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Chinese SAC - FC-31/J-35 5th Gen Stealth Aircraft

Oct 29, 2020
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In the photo, he said that there are three types of aircraft (Air Force/Shipborne/Foreign Trade)
In recent days, air force fighter jets have been exposed online
View attachment 43959I am not familiar with the situation of export-oriented products, especially those related to Pakistani military sales. I think this may only be gradually declassified by the Pakistani side in the future. This post is mainly about the J-35 in China. The public release of the Air Force aircraft has already excited us, after all, this aircraft has been the focus of debate for ten years since the era of verification aircraft. Some people on the internet have made a bet on whether the J-35 can enter the Air Force, but until his death,He regretted not being able to see the day when the Air Force aircraft were made public
Export oriented and PLAAF version will be same, only difference in between PLAAF and export version will be the avionics/AESA/electronics, airframe remains same for both version (PLAAF and export oriented version) I think πŸ€”


Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
Export oriented and PLAAF version will be same, only difference in between PLAAF and export version will be the avionics/AESA/electronics, airframe remains same for both version (PLAAF and export oriented version) I think πŸ€”
The foreign trade version of the model aircraft has been exhibited at the Saudi Arabian Defense Exhibition, but no one knows what version of Pakistan's J31 is. There is too little news, and now it seems to be the most mysterious. Pakistan's military sales are very special. For example, the j10c sold to Pakistan was our latest batch of 07 j10c, while the Navy 039b submarine transaction included local construction. No one knows what Pakistan's j31 really looks like
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Oct 29, 2020
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The foreign trade version of the model aircraft has been exhibited at the Saudi Arabian Defense Exhibition, but no one knows what version of Pakistan's J31 is. There is too little news, and now it seems to be the most mysterious. Pakistan's military sales are very special. For example, the j10c sold to Pakistan was our latest batch of 07 j10c, while the Navy 039b submarine transaction included local construction. No one knows what Pakistan's j31 really looks like
View attachment 43962
I'm talking about airframe/fuselage almost remain same as second and third prototypes that was apear in 2018/2018-2019 time-frame


Nov 9, 2014
The foreign trade version of the model aircraft has been exhibited at the Saudi Arabian Defense Exhibition, but no one knows what version of Pakistan's J31 is. There is too little news, and now it seems to be the most mysterious. Pakistan's military sales are very special. For example, the j10c sold to Pakistan was our latest batch of 07 j10c, while the Navy 039b submarine transaction included local construction. No one knows what Pakistan's j31 really looks like
View attachment 43962

Minor correction, Pakistan's J-10CE are NOT from Batch 07 but from a separate J-10CE Batch 01!

I'm talking about airframe/fuselage almost remain same as second and third prototypes that was apear in 2018/2018-2019 time-frame

Not sure, how often this MUST be noted: THERE WAS NO PROTOTYPE IN 2018/2018-2019.

Demonstrator no. 01 flew in 2013, no. 02 in 2016 and the first J-35 prototype flew first in late 2021! At best - if these latest reports are true - a first J-31 flew in September 2023 but NEVER in 2018/19!

Being in state of denial of facts does not make a real prototype flying! Please read the yellow marks!

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Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
Minor correction, Pakistan's J-10CE are NOT from Batch 07 but from a separate J-10CE Batch 01!
It seems that I confused the two. I remember the year when j10c was exported to Pakistan, there were also reports of batch 07 of j10c in China. Thank you for your correction


Nov 9, 2014
It seems that I confused the two. I remember the year when j10c was exported to Pakistan, there were also reports of batch 07 of j10c in China. Thank you for your correction

No problem and in fact you are most likely correct, that even if from a separate batch, they are almost the same standard


Nov 9, 2014
Back from vacation means back at work!

So, any news I missed concerning the question of "J-31 or not?" since my return from France?

I found these three & added the J-35 on my own, even if indeed not the same angle like the other three, it looks indeed at least "different" to a J-35 and both FC-31 demonstrators!
What do you think?

So there is maybe indeed a true J-31 but surely not since 2018/19!

FC-31 V1 + V2 vs maybe J-31 - 恒苏Actline - 1 + J-35 - 3.jpg


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Mar 1, 2015
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How good can J-35/31?? be? ............. It's Because of J-35/31??, Many Arab/Muslim countries are going to have a version of the F-35 in the future.

Arab Skies: F-35 vs. J-35 - A Dogfight for Supremacy​

The skies over the Middle East are heating up as the battle for air superiority intensifies. While the F-35, the crown jewel of American fighter jets, has yet to land in the arsenals of many Arab countries, China's entry into the fray with the J-35 and J-31 jets throws a wrench into the plans of both the US and its potential buyers.

The F-35, a marvel of stealth technology and advanced avionics, has been a coveted prize for Arab nations seeking to modernize their air forces. However, US concerns about maintaining Israel's Qualitative Military Edge (QME) in the region have put a damper on these aspirations. Normalization of relations between Israel and some Arab countries, like the UAE, eased tensions somewhat, but the issue remains a sticking point.

This is where China's offerings come in. The J-35 and J-31, while not direct F-35 competitors, represent a significant leap forward for Chinese aviation and a tempting alternative for Arab nations facing US hesitation.

Faced with this strategic maneuvering, the US may be forced to reconsider its stance. A potential solution could involve offering a less-advanced version of the F-35 to some Arab countries. This could appease Israeli concerns while still providing these nations with a significant technological upgrade.

However, such a move wouldn't be without complications. The US would need to carefully calibrate the capabilities of the offered F-35 variant to ensure it doesn't upset the regional balance of power. Additionally, convincing Arab nations to accept a less-powerful version might prove challenging, especially if China aggressively markets its jets.

The coming years will be crucial in determining the outcome of this aerial chess game. Will the US adapt its strategy to retain influence, or will China exploit the gap and become a major player in the Arab world's air forces? Only time will tell who emerges victorious in the skies over the Middle East.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2023
How good can J-35/31?? be? ............. It's Because of J-35/31??, Many Arab/Muslim countries are going to have a version of the F-35 in the future.

Arab Skies: F-35 vs. J-35 - A Dogfight for Supremacy​

The skies over the Middle East are heating up as the battle for air superiority intensifies. While the F-35, the crown jewel of American fighter jets, has yet to land in the arsenals of many Arab countries, China's entry into the fray with the J-35 and J-31 jets throws a wrench into the plans of both the US and its potential buyers.

The F-35, a marvel of stealth technology and advanced avionics, has been a coveted prize for Arab nations seeking to modernize their air forces. However, US concerns about maintaining Israel's Qualitative Military Edge (QME) in the region have put a damper on these aspirations. Normalization of relations between Israel and some Arab countries, like the UAE, eased tensions somewhat, but the issue remains a sticking point.

This is where China's offerings come in. The J-35 and J-31, while not direct F-35 competitors, represent a significant leap forward for Chinese aviation and a tempting alternative for Arab nations facing US hesitation.

Faced with this strategic maneuvering, the US may be forced to reconsider its stance. A potential solution could involve offering a less-advanced version of the F-35 to some Arab countries. This could appease Israeli concerns while still providing these nations with a significant technological upgrade.

However, such a move wouldn't be without complications. The US would need to carefully calibrate the capabilities of the offered F-35 variant to ensure it doesn't upset the regional balance of power. Additionally, convincing Arab nations to accept a less-powerful version might prove challenging, especially if China aggressively markets its jets.

The coming years will be crucial in determining the outcome of this aerial chess game. Will the US adapt its strategy to retain influence, or will China exploit the gap and become a major player in the Arab world's air forces? Only time will tell who emerges victorious in the skies over the Middle East.
This reminds me of General Dynamics competing for export models with the old J79 engine installed on the F-16. However, the Israeli Air Force's F-35A is known as the F-35I, which is a customized version specifically designed for Israel. Considering that the Biden administration is still pushing for normalization of relations between Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel. This region is also within the scope of European and American military sales forces, and logistics/maintenance/equipment systems are obstacles. Therefore, this article is just deliberately belittling the capabilities of j31/j35, comparing it to a weakened version of f35. Saudi Arabia was interested in South Korea's KF21 at the last defense exhibition, but it is not the current KF21, but the ultimate improved version of KF21 (fifth generation). The true competitor of F35 in the Middle East should be its Korean brothers. Recently, Saudi Arabia has given many large military sales orders to Koreans
The Saudi people are very shrewd. They will not tear their face off the Americans. In terms of economy, they have close relations with China. In terms of military affairs, they will not deviate from the military scope of Europe and America. This is not purely a military sale, but a geopolitical one, and it is a protection fee,Other Arab countries will more or less consider this reality


Full Member
Mar 1, 2015
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This reminds me of General Dynamics competing for export models with the old J79 engine installed on the F-16. However, the Israeli Air Force's F-35A is known as the F-35I, which is a customized version specifically designed for Israel. Considering that the Biden administration is still pushing for normalization of relations between Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel. This region is also within the scope of European and American military sales forces, and logistics/maintenance/equipment systems are obstacles. Therefore, this article is just deliberately belittling the capabilities of j31/j35, comparing it to a weakened version of f35. Saudi Arabia was interested in South Korea's KF21 at the last defense exhibition, but it is not the current KF21, but the ultimate improved version of KF21 (fifth generation). The true competitor of F35 in the Middle East should be its Korean brothers. Recently, Saudi Arabia has given many large military sales orders to Koreans
The Saudi people are very shrewd. They will not tear their face off the Americans. In terms of economy, they have close relations with China. In terms of military affairs, they will not deviate from the military scope of Europe and America. This is not purely a military sale, but a geopolitical one, and it is a protection fee,Other Arab countries will more or less consider this reality

I agree with your points, except that the J35/31 is not an inferior offering as you perceive compared to the F-35. While the KF-21 is certainly not going to be as advanced as the F-35, yes choosing it would likely cause less friction with the US compared to Chinese options.

However, I believe the US views the Arab countries as a strategic market they won't easily relinquish, even to South Korea. That being said, the J35/31, KF-21, and Kaan could provide leverage for Arab nations to negotiate a favorable deal for a version of the F-35 from the US.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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This reminds me of General Dynamics competing for export models with the old J79 engine installed on the F-16. However, the Israeli Air Force's F-35A is known as the F-35I, which is a customized version specifically designed for Israel. Considering that the Biden administration is still pushing for normalization of relations between Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel. This region is also within the scope of European and American military sales forces, and logistics/maintenance/equipment systems are obstacles. Therefore, this article is just deliberately belittling the capabilities of j31/j35, comparing it to a weakened version of f35. Saudi Arabia was interested in South Korea's KF21 at the last defense exhibition, but it is not the current KF21, but the ultimate improved version of KF21 (fifth generation). The true competitor of F35 in the Middle East should be its Korean brothers. Recently, Saudi Arabia has given many large military sales orders to Koreans
The Saudi people are very shrewd. They will not tear their face off the Americans. In terms of economy, they have close relations with China. In terms of military affairs, they will not deviate from the military scope of Europe and America. This is not purely a military sale, but a geopolitical one, and it is a protection fee,Other Arab countries will more or less consider this reality

The problem for the US is that the J-31 will DOMINATE the F-35 in air to air engagements.

It will offer higher top speed, altitude and manouverability. Also unlike the F-35 it will supercruise at high Mach-1 speeds due to duel WS-19 engines with low-bypass.

There is no valid comparison between the jets as the F-35 was designed to do, mutiple roles but the J-31 is purely designed as an air supremacy fighter with air to ground as an added secondary role.

Saudi(KSA) can buy even the US version of the F-35 but it will be no match if Iran was to buy the J-31.
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Nov 9, 2014
The problem for the US is that the J-31 will DOMINATE the F-35 in air to air engagements.

It will offer higher top speed, altitude and manouverability. Also unlike the F-35 it will supercruise at high Mach-1 speeds due to duel WS-19 engines with low-bypass.

There is no valoid comparison between the jets as the F-35 was designed to do, mutiple roles but the J-31 is purely designed as an air supremacy fighter with air to ground as an added secondary role.

Saudi(KSA) can buy even the US version of the F-35 but it will be no match if Iran was to buy the J-31.

And you base this assumption on what? Gueswork, bias against the F-35 and fan-boyism towards the J-35?

Honestly, we know almost noting about the J-35/31's avionics and its main weakness will remain for years to come their dated engines even more so since it has to carry two. As such I won't immediately expect some sort of super-duper-fighter before the WS-19 are ready and even more so not before it is flying in numbers.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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And you base this assumption on what? Gueswork, bias against the F-35 and fan-boyism towards the J-35?

Honestly, we know almost noting about the J-35/31's avionics and its main weakness will remain for years to come their dated engines even more so since it has to carry two. As such I won't immediately expect some sort of super-duper-fighter before the WS-19 are ready and even more so not before it is flying in numbers.

I would have expected more from both a "mod" and someone who is supposed to be some sort of expert on the PLAAF.

Look at what the F-35 was designed to do and its specs like lack of supercruise and top speed etc are all known.

J-31 is designed for AIR SUPREMACY in the Pacific Ocean. It will have higher top speed, altitude and will supercruise at high Mach-1 as soon as the WS-19 engines are ready.

USN is rushing to get a next-gen fighter out as soon as possible. It will not want to face J-35s with "jack of all trades" F-35.

And why do we need to know ANYTHING about the J-35s avionics? For all we know they could be a quantum jump ahead of whatever is in the F-35. That logic is really for simpletons and those that are biased as China has now caught up with the leaders in both radar and avionics technology.

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