Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

My bad as I thought Fattah-1 was HGV but when fitted with cluster warheads it should be quite effective at reaching the target.

It’s more quasi HGV in the sense that it can use its motor to do a boost/trajectory change in upper atmosphere in order to skip. However, it’s not HGV in the traditional sense of being able to continuously skip glide off the atmosphere using its shape at speeds of Mach 10+ which is generally the characteristics of the HGV you hear about in the news.

Compare this to standard BMs that followed a mostly fixed trajectory until re entry making them easier to intercept by THAAD and Arrow-3 in space once you calculate their trajectory.

Iran also has the Keybar Shekan which stays within the atmosphere and skip glides much lower making it harder to detect than the Fateh family (not to be confused with the Fattah family) that stays inside the atmosphere (ie quasi BM) but at a higher altitude.

I believe the Keybar Shekan was used in the April attack and scored some hits.
I think its not happening before the arbaeen(chehlum of Imam Hussain a.s) which is on 25th of Aug and commemorated in Iraq, its the biggest shia gathering and usually Iran is managing the whole event and its security etc, any action before arbaeen can disrupt this year's arbaeen.
That's not true though, Iran is not managing that at all. It has nothing to do with Arba'aen.

Most experts I trust are saying Iran is waiting for the outcome of the new ceasefire and hostage negotiations that are supposed to take place at the earliest by August 15, between Qatar, Egypt, Hamas and Israel.

The retaliation hinges on the outcome of these negations, Iran is supposedly willing to stand down if a ceasefire deal is accomplished.
Most experts I trust are saying Iran is waiting for the outcome of the new ceasefire and hostage negotiations that are supposed to take place at the earliest by August 15, between Qatar, Egypt, Hamas and Israel.

The retaliation hinges on the outcome of these negations, Iran is supposedly willing to stand down if a ceasefire deal is accomplished.

Iran is using the ceasefire as an excuse to be able to stick to the status quo, same policy as last 10 years plus.

Letting redlines it set 4 months ago (April 2024) be blatantly crossed with no retribution.

It appears as a paper lion at this point, that is the opinion around the world if you ask people in the streets.

Not to mention Bibi would never agree to ceasefire that would spell the end of his political career. He has zero incentive to agree. And those hostages are likely all dead anyway after 9 months of intense bombing that was destroyed Hamas leadership and the Gaza itself
That's not true though, Iran is not managing that at all. It has nothing to do with Arba'aen.

Most experts I trust are saying Iran is waiting for the outcome of the new ceasefire and hostage negotiations that are supposed to take place at the earliest by August 15, between Qatar, Egypt, Hamas and Israel.

The retaliation hinges on the outcome of these negations, Iran is supposedly willing to stand down if a ceasefire deal is accomplished.

Iran’s FM has said the cease fire talks are a separate matter from Iran’s retaliation and have no bearing on it. Beyond Palestine they have to build deterrence otherwise Iran will be repeatedly attacked by Israel and others.

Report: Khamenei agrees to postpone attack on Israel

Kuwaiti paper cites sources claiming U.S. Iran dialogue to prevent attack and allow cease-fire deal in Gaza; Washington says buildup of forces is to prevent war​


Israeli Government Centers
1. Parliament (Knesset)
2. Prime Minister's Office
3. Ministry of Defense

1. Ben Gurion Airport
2. Haifa International Airport
Ramon International Airport

Military Bases
1. Sdot Micha Air Base
2. Ramon Air Base
3. Ramat David Air Base
Hatzor Air Base
5. Hatzerim Air Base
Nevatim Air Base
7. Tel Nof Air Base
8. Palmachim Air Base

1. Port of Haifa
2. Port of Ashdod
3. Port of Eilat

Power Plants
1. Orot Rabin Plant
2. Rutenberg Plant
3. RAIN Plant School
4. reading
5. Haifa Factory


But we can know what it doesn't know, like when Iran deploys technology publicly that the US intelligence community never assumed Iran had, like the road mobile ICBM/satellite capability when Iran showed it off some years ago.


because you dont know much about it? Iran is a top 5 cyberpower, pls go read more on that.

Not true- this is just conjecture- Iran is a top 5 cyber power that has advanced skills and resources deployed in the cyberspace, but you dont know much about it, so you're assuming or believing what western propaganda has said about Iran's cyber capabilities.

why you believe US is omnipotent and all powerful in the cyberspace? US was attacked electronically during last elections and it failed- you forget Cambridge analytica in UK that used facebook to manipulate US public's opinion about election candidates? why didnt US block against that? stop your warped view of "US has all the capabilities and US adversaries are incompetent"

LOL- i think this proves your lack of understanding of all the things that have happened between Iran and US. If you are confused, say so.

I repeat, it's not a matter if USA cyberwarfare caps are good or bad, it's just, if you are the manufacturer you control the software and hardware and you can hack it easily.

It's a error compare real world warfare to cyberwarfare, it hasn't any relation, it's not a matter of to be strong or to be smart, in most of cases just is: "I'm the manufacturer, so I put backdoors and I can enter whenever I want in your system", that's the key of USA cyberwarfare success in most of cases.

The way to protect against it is use own software and hardware when it's possible, China does this very well, Russia does it worst, and Iran doesnt do at all, Iran rely in USA made software.

What the hell means Iran is top 5? What ranking? Are you trusting in enemy information? It's ok, your enemy will tell you your system is secure as they fck your system :ROFLMAO:.

Fact is: Iran jails CCTV are hacked, Iran gas station systems are hacked over and over again.

Anyway all this is offtopic to this thread.

The right thread is:

And as you can see there Iran uses Windows in their space program.
I think Iran will wait at least to Wednesday to retaliate.

Because Monday/Tuesday is religious Jewish celebration of Tisha B'av

And they dont want to give another reason to victimize to their enemy.

Besides Tisha B'av is a religious celebration, and Iran has not anything against Jewish religion (religious Jews are allowed to their cult in Iran).

The punishment is against "Zionist regime", who most of their rulers, are atheist, or use Jewish religion as tool.
Pezeshkian the new reformist president suggests to strike zionist bases in azerbaijan instead of all out war against i$rahellll

View attachment 58869

1: What “zionist bases”? Show me those bases. Azerbaijan do not host foreign bases, not even Turkish. Russian peacekeepers that were temporarily deployed in Karabakh completely left in April 2024. That would have been the closest thing to a “foreign base”.

2: Azerbaijan is not Iraq or Syria or Lebanon where the state has no sovereignity over most of its territories and where foreign jets blast over the capital city.

3: Azerbaijan and Iran have somewhat normal relations. Do you unironically think that Iran would casually “strike” territory of Azerbaijan?

Edit: Oh It’s “secret bases”. Obviously they can’t point to non-existent bases, so it’s of course “secret bases”. What a clownery.
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Btw, Shoigu visited Baku after his visit to Tehran. The two sides discussed bilateral relations and North-South corridor. For Russia, North-South corridor is extremely important and it goes through Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan and Russia became full fledged allies in 2022, signing the “allied interaction” agreement.

Even before all this, Azerbaijan and Russia had good relations. Azerbaijan was one of the biggest customers of Russian defence exports in 2010s period.

The reality is very different from the imaginary world Pan-Persians live in, where there is not even Azerbaijan but “Baku republic”, apparently.

There is this Ehsan or whatever guy on twitter whos job seems to post BS about Azerbaijan 24/7. The “source” must have been that guy. Perhaps together with the other lowlife troll “Salar Seyf”.

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