Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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I understand your view and will try to be as non aggressive as possible in my replies.
However, you suggestions are applicable to everyone including reasonable indians. A lot of times even the most reasonable indians are blinded by patriotism and choose to ignore facts, instead supporting false propaganda and narratives, which adds more fuel to the fire. Keeping an open mind is important. Being ready to accept facted based truth is necessary for mutually beneficial and respectful discussions to take place. Additionally, analyzing the sensitivity of a topic is necessary. A person might think they’re just trying to engage in a discussion with someone but their post could come off as insensitive. This suggestion goes for me and for everyone.
See threads like this started by the OP based on some nonsense from social media are only designed to sour the mood.
Exactly! If a thread like this wont invite a troll fest, i wonder what would. Pakistan has its own issues to sort out, the least of which is India at the moment if i dare say so without being labeled as a PTI-supporter or something more prolific.
Is Windy out of favour? Kaptaan / Indus Pakistan? Surprised to not see them here. Dono UK mein hain. @Waz @Hyde @Musings

I.R.A also missed here. Imran bhai. Sinnerman. Mentee. Armstrong. Cliftonite.

So many from our side. Karan. Sarthak. Vinod. And so many whose IDs escape me for now.

Abii from Iran. Tokhme Khar jaan.

Cheers, Doc

They will be coming. I have to engage a few.
for us Muslims we don’t care about life or death. We live for Allah we die for Allah. When we are born we are given Azaan in our ears, that Azaan is the Azaan for our funeral prayer (Janazah Prayer). We are a guest in this world and every Muslim knows that.
Then .... why are the cries of Gaza not been answered till date? Or your adherence to the teachings are more .... nuanced?
First of all, my comment was about Indian trolls NOT ‘Bangladeshees’.

Secondly, just FYI, there is nothing about camel urine in Islam with which you can taunt us. If only you did a little bit of research:

Now Hindus and cow urine on the other hand…
look how your trigerred by mere mention of camel urine and you think its fshionable to mock hindus with cow urine jibe and still think your smart @Waz @Joe Shearer look at this wise guy
Zarvan Mulla ji told me that one guy on "fathers day" missed me so much he declared i died of C-19 pandamic but seriously i was amazed i dint ;) :p

as for the other rwmarks you made about bangladeshees and cow urine if i say same about obsession about camel urine il be banned here but then its ok witl you guys to mock others whn you cant argue .. you guys start getting abusive and personall so keep doing whats your second nature ...... as or your past & current PM and COAS we all know how they plan to clash with india but problem is there is no free & unaccounted US free ticket for money and weapons ;) :p
Historically Guru you have the ability to throw a little stone - then when a Pakistani member irritated at your sly remark throws a brick at you - you are quick to do your star jump.
Now don’t start it - make your point without the added masala and we will all be fine. After all these years you would have thought you may have learnt a thing or 2.
If educating you means I am triggered then there is truly no hope for you.

Oh btw, does your keyboard get oily and stinky as well? That would explain the *ahem* ‘slip’ of your fingers and the resulting misspelled words.
so your educating me ... now thats new one ..... !!!!3y77bk.jpg

Historically Guru you have the ability to throw a little stone - then when a Pakistani member irritated at your sly remark throws a brick at you - you are quick to do your star jump.
Now don’t start it - make your point without the added masala and we will all be fine. After all these years you would have thought you may have learnt a thing or 2.
bhalai ka zamanna hi nahee raha 😭😭😭😭😭

Exactly! If a thread like this wont invite a troll fest, i wonder what would. Pakistan has its own issues to sort out, the least of which is India at the moment if i dare say so without being labeled as a PTI-supporter or something more prolific.
Not at all, that assessment was right on target.

Here is my take on the next skirmish, whenever that happens. India simply needs to create a panic situation, launch a toothless strike in which random missiles are fired across the border, and show radar signatures of Chinese J-10 and JF-17 going down. With the *ahem* ‘virtue’ of Western aircraft intact, Western powers will not only accept, but possibly support the Indian narrative, with Western ‘think-tanks’ celebrating the demise of Chinese aircraft at the hands of Tejas. This seems like a strong possibility after the recent news of Indian deployment of Tejas in border areas.

Oops, sorry


We are deeply displeased at your penetration of our most confidential records and plans.

With prestige at stake on both side, I doubt anything less than a Mumbai style, or Indian Parliament style attack would instigate a serious aerial battle between the two rivals.
This might be interpreted as an invitation to such things.
look how your trigerred by mere mention of camel urine and you think its fshionable to mock hindus with cow urine jibe and still think your smart @Waz @Joe Shearer look at this wise guy
He, like you, is a registered offender.

Historically Guru you have the ability to throw a little stone - then when a Pakistani member irritated at your sly remark throws a brick at you - you are quick to do your star jump.

Now don’t start it - make your point without the added masala and we will all be fine. After all these years you would have thought you may have learnt a thing or 2.

Teaching an old Dutt new tricks?

Not going to happen.
He, like you, is a registered offender.



Teaching an old Dutt new tricks?

Not going to happen.
He can be articulate and he does make some good points - if he could put his jabbing to one side - we all would be dandy.
I'm afraid I'm on the verge of handing out our first bans. This isn't PDF retro so talk of urine, derogatory slurs etc are now not going to get a simple warning. Bans now please mods for at least a day. You have my full backing.
Exactly! If a thread like this wont invite a troll fest, i wonder what would. Pakistan has its own issues to sort out, the least of which is India at the moment if i dare say so without being labeled as a PTI-supporter or something more prolific.

Hey Ice old man. Nice to see you here.

Cheers, Doc
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