Dr Zakir Naik is coming to Pakistan

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Mr X

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May 28, 1998
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I understand religious discussions are not allowed in this forum, but Zakir Naik has had a history of controversies with the Indian government. So he also has a political side too.

I am so happy to hear that he will be visiting Pakistan in October. I recently watched his interview with Nadir Ali, where he shared his desire to visit Pakistan, today, I received a notification on YouTube (likely due to relevant searches content as I am not subscribed to his channel anymore) confirming that he will be visiting Pakistan next month.

I wish I could attend his events, but sadly I am not in Pakistan. For those who have the chance, I encourage you to go. He has contributed more to the Muslim community than 99.99% of Muslims combined.

Please refrain from discussing any controversies in this thread, but feel free to share positive comments if you would like.

Here is the schedule of his visit

You guys actually like Zakir Naik?
As a child, yes. He is a scholar in competative religion. So, when scores some points, it gives chill and release dopamine etc which gives sense of achievement.
However, when we grow up and start looking inward. Then we tend to look for answers for our innerself. Therefore, I like now Nouman Ali Khan. Anyway, it doesn't mean we hate ZN or don't like him but I am not as enthusiast about him like when I was kid.
I understand religious discussions are not allowed in this forum, but Zakir Naik has had a history of controversies with the Indian government. So he also has a political side too.

I am so happy to hear that he will be visiting Pakistan in October. I recently watched his interview with Nadir Ali, where he shared his desire to visit Pakistan, today, I received a notification on YouTube (likely due to relevant searches content as I am not subscribed to his channel anymore) confirming that he will be visiting Pakistan next month.

I wish I could attend his events, but sadly I am not in Pakistan. For those who have the chance, I encourage you to go. He has contributed more to the Muslim community than 99.99% of Muslims combined.

Please refrain from discussing any controversies in this thread, but feel free to share positive comments if you would like.

Here is the schedule of his visit

View attachment 66330

NO thank you. This guy claimed that india would be a superpower by 2020 and that Pakistan should have been a part of india.
You guys actually like Zakir Naik?

Definitely not. I liked his Sheikh though, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, this Zakir guy claims to be his student but goes against his religious view points due to closeness with wahabism and funding. He should stay with religious comparative study and not creed which is not his field.
Dr. Zakir Naik and his son are always welcome in Pakistan.

Though his opinion on partition, that was the only thing I didn't agree with him on.

Oh well, he cannot stop his dawah because of petty politics.

Somebody later said Zakir Naik revised his views on partition.
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I understand religious discussions are not allowed in this forum, but Zakir Naik has had a history of controversies with the Indian government. So he also has a political side too.

I am so happy to hear that he will be visiting Pakistan in October. I recently watched his interview with Nadir Ali, where he shared his desire to visit Pakistan, today, I received a notification on YouTube (likely due to relevant searches content as I am not subscribed to his channel anymore) confirming that he will be visiting Pakistan next month.

I wish I could attend his events, but sadly I am not in Pakistan. For those who have the chance, I encourage you to go. He has contributed more to the Muslim community than 99.99% of Muslims combined.

Please refrain from discussing any controversies in this thread, but feel free to share positive comments if you would like.

Here is the schedule of his visit

View attachment 66330
I agree with you, and I do like Dr. Zakir Naik, he has done A LOT for the cause of Islam and for the Muslim community.

His Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was also another great personality.

His opinion on partition, That was the only thing I did not agree with him on.

Somebody later said Zakir Naik revised his views on partition.

We Pakistanis also have a right to our perspective as well on partition.
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Perfect, the one thing Pakistan needs at this time.
You guys actually like Zakir Naik?
Yes but I watched his video after maybe 10 years. He is still one of the best scholar I can think of and I don’t know anybody in comparative religion closer to him.
NO thank you. This guy claimed that india would be a superpower by 2020 and that Pakistan should have been a part of india.
He is not a politician but his religious point of view is amazing.
Definitely not. I liked his Sheikh though, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, this Zakir guy claims to be his student but goes against his religious view points due to closeness with wahabism and funding. He should stay with religious comparative study and not creed which is not his field.
Bunch of allegations


I don’t know if I should be angry on your posts or be happy with it.

You just solved a big problem of mine. I was sad to see the sad state of Pakistan for the last 2 years where clearly the lawlessness and the laws of the jungle are in place. But after reading your posts you reminded me the saying of Hazrat Ali R.A “Jaisi awam waise hakim”.

You guys deserve the incompetent governments for the takfeeri soch.

I don’t associate myself with any particular sect and mostly people from different sects are against him due to their mentality of creating division.

Islam was there before Deobandi, Brelvi, Shia, Ahle Hadees came into existence and it will remain even if all of these sects die.

People like Zakir Naik talks about the unity, the brotherhood and bring people together regardless of their sects. He is a human so have made blunders in some of his lectures but when you see him as a complete personality, there is more good in him than bad.

I regret of opening this thread so I apologise, those who wish to listen to him can visit him on the dates mentioned in the first post, those who don’t wish to see him, it’s okay.
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