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Chinese SAC - FC-31/J-35 5th Gen Stealth Aircraft


Jan 8, 2024
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rumor has it,

Navy version in small batch, not finalized;
Airforce version finalized, in production;
There are two production factories, not only Shenyang.


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
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I understand the need for a naval fighter, but J-31 for air force doesn't make sense. Strike and SEAD missions are better served by J-16/J-16D, while air superiority and interception could be satisfied by J-20 alone. The yearly production rate of J-20 has also increased to approximately 50 planes per year, so China is going to have at least 600+ by 2030.


Nov 9, 2014
rumor has it,

Navy version in small batch, not finalized;
Airforce version finalized, in production;
There are two production factories, not only Shenyang.

Sorry! But this is utter nonsense!

How could a PLAAF version have entered production and has been finalised, when not even a single prototype of this version has been flown?

So far there are three naval J-35 prototypes available and this type is built ONLY at SAC.

So please either post some prove or otherwise stop spreading false claims!


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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J-35 fighter new photos - China's stealth jet advances in test flights. Soon to be deployed.​



Full Member
Oct 24, 2023
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Well, “soon” is an extremely flexible term ... it surely will take some more years!
We can make educated guess based on prior experiences with Chinese demonstrators/prototypes.
The pitot tube have disappeared, and avionics suite can be assumed to have been integrated. The airframe received a few alterations, including a new clipped horizontal stab and retractable arrestor hook, and the "3505" number painted seems to suggest that the prototype have formally received the J-35 designation.

By past experiences with the J-20 we can reasonably assume the formal induction into PLAAF should take place somewhere mid 2025. Since it is designed with 003 in mind, we can reasonably assume that the timelines should coincide...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2011
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3rd Chinese J-35 Stealth Fighter Prototype Surfaces Online, Expert Calls It ‘Ideal For Low Observability’​

March 15, 2024

A set of fresh images of Chinese J-35 carrier-capable aircraft have surfaced on the internet, with military watchers and netizens speculating that it could be the aircraft’s third prototype.

The images that show the J-35 from below were first shared on a Chinese Weibo microblogging website earlier this month before being shared extensively across the internet. The J-35 is a naval variant of the land-based Shenyang FC-31 fifth-generation stealth aircraft.

It is unclear exactly when these photographs were taken. However, Hui Tong of the Chinese Military Aviation blog revealed that the images were taken as the aircraft neared the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation in Liaoning during a test flight. Military bloggers and netizens have been making claims that this may be the third J-35 prototype.

The first flying J-35 prototype allegedly took off in October 2021 with the serial number 350001 and a blue-green primer finish. Then, in July 2022, 350003, the second known flying J-35 prototype, was sighted sporting a low-visibility tactical gray paint job. The prototype number of the recently spotted J-35 is reported to be ’3505,’ giving the impression that it could be the third flying prototype of the aircraft.

The EurAsian Times, however, could not independently verify the claims.

Incidentally, the photo comes at a time when there are increasing signs that the J-35 may soon be flown out of China’s two operational carriers, Type 001 Liaoning and Type 002 Shandong, as well as future carriers equipped with arrestor gear and catapults, such as the upcoming Type 003 Fujian.

The photos provide a clear view of the aircraft’s underbelly. Explaining the aircraft’s appearance in graphic detail, The WarZone wrote that the J-35’s skin was fairly smooth for low-observability. The J-35 has serrated petals on its nozzles and seems to be equipped with a ventral bolt-on Luneburg lens, which is a radar reflector commonly used on stealth fighters when low observability is not required.

The photos come days after other images showing a dummy J-35 fifth-generation carrier-capable aircraft sitting on the deck of the Liaoning aircraft carrier were posted on social media in late February. The jet is still in the development and testing phase but has somehow been projected as the Chinese alternative to the US F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter jets.

At that time, military analysts said the photographs indicated that the deck handling trials would likely resume on the Liaoning since it had completed the refurbishment process. The presence of the J-35 and the new J-15 variants on the Liaoning also implies China’s intention to deploy these aircraft on its two operational carriers.

Images of China’s classified, sophisticated weapon systems are regularly shared on social media despite the country’s strict internet controls. In December 2023, the Ministry of State Security announced that individuals capturing images of sensitive military equipment could face imprisonment.

The ministry also added that photographing such equipment without permission posed a grave threat to national security. However, that has not deterred photographers from posting pictures online, like that of the J-35.

China’s J-35s To Fly From Liaoning & Shandong

The J-35, referred to by experts as the carrier-based variant of the FC-31 or J-31 Gyrfalcon, represents a fifth-generation aircraft developed by China’s state-owned Shenyang Aircraft Corporation for the People’s Liberation Army.

Specifically designed for use in naval operations, the base J-35 has been updated with characteristics including a cockpit layout and canopy modeled after the F-35B, which allows for less visibility behind it, stronger landing gear, and a catapult launch bar. It also has foldable outer-wing panels to reduce its footprint when parked or moving about on the carrier deck.

With its sophisticated, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, the aircraft is designed to make use of a range of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons manufactured in China.
J-35: Image for Representation

In December 2023, a suspected mockup of the J-35 appeared on the deck of the Chinese Navy’s latest aircraft carrier, the Fujian. Originally, expectations were that the J-35s would be designated for China’s next-generation carriers, which would utilize catapults instead of the ‘ski jump’ ramps for aircraft takeoffs.

The introduction of the J-35 was long thought to be intimately related to the development of the future catapult-assisted takeoff but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) carriers by the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

It was long believed that China would continue to use J-15 fighters from Shandong and Liaoning, both of which are capable of short takeoff but arrested recovery (STOBAR) missions. Future CATOBAR carriers with greater capability, like Fujian, will have air wings with J-35s and J-15 CATOBAR variants, among other planes and unmanned aerial vehicles.

However, the sighting of the J-35 mockup on the Liaoning has hinted at the possibility of the stealth fighter being deployed on China’s first two carriers, both lacking catapults.



Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
Also new imagery

The wing area is closer to f35c,It seems that the low-speed performance should be quite good,I personally estimate that the magazine of the J-35 may not be larger than that of the J-20, But it has the advantage of latecomers, and the technology will be more advanced
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Nov 9, 2014
As it seems, for the first time two J-35 were seen together! Would be interesting to know, where & when this image was taken?

(via @Captain小潇)

However this image is actually so blurry that IMO they look even more like two F-22s than a J-35 or J-35 & FC-31 (J-31). But don't tell this too loud, otherwise some Pakistani fan-boys immediately claim these two are for the PAF. :ROFLMAO:



Think Tank Analyst
Mar 29, 2013
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As it seems, for the first time two J-35 were seen together! Would be interesting to know, where & when this image was taken?

(via @Captain小潇)

However this image is actually so blurry that IMO they look even more like two F-22s than a J-35 or J-35 & FC-31 (J-31). But don't tell this too loud, otherwise some Pakistani fan-boys immediately claim these two are for the PAF. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 29503
Well, if it actually is two J-35s, then it means they've made enough progress for them to comfortably fly two prototypes at the same time, and have no fear of risking losing them due to technical issues.

Normally it would be one, because if you're gonna lose a prototype, losing one is better than losing two.

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