Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Plain nonsense, we can't just know a shit about what USA knows
But we can know what it doesn't know, like when Iran deploys technology publicly that the US intelligence community never assumed Iran had, like the road mobile ICBM/satellite capability when Iran showed it off some years ago.
and dont know, they wont tell publicly what they know about Iran.
But Iran cybersecurity is not the big deal.
because you dont know much about it? Iran is a top 5 cyberpower, pls go read more on that.
Even common hackers cause big troubles to important parts of Iran state.
Not true- this is just conjecture- Iran is a top 5 cyber power that has advanced skills and resources deployed in the cyberspace, but you dont know much about it, so you're assuming or believing what western propaganda has said about Iran's cyber capabilities.
So imagine what could do a state actor like USA, who know all the backdoors of software/hardware used in Iran.
why you believe US is omnipotent and all powerful in the cyberspace? US was attacked electronically during last elections and it failed- you forget Cambridge analytica in UK that used facebook to manipulate US public's opinion about election candidates? why didnt US block against that? stop your warped view of "US has all the capabilities and US adversaries are incompetent"
It's not a matter of they are good or bad. it's just the country who manufacture all the software and design the hardware used in Iran, so they know all the backdoors themselves put there.
Besides USA has endless budget to f*ck the world through cyberattacks and all means.


Anyway, it seems Iran is in the bed with USA.
LOL- i think this proves your lack of understanding of all the things that have happened between Iran and US. If you are confused, say so.
USA empire current nature is the constant lie and treason, their two main features.
They will be scared. If they are not, they will attack.

Bibi and the far right have wanted war with Iran since 90’s.

They aren’t scared, this is their dream come true to consolidate power.
Yeah, it's a show of force, but that's about it. The US won't get involved in another middle east war, they won't strike Iran for the sake of Israel.

Speaking of Iran, at this point even if Iran strikes, it's already too late. The attack will turn into a nothing burger, causing next to no damage considering defenses have probably been bolstered since the Israeli strike.

Would not be too sure.

The defences are no better than what they were back in April when Iran last hit and remember they scored 9 direct hits to Zionist targets in Palestine.

It seems that Iran had a good success rate when it used its newer ballistic missile and we may yet see the use of its most advanced HGV Fattah-1 this time, which should be pretty much impossible to shoot down as it constant changes trajectory as it travels towards it target.
Would not be too sure.

The defences are no better than what they were back in April when Iran last hit and remember they scored 9 direct hits to Zionist targets in Palestine.

It seems that Iran had a good success rate when it used its newer ballistic missile and we may yet see the use of its most advanced HGV Fattah-1 this time, which should be pretty much impossible to shoot down as it constant changes trajectory as it travels towards it target.

Fattah-2 is Iran’s most advanced HGV. But it is unknown if it is operational yet and in how many quantities.

Fattah-2 is very difficult to intercept by any current air defense system today.

Fattah-1 is not nearly as difficult, but still more difficult than the standard Shahab-3 derivative family missiles.
If the Iranian/Hezbollah attack is successful as in destroying military targets, is it likely that the western coalition attack targets inside Iran?
yes, this seems to be a possibility that even the Iranian govt is considering while planning its retaliation against Israel.
I don't see how there would be counters against F-22/35.
You will see the counters in real warfare- we haven't seen F-22s and F-35s fight in real, potent, combat scenarios, and attacking Iran could be their first serious test- i believe some will strike targets in Iran and exit successfully, but some other fighter jets will crash or be shot out of the sky, either option is risky for Israel and US- fly too few stealth planes and the damage to Iran is far from complete, but send too many fighter jets into Iranian airspace, and the chance that multiple jets get shot out increases (and is likely)
Furthermore would this give green lights for a ground invasion?
Yes, and where will US and Israel get the required ground troops for a successful ground invasion of Iran? they dont have them, so yes, they want to do a ground invasion of Iran, but US especially is in a bad position to do the ground invasion,which also dooms the value of airstrikes with stealth jets- all those strikes with no ground action to compliment them, like with Yemen, leads to short term damage to enemies but long term loss by US of the ability to meet its war objectives.
Fattah-2 is Iran’s most advanced HGV. But it is unknown if it is operational yet and in how many quantities.

Fattah-2 is very difficult to intercept by any current air defense system today.

Fattah-1 is not nearly as difficult, but still more difficult than the standard Shahab-3 derivative family missiles.

My bad as I thought Fattah-1 was HGV but when fitted with cluster warheads it should be quite effective at reaching the target.
Very foolish of him.

Israelis hit you in capital. You should go for Tel Aviv as well
I agree with you. At least Iranians will see the kind of leader they just voted in. Pezekshian looks like he will be way more useless than Rouhani.
“Secret bases in neighboring countries”
Which means some rich Kurdish man’s villa that Iran will claim is a secret Israeli military operation base.
if IRGC makes this claim and did the strike, why should we not believe them and instead believe you that the Kurdish villa isn't a secret Israeli military base??? Intense pessimism is blinding objectivity.
The circus show continues with the clowns in Tehran.
In your view..
I think its not happening before the arbaeen(chehlum of Imam Hussain a.s) which is on 25th of Aug and commemorated in Iraq, its the biggest shia gathering and usually Iran is managing the whole event and its security etc, any action before arbaeen can disrupt this year's arbaeen.

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