Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I doubt if they launched their best, it would do much; the Israelis have a very dense anti-air system. You will have to remove that somehow and then do what you need. But from where things stand, just lobbing a missile with an Israeli search and track system in place is an inefficient form of attack. Now, cruise missiles, and if they have stealth, one is a different story, which I doubt Iran is that far into this either.

9 direct hits were seen last time and that was just a "demonstration" attack.

Remember once they have a certain number of missiles heading at targets in the entity at any one time, the Zio-US system becomes saturated and simply cannot cope anymore.

Shoot hundreds of your older and about to be obsolette ballistic missiles to waste the ABM loads first, and then spank with the more modern and accurate missiles.

A full on attack using ballistic missiles and stealthy cruise missiles fired by a combined Iran/Hezbollah attack would have overwhelmed the defences and caused absolute mayhem and chaos.
My guess is that Iran will conduct a nuclear test and have nukes ready to launch before punishing the illegitimate entity. That's the only way to prevent being attacked by NATO.
My guess is that Iran will conduct a nuclear test and have nukes ready to launch before punishing the illegitimate entity. That's the only way to prevent being attacked by NATO.

If this is true then Iran would gain legendary status in Islamic history.

Any Muslim that does not then 100% fully support Iran will be exposed for the hypocrite and traitor to Islam that they really are.
My guess is that Iran will conduct a nuclear test and have nukes ready to launch before punishing the illegitimate entity. That's the only way to prevent being attacked by NATO.
I think not.

The moment Israel/US detects Iran is about to assemble a nuke warhead is the day Israel (and maybe US) launches a pre-empt strike on Iran. Iran has all the parts to assemble a nuke but the parts are spread out they have to come together in one spot to assemble it at that is when Israel will attack. Israel is not messing around when they say Iran will not be allowed to have a nuke that is Israel's redline.
Nuclear Iran, is the way forward
Without it the chaos will continue in region

It is a great wish of Israeli to take out the Iranian Nuclear plant

They did a similar action against Iraqi Nuclear plant in past

What exactly is this Islamic Resistance Force , seeing the name pop up in some news sources from Russia, the news is being heavily censored in American front
I think not.

The moment Israel/US detects Iran is about to assemble a nuke warhead is the day Israel (and maybe US) launches a pre-empt strike on Iran. Iran has all the parts to assemble a nuke but the parts are spread out they have to come together in one spot to assemble it at that is when Israel will attack. Israel is not messing around when they say Iran will not be allowed to have a nuke that is Israel's redline.
If Iran decides to build a nuclear weapon, no one in the world can stop this decision.
If Iran decides to build a nuclear weapon, no one in the world can stop this decision.
What does this even mean? It's like saying I've made a decision to jump off a cliff and nobody can stop me from "deciding" to jump off a cliff.

Well just because you have decided on an action doesn't mean it can't be stopped by force. Do you get it now?
What does this even mean? It's like saying I've made a decision to jump off a cliff and nobody can stop me from "deciding" to jump off a cliff.

Well just because you have decided on an action doesn't mean it can't be stopped by force. Do you get it now?
Since you don't have the ability to understand it, I will explain it to you:

No shithole (like America or iLIsrael) can change Iran's decision. If Iran wants to build an atomic bomb today, it will do so.they can't do shit.
Since you don't have the ability to understand it, I will explain it to you:

No shithole (like America or iLIsrael) can change Iran's decision. If Iran wants to build an atomic bomb today, it will do so.they can't do shit.
Lol. It's you that is having difficulty grasping reality but I'll try again....

It's one thing to make up their mind about a decision, a decision that nobody can change the problem is can Iran implement that decision without Israel launching a massive air strike... simple answer is no.

So it doesn't matter if Iran has decided to assemble its bomb the question is or should be, how long after Iran decides does Israel strike? In case you forgot Iran is crawling with Mossad agents.
Lol. It's you that is having difficulty grasping reality but I'll try again....

It's one thing to make up their mind about a decision, a decision that nobody can change the problem is can Iran implement that decision without Israel launching a massive air strike... simple answer is no.

So it doesn't matter if Iran has decided to assemble its bomb the question is or should be, how long after Iran decides does Israel strike? In case you forgot Iran is crawling with Mossad agents.

Please explain how this "massive air strike" is going to work in practice, crossing at least one international border at best and many at worst.

We are all awaiting your response.:unsure:
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Please explain how this "massive air strike" is going to work in practice, crossing at least one international border at best and many at worst.

We are all awaiting your response.:unsure:
The premise is also flawed because allot of what Iran has from a military perspective is underground, screened by mountains. If they decide to assemble underground who will detect that?

The testing of a nuke is what could be picked up by satellites, similar to when Pak was preparing tests on its western border.
Lol. It's you that is having difficulty grasping reality but I'll try again....

It's one thing to make up their mind about a decision, a decision that nobody can change the problem is can Iran implement that decision without Israel launching a massive air strike... simple answer is no.

So it doesn't matter if Iran has decided to assemble its bomb the question is or should be, how long after Iran decides does Israel strike? In case you forgot Iran is crawling with Mossad agents.
The American people are extremely stupid and illiterate.
Do you really think that America is like Hollywood movies?
The only thing that not alow Iran have an atomic bomb is the Iranian leader's fatwa banning the atomic bomb.

Israel is too little to even dare attacks Iran, the Pentagon also knows that Iran can easily destroy all its bases and ships in the Middle East, so it will not do such a stupid thing.

The era of America being a superpower is over. You are nothing but a laughing stock for Iran

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