Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

What deters wars between India and China is bilateral trade, and similarly,

It's India being terrified of china that stops escalation and retaliation

It's not as if china despite big trade have not been aggressive on the border with India, you make it sound two way agreement 😂

If your auntie had *@**s she would be your uncle

Your don't have a border with Baluchistan and never will lol

India had two decades of USA security umbrella with access to Baluchistan, they already had every economic advantage 😂
and guess what they were passengers watching events unfold there as soon as USA changed course in Afghanistan.... another so called civilizational link lost... again 😂

Just like in Bangladesh now

As big as your GDP might get Pak will always live rent free 😂 forgot about Pak, worry about china china china
Not sharing a border with Baluchistan is the only reason why India didn’t liberate Baluchistan like it did Bangladesh in 1971. Nuclear deterrence is a Pakistani fantasy. Once India becomes as militarily and financially capable as the US, you will see it intervening in Baluchistan to help it become an independent country, similar to Bangladesh.
Don’t forget that Pakistan's nuclear program began before India's. India only detonated nuclear weapons in 1974 because USA had threatened to nuke India during the 1971 India-Pakistan war.
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Can you explain why Bangladesh is in a strategic location.

One can control China-Myanmar Economic corridor using Rohingya freedom fighters.

Control Nepal, Bhutan and Indian North East.

Control Bay of Bengal using Bangladesh
Why just a nuclear umbrella, why not just merge back into Pakistan and become East Pakistan again?

It's a interesting historical fact that creation of Pakistan as it was on 14 August 1947 was not possible without the participation of Bengalies. Muslim league was founded in Dhaka. Jinnah by any account is their founder father as well, a person who was not born and bred in west Pakistan. The "west wing" has no sole right on idea of Pakistan. 71 was a bitter family fued which led to separation of ways, like it can happen in any family. But those historical links cannot be undone. "Merging" back is not the right choice of word.

What future holds, no one knows. But having a defence pact with Bangladesh is very logical. Deploying Pakistani tactical nukes on Bangladeshi soil with sufficient delivery mechanisms like Fattah or Nasr series missiles will be sufficient to detter any ground invasion. The strategic level can be covered from
Pakistan itself.

If Bangladesh is serious and feel threatened, it should act fast. As its just not delivery of nukes and missiles but the supporting infrastructure which will take time, like creating proper bases to station these weapons.
Once India becomes as militarily and financially capable as the US, you will see it intervening in Baluchistan to help it become an independent country, similar to Bangladesh.

Ok forum needs to consider having sanity criteria for membership.

What you are really saying is you may never have the b@ll$ to do anything
It's a interesting historical fact that creation of Pakistan as it was on 14 August 1947 was not possible without the participation of Bengalies. Muslim league was founded in Dhaka. Jinnah by any account is their founder father as well, a person who was not born and bred in west Pakistan. The "west wing" has no sole right on idea of Pakistan. 71 was a bitter family fued which led to separation of ways, like it can happen in any family. But those historical links cannot be undone. "Merging" back is not the right choice of word.

What future holds, no one knows. But having a defence pact with Bangladesh is very logical. Deploying Pakistani tactical nukes on Bangladeshi soil with sufficient delivery mechanisms like Fattah or Nasr series missiles will be sufficient to detter any ground invasion. The strategic level can be covered from
Pakistan itself.

If Bangladesh is serious and feel threatened, it should act fast. As its just not delivery of nukes and missiles but the supporting infrastructure which will take time, like creating proper bases to station these weapons.

Also, One very important outcome that will be beneficial to Pakistan, is Bangladesh footing some bill towards Pakistan nuclear program, which has become too big to sustain economically speaking.
Also, One very important outcome that will be beneficial to Pakistan, is Bangladesh footing some bill towards Pakistan nuclear program, which has become too big to sustain economically speaking.

Similar to NATO-pact countries, I am sure we will contribute if it happens. It is still too early to say. There will be many stumbling blocks like the issue of American-led sanctions on specific individuals and entities involved in the missile programs.

Right now, we need actionable intel more than ever. Hasina's minions with instructions from her are still stirring up trouble in the outskirts of Dhaka and beyond with the goal of undermining the interim government.
One can control China-Myanmar Economic corridor using Rohingya freedom fighters.

Control Nepal, Bhutan and Indian North East.

Control Bay of Bengal using Bangladesh
China-Myanmar Economic corridor is currently in a mess. Does not need anyone to control it.

Nepal and Bhutan are not strategic. In any case, you cannot control Nepal or Bhutan from Bangladesh.

Bay of Bengal is only used by India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. India has its west coast as an alternative. Myanmar is hardly doing any trade currently. So you cannot call that strategic.

The only place that can to some extent be called strategic is Indian North East. As long as Bangladesh allows transit from Bengal to the North Ease, it will have some value. If it stops then there is zero value of Bangladesh as a strategic location.
China-Myanmar Economic corridor is currently in a mess. Does not need anyone to control it.

Nepal and Bhutan are not strategic. In any case, you cannot control Nepal or Bhutan from Bangladesh.

Bay of Bengal is only used by India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. India has its west coast as an alternative. Myanmar is hardly doing any trade currently. So you cannot call that strategic.

The only place that can to some extent be called strategic is Indian North East. As long as Bangladesh allows transit from Bengal to the North Ease, it will have some value. If it stops then there is zero value of Bangladesh as a strategic location.

When Bangladesh gets control of the India's chicken's neck and Sikkim state, Bangladesh can control Nepal, Bhutan and Indian North East.
It's a interesting historical fact that creation of Pakistan as it was on 14 August 1947 was not possible without the participation of Bengalies. Muslim league was founded in Dhaka. Jinnah by any account is their founder father as well, a person who was not born and bred in west Pakistan. The "west wing" has no sole right on idea of Pakistan. 71 was a bitter family fued which led to separation of ways, like it can happen in any family. But those historical links cannot be undone. "Merging" back is not the right choice of word.

What future holds, no one knows. But having a defence pact with Bangladesh is very logical. Deploying Pakistani tactical nukes on Bangladeshi soil with sufficient delivery mechanisms like Fattah or Nasr series missiles will be sufficient to detter any ground invasion. The strategic level can be covered from
Pakistan itself.

If Bangladesh is serious and feel threatened, it should act fast. As its just not delivery of nukes and missiles but the supporting infrastructure which will take time, like creating proper bases to station these weapons.
Mind I ask, what does Pakistan get from this arrangement?

Since this is hypothetical scenario.
Lets assume there a war between Bangladesh and Myanmar tomorrow.
Feelling threatened , Bangladesh fires Pakistani nuclear weapons on Myanmar.

Will Pakistan bear responsibility for it?

Another hypothetical scenario, some time in future, Bangladeshi government changes again and a anti - Pakistan government comes back to power (as has happened so many times in the past)

Can they sieze Pakistan nuclear weapons deployed on Bangladeshi soil and perhaps even threaten Pakistan with its own nukes?
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Mind I ask, what does Pakistan get from this arrangement?

Since this is hypothetical scenario.
Lets assume there a war between Bangladesh and Myanmar tomorrow.
Feelling threatened , Bangladesh fires Pakistani nuclear weapons on Myanmar.

Will Pakistan bear responsibility for it?

Dude, are you even taking this thread seriously?

Think of it as being a comedy one for light relief.
Dude, are you even taking this thread seriously?

Think of it as being a comedy one for light relief.
Not at all.

I am just laughing at immaturity of Bangladeshi and Pakistani posters.

So naive in the ways of the world.
Bangladesh fires Pakistani nuclear weapons on Myanmar.
Why anyone would drop nuke on a non nuke armed nation? If we have nuke sharing agreement all nuke delivery system will be pointed towards india. As of now india is the only country who can invade our mainland and posturing to do so...
Why anyone would drop nuke on a non nuke armed nation? If we have nuke sharing agreement all nuke delivery system will be pointed towards india. As of now india is the only country who can invade our mainland and posturing to do so...
Didn't US drop nuke on a non nuclear nation.

You never know what happens in heat of a battle.

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