Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran


🇮🇱 🇮🇷 The Israeli Defense Minister signs orders to confiscate 18 tankers carrying Iranian oil "to finance the Quds Force and Hezbollah"


Iran trying to run away from a war with Israel but Israel will have none of it images.jpeg

As jauk supplies the sandwhiches the clown show continues as more and more Hezbollah and Iranian officers die while we wait for “revenge”
Already posted in Remembrance to The Heroes section. You should've as well? No? Meanwhile enjoy the 'sandwich' Carnac.:love:


May your platform shoes fail you in a camel pasture.
At this point, I am starting to doubt of Iranians will do anything, Its not like Israel will stop killing IRGC commanders or Iranian scientists, or Palestinians or Lebanese people, its just that no one has guts to stand up to them, and its not because of Israel but America.
But my 4 star sandwhich chef @jauk assured me Israel is scared of Iran. He told me has never been wrong before!

I think the Israelis are desperate and reacting to their ships that were destroyed by the Yemenis in the Red Sea and their Eilat port on the Red Sea that faced bankruptcy. The blockade they face on the Red Sea has hit them hard economically; so to alleviate this economic pain, they've now claimed to target Iranian tankers.

Btw, in another news, the Iranian threats are causing psychological nightmare in the Zionist entity. This is before Iran even fired a shot. 👇

‼️🚨 If Iran attacks us, we expect the coalition to join Israel in attacking Iran, not just in defense.

"Israeli Foreign Minister during his meeting with the French and British Foreign Ministers in Tel Aviv a short while ago"

Cowards who hide behind others. The Iranian missiles can reach Paris and London should they come to the aid of child killers. Perhaps the child killers are just bluffing.

Qatar putting pressure on Iran not to attack Israel

If Iran attacks now it will be blamed for ruining the ceasefire talks ... which is why it's stupid to wait so long

Israel playing chess while Iran plays Playstation.

There is no negotiations. Israel (Bibi) ain’t doing a ceasefire. And if he does it’s to get the hostages (dead or alive) and once he does then Hamas will have no more leverage and Israel can resume genocide at full speed.

In other news, Hezbollah has gone back to Theateric YouTube videos while Israel continues to bomb Lebanon and pick off its field commanders and officers.

Hezbollah’s revenge attack, much like Iran’s, has been in the form of strongly worded press releases.

It’s like the entire Axis of Resistance is made up of aspiring actors who wished they were on Broadway or in Hollywood staring in the lead role of the movie Top Gun.

The day the Arabs/Uncle Sam/Jews outmaneuvered Iran

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