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Chinese SAC - FC-31/J-35 5th Gen Stealth Aircraft


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2015
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I would have expected more from both a "mod" and someone who is supposed to be some sort of expert on the PLAAF.

Look at what the F-35 was designed to do and its specs like lack of supercruise and top speed etc are all known.

J-31 is designed for AIR SUPREMACY in the Pacific Ocean. It will have higher top speed, altitude and will supercruise at high Mach-1 as soon as the WS-19 engines are ready.

USN is rushing to get a next-gen fighter out as soon as possible. It will not want to face J-35s with "jack of all trades" F-35.

And why do we need to know ANYTHING about the J-35s avionics? For all we know they could be a quantum jump ahead of whatever is in the F-35. That logic is really for simpletons and those that are biased as China has now caught up with the leaders in both radar and avionics technology.

What do we know about the WS-19s? When will they be ready?


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Dec 24, 2023
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The foreign trade version of the model aircraft has been exhibited at the Saudi Arabian Defense Exhibition, but no one knows what version of Pakistan's J31 is. There is too little news, and now it seems to be the most mysterious. Pakistan's military sales are very special. For example, the j10c sold to Pakistan was our latest batch of 07 j10c, while the Navy 039b submarine transaction included local construction. No one knows what Pakistan's j31 really looks like
View attachment 43962

It's too early to talk about the J31, and we can't even be sure it actually exists. The only thing we know for sure is the Navy's J35.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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WS19 is currently in low-volume production

That is amazing but not surprising at the same time.

Making a 10:1 T/W ratio medium thrust turbofan engine is not as difficult as 10:1 T/W high thrust turbofan engine.

Would not be surprised if the J-31/35 is in service in 2027/2028 with the WS-19 engine from the start.


Nov 9, 2014
That is amazing but not surprising at the same time.

Making a 10:1 T/W ratio medium thrust turbofan engine is not as difficult as 10:1 T/W high thrust turbofan engine.

Would not be surprised if the J-31/35 is in service in 2027/2028 with the WS-19 engine from the start.

Again you are too overoptimistic! The WS-15 is in limited production even longer and still we have seen it only on prototypes and not even all J-20A aircraft.

I would have expected more from both a "mod" and someone who is supposed to be some sort of expert on the PLAAF.

Look at what the F-35 was designed to do and its specs like lack of supercruise and top speed etc are all known.

J-31 is designed for AIR SUPREMACY in the Pacific Ocean. It will have higher top speed, altitude and will supercruise at high Mach-1 as soon as the WS-19 engines are ready.

USN is rushing to get a next-gen fighter out as soon as possible. It will not want to face J-35s with "jack of all trades" F-35.

And why do we need to know ANYTHING about the J-35s avionics? For all we know they could be a quantum jump ahead of whatever is in the F-35. That logic is really for simpletons and those that are biased as China has now caught up with the leaders in both radar and avionics technology.
Don't get me wrong and I would be happy if I'm wrong, but my point is all these over-optimistic projections are based more on hope, bias against the West and too much guesswork. In fact we know almost NOTHING about the J-10C's, the J-16's and let alone the J-20's AESA radar, we know their engines (WS-10) - albeit IMO better than the current Russian ones - are still decades behind to anything the US already had in the late 1990s and their next generation is just reaching maturity.

As such I won't exclude what you describe, but to be sure and already to start opening the bottles of Champagne it is IMO a bit too premature, even if I agree we could already place the bottles into the fridge to be be prepared why this all happens.


Dec 11, 2023
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How good can J-35/31?? be? ............. It's Because of J-35/31??, Many Arab/Muslim countries are going to have a version of the F-35 in the future.

Arab Skies: F-35 vs. J-35 - A Dogfight for Supremacy​

The skies over the Middle East are heating up as the battle for air superiority intensifies. While the F-35, the crown jewel of American fighter jets, has yet to land in the arsenals of many Arab countries, China's entry into the fray with the J-35 and J-31 jets throws a wrench into the plans of both the US and its potential buyers.

The F-35, a marvel of stealth technology and advanced avionics, has been a coveted prize for Arab nations seeking to modernize their air forces. However, US concerns about maintaining Israel's Qualitative Military Edge (QME) in the region have put a damper on these aspirations. Normalization of relations between Israel and some Arab countries, like the UAE, eased tensions somewhat, but the issue remains a sticking point.

This is where China's offerings come in. The J-35 and J-31, while not direct F-35 competitors, represent a significant leap forward for Chinese aviation and a tempting alternative for Arab nations facing US hesitation.

Faced with this strategic maneuvering, the US may be forced to reconsider its stance. A potential solution could involve offering a less-advanced version of the F-35 to some Arab countries. This could appease Israeli concerns while still providing these nations with a significant technological upgrade.

However, such a move wouldn't be without complications. The US would need to carefully calibrate the capabilities of the offered F-35 variant to ensure it doesn't upset the regional balance of power. Additionally, convincing Arab nations to accept a less-powerful version might prove challenging, especially if China aggressively markets its jets.

The coming years will be crucial in determining the outcome of this aerial chess game. Will the US adapt its strategy to retain influence, or will China exploit the gap and become a major player in the Arab world's air forces? Only time will tell who emerges victorious in the skies over the Middle East.
Since the 1960s, the US has been providing the Israel with State-Of-The-Art Weapons of the time, which has already disrupted the balance of power in the Arab Region. Further, the US has always tried its best to ensure that this Balance of Power could never be equalized by these Arab Countries with Israel, and if ever it seemed possible, Strong Pressure or Violent Measures were used by the US to sabotage it.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Don't get me wrong and I would be happy if I'm wrong, but my point is all these over-optimistic projections are based more on hope, bias against the West and too much guesswork. In fact we know almost NOTHING about the J-10C's, the J-16's and let alone the J-20's AESA radar, we know their engines (WS-10) - albeit IMO better than the current Russian ones - are still decades behind to anything the US already had in the late 1990s and their next generation is just reaching maturity.

As such I won't exclude what you describe, but to be sure and already to start opening the bottles of Champagne it is IMO a bit too premature, even if I agree we could already place the bottles into the fridge to be be prepared why this all happens.

What guesswork?

China has been producing AESA radars for decades and you think that they are not comparable with the US at least by now? Even tiny countries like Sweden produce cutting edge electronics and radars and somehow China cannot?!

You are the one making the biased assumption that China needs to "prove" its technology is up there with the US? Why so?

Unless you have evidence to the contrary, all reasonable assumptions will say that Chinese radar and electronics tech is now comparable to what the US has. They have too much experience, money and brainpower for it to be otherwise.

Remember China shocked the western "experts" by producing its own indigenous 7nm Kirin chips and now they are targeting 5nm and even 3nm. Western 'experts" say impossible but China makes it possible.

Just because biased and frightened US/Western 'experts" say that China is still catching up(and decades behind) does not make it true.

When J-31/J-35 is flying towards the end of this decade with dual WS-19 engines and literally bringing PLAAN air dominance over the Western Pacific, then the penny may finally drop as to what a massive strategic mistake it was to go for a "jack of all trades" plane for the primary USN fighter aircraft. USN better hurry up and get that new fighter into service in USN as soon as possible in the 2030s.


Nov 9, 2014
What guesswork?

China has been producing AESA radars for decades and you think that they are not comparable with the US at least by now? Even tiny countries like Sweden produce cutting edge electronics and radars and somehow China cannot?!

You are the one making the biased assumption that China needs to "prove" its technology is up there with the US? Why so?

Unless you have evidence to the contrary, all reasonable assumptions will say that Chinese radar and electronics tech is now comparable to what the US has. They have too much experience, money and brainpower for it to be otherwise.

Remember China shocked the western "experts" by producing its own indigenous 7nm Kirin chips and now they are targeting 5nm and even 3nm. Western 'experts" say impossible but China makes it possible.

Just because biased and frightened US/Western 'experts" say that China is still catching up(and decades behind) does not make it true.

When J-31/J-35 is flying towards the end of this decade with dual WS-19 engines and literally bringing PLAAN air dominance over the Western Pacific, then the penny may finally drop as to what a massive strategic mistake it was to go for a "jack of all trades" plane for the primary USN fighter aircraft. USN better hurry up and get that new fighter into service in USN as soon as possible in the 2030s.

Come on ... I again say I won't exclude this possibility but it is not proven even if you don't like to accept this!
And in return, the argument, China's engines are still not on par with the Western F119 or F135 is ignored in your line of thoughts?

Therefore just let me rephrase your sentence a bit: "Just because biased and overoptimistic US/Western 'hater" say that China is no longer catching up (and already on par in everything) does not make it true."


Nov 9, 2014
What a fine image of a J-35 … It wouldn't be so blurry (probably artificially altered).
(Image via @Oneninety from Weibo)



Full Member
Mar 1, 2015
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What a fine image of a J-35 … It wouldn't be so blurry (probably artificially altered).
(Image via @Oneninety from Weibo)

View attachment 47300


Any idea why these lines specifically at this place. Rest of pic might be artificially altered but these lines doesn't seems artificially altered or May be it is some kind of text :unsure:

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