Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

By the way, this topic of exploding devices deserves some serious study. It is very alarming and implies desperation of the ones who did it. It is a cheap tactic.

I don't know who on earth uses pagers these days, but one thing's for sure is that Hezbollah along with other Iranian proxies are dangerously compromised. There are traitors within their ranks as we speak. In light of the recent happenings and the current one, this deserves a full review.

They are constantly lashing out

They have no legal standing with multiple actions now underway in multiple states against them,

They were trying to make concrete relations with lackey Arab states and ended up with conflict everywhere and protest's across the world with some serious coming together of international groups to oppose Israel

It's vital their is enough protest to stop the lackey Arab states from making any further progress on any Abraham Accord

You see there can be no peace in the ME and even the world in general without the destruction of the settler entity.

US foreign policy is dictated too much by a need to protect this abomination to humankind and the quicker it is destroyed then the better for the US and the world in general.

Fair minded and humane people should keep hope as the days of this entity are coming to an end and its lashing out and breaking every rule of law there is says that it fears its imminent demise and is trying to genocide itself to staying on stolen land.
This whole Israel failing narrative is overblown. Gaza and Jenin in West Bank are in ruins. Hamas has lost many fighters and some valuable leaders. Israel assassinated top Hamas leader inside Iran no less. Hezbollah have also lost hundreds of fighters in recent clashes with IDF and its top commander who had evaded many assassination attempts earlier. Now this remote attack.

Israel has occupied Lebanon in war before and it can destroy Lebanon in another war.

Shelling definitely lead to evacuations but same is the situation in Lebanon. In fact, there is evidence of Israel wiping out villages or civilian infrastructure in South Lebanon in recent clashes with Hezbollah.

Mate, war affects people and Israel might be small but not a joke. WE can disagree with what Zionists are doing in moral and scholarly context but it is foolish to assume that they cannot fight. Armchair rhetoric is easy of-course.

There is substantial international pressure to end war and diffuse tensions in the Middle East or the war could be more brutal. This is behind-the-scenes effort.

If it comes down to a total war in the region, the Israelis will have an endless supply of ammunition and military hardware. If it comes down to it, it can tap U.S. reserves. The same can't be said about the Middle East countries.

War can't be fought if the logistics aren't in place, and logistics includes raw materials for the production of war articles. If one is to look at the data, the significant controllers are the West and East Asia, which are also in the U.S. orbit of influence. The Israelis themselves are technologically advanced and have their sourcing of raw materials it felt no need to tap.

Russia, as the main example, didn't invest in logistical capabilities or upgrade them; it stopped dead a couple of miles from Kyiv, Ukraine, and it has now depleted its Cold War stock and resorted to Iranian and North Korean shipments.

The state of Lebanon is this from the Beirut Silo blasts; it hasn't recovered; the rest is in front of us. It was also foolish of them not to even ask their GCC so-called friends to help arm them after 2006.
If it comes down to a total war in the region, the Israelis will have an endless supply of ammunition and military hardware. If it comes down to it, it can tap U.S. reserves. The same can't be said about the Middle East countries.

War can't be fought if the logistics aren't in place, and logistics includes raw materials for the production of war articles. If one is to look at the data, the significant controllers are the West and East Asia, which are also in the U.S. orbit of influence. The Israelis themselves are technologically advanced and have their sourcing of raw materials it felt no need to tap.

Russia, as the main example, didn't invest in logistical capabilities or upgrade them; it stopped dead a couple of miles from Kyiv, Ukraine, and it has now depleted its Cold War stock and resorted to Iranian and North Korean shipments.

The state of Lebanon is this from the Beirut Silo blasts; it hasn't recovered; the rest is in front of us. It was also foolish of them not to even ask their GCC so-called friends to help arm them after 2006.
look at it this way, if Israel wants an all-out war, they would have invaded just like they did in 2006. Which is probably the stupidest scenario for Israel.

What Israel is doing now is what we refer to as low-hand tactics, it poses an attacking posture but did not really trying to cross the literal line, it's a baiting tactics from all the missile they fire and all the assassination and now this, those are irregular warfare aimed at drawing Hezbollah or even Iran into conflict

As I said before this whole things kick off last year, nobody is going to stop this, and whoever cross the line first between Israel and Lebanon, loses. War fought on both logistic and determination, but in this case, not the determination of Israel to fight, but the determination on the west to keep playing on Israel side.

They are constantly lashing out

They have no legal standing with multiple actions now underway in multiple states against them,

They were trying to make concrete relations with lackey Arab states and ended up with conflict everywhere and protest's across the world with some serious coming together of international groups to oppose Israel

It's vital their is enough protest to stop the lackey Arab states from making any further progress on any Abraham Accord

There were talks about establishing diplomatic relations with Indonesia. But under the current circumstances, that is impossible. Had they succeeded, it may have happened. And subsequently with countries like Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh among others.

But I think there were advantages for those 'lackey' Arab states to acknowledge Israel under the Abrahamic Accords in the hopes of a compromise on the Israeli side. How wrong it was.

So much for the quote:
“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”
― Benjamin Netanyahu

Now the man is clinging on to power by a thread by relying on settler politicians like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.

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