we don't have any data information or even any official news about the 076. The only information we have are exterior photos of the build in progress.
Will the Type 076’s primary propulsion be Gas turbines or Diesel engines? Can we tell now that the island is being installed.

Gas turbines are more compact and could offer fuel savings, both freeing up space on the ship.
According to the bidding contract of the XX6 project, it seems to be a 21MW gas turbine.
Considering that the bidding contract also includes the electromagnetic catapult system and hangar facilities, the only project that meets the contract conditions should be 076

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