Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

We are now talking about a Pakistani "nuclear umbrella" for BD on the back of some dude's opinion.
Problem is this is one of Bangladesh's thinkers and professor. I wonder how will bureaucrats in Bangladesh be? And I have a sinking feeling they will be bigger idiots.

Or may be all of these people are saving their neck and jobs due to fear of students.
Oh, of course, Pakistan's nuclear weapons can't save Pakistan, but somehow they're supposed to save Bangladesh! No amount of weapons can save a country that's exploding from within. Pakistan is the only country in South Asia where India intervenes militarily— I don't see those nuclear weapons doing much to deter India.
Lol. Two bankrupt countries expats here are dreaming.
These war rhetorics are a sign of a country's decline. As a nation starts to fail, such rhetoric becomes more frequent. India should brace itself for a potential massive refugee crisis, which could emerge from the collapse of Pakistan and Bangladesh, especially, Bangladesh.
Dr. Shahidduzzaman is a professor who teaches national security and intelligence gathering.

I have said it many years ago.

I say let's reunit as loose federation. We used to be same country. Should be easy to do.

Imagine Bharat stuck between a nuclear sandwich. South Asia will be much peaceful ✌️
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I have said it many years ago.

I say let's reunit as loose federation. We used to be same country. Should be easy to do.

Imagine Bharat stuck between a nuclear sandwich. South Asian will be much peaceful ✌️
I hope that if reunification ever happens, Pakistanis would be ready to accept a Bengali Prime Minister. It could be a positive step not just for Pakistan, but also for improving India-Pakistan relations. A Bengali leader might bring a fresh perspective that could help resolve long-standing issues like the Kashmir conflict.
I have said it many years ago.

I say let's reunit as loose federation. We used to be same country. Should be easy to do.

Imagine Bharat stuck between a nuclear sandwich. South Asian will be much peaceful ✌️

We are already stuck between Pakistan and China.
Adding BD as a vassal with Pakistani nukes doesn't make sandwich bigger.
We are already stuck between Pakistan and China.
Adding BD as a vassal with Pakistani nukes doesn't make sandwich bigger.
India successfully resolved its border disputes with Bangladesh. I believe if Pakistanis were to accept Bengalis as equals, it might pave the way for resolving the India-Pakistan border issues under a Bengali prime minister in Pakistan. But that will never happen—Pakistanis would never accept being ruled by a Bengali.
You know i was thinking about the exact same thing only couple hours ago. And here is a scholar saying the same thing.

Bangladesh may have a mutual-defence treaty with Pakistan.
I don’t think Pakistan is in a position to give a nuclear umbrella to Bangladesh or even countries like Turkey or KSA(as is normally suggested).
Pakistan is just an average player in the big scheme of things…militarily somewhat strong…but not in a position to be able to get caught in such complexity and come out the other end having delivered on such a promise.

An example that comes to mind is that of the alliances of mutual defense that dragged multiple European powers to war in WW1…which started from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand(certainly a small event when compared to something as large as a world war). Due to the complex alliances…other countries had to jump in the mix.

While that was not a nuclear umbrella…but it is a similar concept. Who determines a threshold? At what point of conflict do nukes come in to play? Does a simple border skirmish count? Or is it only in the event that BD is nuked by India…in which case it would up being a no first use policy…which Pakistan doesn’t have.

…if India attacks BD…and Pakistan doesn’t think that such an attack is worth replying with nukes(as it would lead to India nuking Pakistan). It would make Pakistan’s promise of nuclear umbrella look hollow…just mere words.

…if Pakistan does respond with nukes…so would India…and the whole subcontinent would be done for.

Instead it would be far better for Pakistan/BD/China to try and have a commonality in terms of weapons of war and train with each other frequently while building strong alliances. This way if it ever comes down to it in a situation of war..where flames spread to such an extent that it draws in the neighbors…it would enable a synergy between these three countries(China/Pak/BD) in terms of logistics, communication/intelligence sharing, etc…so the three would be able to essentially fight as one(think NATO).

At the same time…if BD feels threatened by its bigger neighbor…BD could develop its own nuclear weapons…which would be far easier for BD to then determine its own nuclear policy and threshold without complicating the matter(that would occur if other nations were involved).

@Al-Zakir @Avicenna @UKBengali @AbuShalehRumi
I don’t think Pakistan is in a position to give a nuclear umbrella to Bangladesh or even countries like Turkey or KSA(as is normally suggested).
Pakistan is just an average player in the big scheme of things…militarily somewhat strong…but not in a position to be able to get caught in such complexity and come out the other end having delivered on such a promise.

An example that comes to mind is that of the alliances of mutual defense that dragged multiple European powers to war in WW1…which started from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand(certainly a small event when compared to something as large as a world war). Due to the complex alliances…other countries had to jump in the mix.

While that was not a nuclear umbrella…but it is a similar concept. Who determines a threshold? At what point of conflict do nukes come in to play? Does a simple border skirmish count? Or is it only in the event that BD is nuked by India…in which case it would up being a no first use policy…which Pakistan doesn’t have.

…if India attacks BD…and Pakistan doesn’t think that such an attack is worth replying with nukes(as it would lead to India nuking Pakistan). It would make Pakistan’s promise of nuclear umbrella look hollow…just mere words.

…if Pakistan does respond with nukes…so would India…and the whole subcontinent would be done for.

Instead it would be far better for Pakistan/BD/China to try and have a commonality in terms of weapons of war and train with each other frequently while building strong alliances. This way if it ever comes down to it in a situation of war..where flames spread to such an extent that it draws in the neighbors…it would enable a synergy between these three countries(China/Pak/BD) in terms of logistics, communication/intelligence sharing, etc…so the three would be able to essentially fight as one(think NATO).

At the same time…if BD feels threatened by its bigger neighbor…BD could develop its own nuclear weapons…which would be far easier for BD to then determine its own nuclear policy and threshold without complicating the matter(that would occur if other nations were involved).

@Al-Zakir @Avicenna @UKBengali @AbuShalehRumi
I'd understand if he were talking about Bangladesh seeking protection under the nuclear umbrella of China, the USA, or the European Union. However, I don’t see how he assumes that Pakistan could protect Bangladesh from Indian aggression when Pakistan itself cannot defend against it.
Nah, bro. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I don't think it's realistic.

How do you stop aggression? Border killing to water terrorism.

You have witnessed last 15 years that nawajish ghulami relationship didn't save Bd from aggression. It was on the way to become another sikkim.

It was a blessing that we rescued Bd before it was too late.

Look we are in a tight position. "You will be damnd if you do, and damnd if you don't do." I rather do something than nothing. It was time we take bold decisions.
I'd understand if he were talking about Bangladesh seeking protection under the nuclear umbrella of China, the USA, or the European Union. However, I don’t see how he assumes that Pakistan could protect Bangladesh from Indian aggression when Pakistan itself cannot defend against it.
If Pakistan was a cake walk as u think…India would have already seized the Pakistani territory it desires…
…but clearly it hasn’t been able to bcuz reality is different than ur delusions.
If Pakistan was a cake walk as u think…India would have already seized the Pakistani territory it desires…
…but clearly it hasn’t been able to bcuz reality is different than ur delusions.

In Bollywood movie, an Indian skinny rageddy actor can take down 1000 Pakistani commando in Pakistan and return back home without a scratch. It's all possible but they just don't do it because they don't want to hurt your feelings. That's all.
How do you stop aggression? Border killing to water terrorism.

You have witnessed last 15 years that nawajish ghulami relationship didn't save Bd from aggression. It was on the way to become another sikkim.

It was a blessing that we rescued Bd before it was too late.

Look we are in a tight position. "You will be damnd if you do, and damnd if you don't do." I rather do something than nothing. It was time we take bold decisions.
He created a mockery of his own statement by mentioning Pakistan. If he had simply suggested that Bangladesh should develop nuclear weapons, he would have been taken more seriously.

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