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Egyptian Air Defense


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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A victory? I don't remember isael was beaten.

Are you suggesting that you are forgetful? Or that you don't recall the zionist being defeated as in they didn't lose? I'm betting it's the latter, yes?

You know, it's kinda sad that we have to explain this every once in a while, because of so much historical bias or just plain bias, i.e. favoritism or even better, plain old wishful denial.

But I'll explain it again just so we can be the ones who usher in a new era of awareness that people can start seeing how easily they've been duped by the manipulations of historical data and the pro-zionist world-wide membership that's greased to no end to blindly support the criminal zionist agenda and support it blindly at the mere benefit of a few shekels. It's fine, we can do that since the awakening of how filthy the zionist are has been super exposed across the world with their latest genocide in Gaza. They've done a great job -- albeit at the cost of Palestinian women & children sadly -- at exposing their criminal nature to the entire world which has finally began to awaken to that fact.

We've known this since they tried to steal our land way back in 1948 and affirmed their intentions in 1956 and AGAIN in 1967 when they failed 10 years prior to hold on their stolen lands.

So it's incumbent on us to further the cause to expose not only the criminal nature of these people, but to correct the intentionally misguided historical data that so many have been influenced by, including yourself. So I hope you take this as constructive debate and not maliciously intended.

Like I said, it's too bad I have to constantly remind people of this hard reality and fact that seems to have gone over their heads either that or they simply chose to deny it, but not only did Egypt win and decisevely win the Yom Kippur war (as the name is critical to the deception & manipulation see, we call it the October War of 1973 or the Ramadan War, not Yom Kippur so keep that in mind) but also won the preceding War of Attrition that lasted from 1968 to 1970. Both wars!

But I'll simplify the Yom Kippur war victory for you:

- Egypt attacked
- Took over the Suez Canal and entire Bar Lev line
- Went into Sinai depth of about 20kms.
- Held that territory until the end of the war
- NEVER SURRENDERED or gave up an inch of gains
- Israel tried to talk and slime its way out of defeat
- Israel tucked its tail and withdrew entirely from any gains
- Egypt kept its territory while Israel lost 1/3 territory
- That is an unequivocal & undeniable victory for Egypt.

I hope this sets the record straight for you once and for all.


May 24, 2024
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But I'll explain it again just so we can be the ones who usher in a new era of awareness that people can start seeing how easily they've been duped by the manipulations of historical data and the pro-zionist world-wide membership that's greased to no end to blindly support the criminal zionist agenda and support it blindly at the mere benefit of a few shekels. It's fine, we can do that since the awakening of how filthy the zionist are has been super exposed across the world with their latest genocide in Gaza. They've done a great job -- albeit at the cost of Palestinian women & children sadly -- at exposing their criminal nature to the entire world which has finally began to awaken to that fact.
It nearly true. Just Lack the 7th october massacre...

Genocide? It's perfectly clear that you don't know what a genocide is.
If Israel wanted to do a genocide, at those time no one gaza people would be alive.

Ask your Hamas friends why they built rockets laucher under mosquee and school? Ask them why they stole the international help to built undergrounds? Ask them why they intentionally hide amoung the civilialns?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It nearly true. Just Lack the 7th october massacre...

Genocide? It's perfectly clear that you don't know what a genocide is.
If Israel wanted to do a genocide, at those time no one gaza people would be alive.

Ask your Hamas friends why they built rockets laucher under mosquee and school? Ask them why they stole the international help to built undergrounds? Ask them why they intentionally hide amoung the civilialns?
And Israel won't be alive either..

They are themselves civilians fighting the Israeli occupation.. and in tiny place called Gaza.. where do you wanted to confront the IDF that attacks their cities?


May 24, 2024
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Like I said, it's too bad I have to constantly remind people of this hard reality and fact that seems to have gone over their heads either that or they simply chose to deny it, but not only did Egypt win and decisevely win the Yom Kippur war (as the name is critical to the deception & manipulation see, we call it the October War of 1973 or the Ramadan War, not Yom Kippur so keep that in mind) but also won the preceding War of Attrition that lasted from 1968 to 1970. Both wars!
Yom Kippour :
Egypt AND Syria, with troops from Jordania and supply from Irak made a sudden attack on 2 fronts.
On the Golan Heights Syrian army lost hundreds tanks. Israeli counter attack ended 40km from Damascus thanks to USSR pressures.
Against Egypt, after the initial israeli retreat, they destroyed the main egypt tanks forces and crossed back the Suez canal to destroy, with infanterie, the SA6 and anti tanks missile battery.
In less than 3 weeks, israel pushed back the efforts of the arabs coalition.

If it was far harder than during the 6 days war, once again israel had the final word. It's only historical facts. No politic.

You are explaining me that it is an israel defeat?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Who can destroy israel so far ? There was so many attempts....
You are bragging about the US support..without it any Arab country in the vicinity can destroy Israel..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Yom Kippour :
Egypt AND Syria, with troops from Jordania and supply from Irak made a sudden attack on 2 fronts.
On the Golan Heights Syrian army lost hundreds tanks. Israeli counter attack ended 40km from Damascus thanks to USSR pressures.
Against Egypt, after the initial israeli retreat, they destroyed the main egypt tanks forces and crossed back the Suez canal to destroy, with infanterie, the SA6 and anti tanks missile battery.
In less than 3 weeks, israel pushed back the efforts of the arabs coalition.

If it was far harder than during the 6 days war, once again israel had the final word. It's only historical facts. No politic.

You are explaining me that it is an israel defeat?
You better go educate yourself a little more before posting idiocies here!

The Daily Telegraph newspaper

" Ariel Sharon " :

The Egyptians demonstrated the ability of their soldiers to fight, the ability of their officers to lead, and their ability to use the latest weapons.

The Egyptians took the initiative and were able to inflict the heaviest losses on the Israeli army. The fighting could have stopped at any moment, and our position was extremely bad. This would be a disaster for Israel and its reputation. For that, something had to be done, so I urged the leadership to agree to implement my plan to cross to the west. In Deversoir, America helped us by telling us that there was a gap between the Egyptian Second and Third Armies, and advised us to cross to the west, but I felt in the first days of this operation that building bridges to the west was a military mistake, as the Egyptian bombing was extremely violent, and we completely failed in besieging the Egyptian Third Army. We took advantage of the nearest opportunity to return to the East.
Until October 16, 1973, not a single soldier from my unit was spared from Egyptian soldiers’ bullets, and only two battalions remained of my forces, and I personally escaped death very miraculously.


Moshe Dayan

The Middle East war shattered the myth that the Israeli army cannot be resisted, and that the land occupied by Israel in 1967 constitutes a guarantee of its security.

"The Guardian" newspaper
The October War left Israel in a state of stupor and shock.

British magazine "The Economist".

On October 30, 1973, the American nuclear scientist Harrod Brown visited the combat zones and was astonished by the destruction and losses that befell the Israeli forces and modern American weapons. After a silent and sad scene, he said: We will enter a phase of research and development for all American weapons for no less than ten years. In all military industries in the world until the weapons destroyed by the Egyptian soldier are developed... What the Egyptian army did is a true miracle... The modern American M48 tanks were destroyed by infantrymen, and the Phantom planes were shot down with shoulder-mounted missiles... American tanks are torn between the turret and the body, and this area contains the tank’s hydraulic fluid. It is truly amazing and calls for a reconsideration of everything.

It has been proven that Israeli tanks were severely hit by Egyptian anti-tank missiles. The Egyptians destroyed about two hundred Israeli tanks in the first days of the war on the Suez front. The Egyptians also clearly excelled in the field of light-mobile anti-aircraft weapons, which succeeded in inflicting heavy losses on Israeli aircraft that were not expected. Not at all. In the first week of the war, a third of the Israeli aviation was destroyed, and then the percentage increased to half. The Israelis also failed to destroy the Egyptian military airports. The process of crossing to the eastern bank of the canal was extremely amazing, as none of the military experts expected it to take place to this extent. Which does not mention any losses.

From a study conducted by the US Department of Defense

All reports that reached Western sources indicated that the Egyptian army fought with stubbornness and enthusiasm. The leadership was at the level of the infantry battalions and the tanks were at a high level. The Arab General Command was also characterized by agility and intelligence. The most important technological development at the Egyptian and Arab level was the light weapons that were used effectively and efficiently. To protect advanced positions and troop concentrations against Israeli air and armored counter-attacks, the crossing of the canal confirmed that those forces had developed technologically, and these bold operations proved that the Egyptians were capable of achieving success and acting with discipline.

After October, the Arabs emerged for the first time as makers of history, and the Arab world became an important factor in achieving political balance in the region, and thus the balance of power that had clearly been disturbed before October was corrected.

Drew Middleton
An American expert in Middle Eastern affairs

The October War is one of the biggest modern surprises

"Raymond Aron"
French Zionist sociologist

The Middle East war has already changed many ideas about the balance between combat aircraft and air defense, and between tanks and artillery means to combat them. The control enjoyed by the Israeli air force has faced a serious challenge from Arab missiles, and the superiority of Israeli tanks in the battle has become subject to great doubt.

"Elber Yejaderkinet Hunt"
Deputy Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies

I want to express my great admiration for the work accomplished by the Egyptian Armed Forces, coupled with my admiration for the progress that these forces have shown in the field. They fought at the highest level known in the era.

Yaakov Evin
Israeli writer

We lived for six years, from 1967 until 1973, in a fool's paradise or idiot's paradise.


And here is a whole thread where you can educate yourself about these matters:



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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@The SC , can you relocate all the above posts starting with #152 with @BP2 's reply to me to the October War thread? That's a much more appropriate thread for that specific topic discussion and not here in the Egyptian Air Defense thread. The only reason I brought up the one line he quoted is because it pertained to the Egypt's motivation to go to war which led to the setting up the SAM missile umbrella and the creation of Egypt's air defense branch.

Then we can engage him and have a more appropriate back & forth on that subject.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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@The SC , can you relocate all the above posts starting with #152 with @BP2 's reply to me to the October War thread? That's a much more appropriate thread for that specific topic discussion and not here in the Egyptian Air Defense thread. The only reason I brought up the one line he quoted is because it pertained to the Egypt's motivation to go to war which led to the setting up the SAM missile umbrella and the creation of Egypt's air defense branch.

Then we can engage him and have a more appropriate back & forth on that subject.
I can't relocate posts,,but I made sure he won't post his idiocies here anymore,,


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I can't relocate posts,,but I made sure he won't post his idiocies here anymore,,

lol. Well, do they seem appropriate for the October War thread to you? Let me know.

If so, I can copy/paste his reply & posts and take them over there myself, but only if you think they are appropriate. If not, then I won't take them, I'll just tag him and pick it up from there.


May 24, 2024
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You better go educate yourself a little more before posting idiocies here!

The Daily Telegraph newspaper

" Ariel Sharon " :

The Egyptians demonstrated the ability of their soldiers to fight, the ability of their officers to lead, and their ability to use the latest weapons.

The Egyptians took the initiative and were able to inflict the heaviest losses on the Israeli army. The fighting could have stopped at any moment, and our position was extremely bad. This would be a disaster for Israel and its reputation. For that, something had to be done, so I urged the leadership to agree to implement my plan to cross to the west. In Deversoir, America helped us by telling us that there was a gap between the Egyptian Second and Third Armies, and advised us to cross to the west, but I felt in the first days of this operation that building bridges to the west was a military mistake, as the Egyptian bombing was extremely violent, and we completely failed in besieging the Egyptian Third Army. We took advantage of the nearest opportunity to return to the East.
Until October 16, 1973, not a single soldier from my unit was spared from Egyptian soldiers’ bullets, and only two battalions remained of my forces, and I personally escaped death very miraculously.


Moshe Dayan

The Middle East war shattered the myth that the Israeli army cannot be resisted, and that the land occupied by Israel in 1967 constitutes a guarantee of its security.

"The Guardian" newspaper
The October War left Israel in a state of stupor and shock.

British magazine "The Economist".

On October 30, 1973, the American nuclear scientist Harrod Brown visited the combat zones and was astonished by the destruction and losses that befell the Israeli forces and modern American weapons. After a silent and sad scene, he said: We will enter a phase of research and development for all American weapons for no less than ten years. In all military industries in the world until the weapons destroyed by the Egyptian soldier are developed... What the Egyptian army did is a true miracle... The modern American M48 tanks were destroyed by infantrymen, and the Phantom planes were shot down with shoulder-mounted missiles... American tanks are torn between the turret and the body, and this area contains the tank’s hydraulic fluid. It is truly amazing and calls for a reconsideration of everything.

It has been proven that Israeli tanks were severely hit by Egyptian anti-tank missiles. The Egyptians destroyed about two hundred Israeli tanks in the first days of the war on the Suez front. The Egyptians also clearly excelled in the field of light-mobile anti-aircraft weapons, which succeeded in inflicting heavy losses on Israeli aircraft that were not expected. Not at all. In the first week of the war, a third of the Israeli aviation was destroyed, and then the percentage increased to half. The Israelis also failed to destroy the Egyptian military airports. The process of crossing to the eastern bank of the canal was extremely amazing, as none of the military experts expected it to take place to this extent. Which does not mention any losses.

From a study conducted by the US Department of Defense

All reports that reached Western sources indicated that the Egyptian army fought with stubbornness and enthusiasm. The leadership was at the level of the infantry battalions and the tanks were at a high level. The Arab General Command was also characterized by agility and intelligence. The most important technological development at the Egyptian and Arab level was the light weapons that were used effectively and efficiently. To protect advanced positions and troop concentrations against Israeli air and armored counter-attacks, the crossing of the canal confirmed that those forces had developed technologically, and these bold operations proved that the Egyptians were capable of achieving success and acting with discipline.

After October, the Arabs emerged for the first time as makers of history, and the Arab world became an important factor in achieving political balance in the region, and thus the balance of power that had clearly been disturbed before October was corrected.

Drew Middleton
An American expert in Middle Eastern affairs

The October War is one of the biggest modern surprises

"Raymond Aron"
French Zionist sociologist

The Middle East war has already changed many ideas about the balance between combat aircraft and air defense, and between tanks and artillery means to combat them. The control enjoyed by the Israeli air force has faced a serious challenge from Arab missiles, and the superiority of Israeli tanks in the battle has become subject to great doubt.

"Elber Yejaderkinet Hunt"
Deputy Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies

I want to express my great admiration for the work accomplished by the Egyptian Armed Forces, coupled with my admiration for the progress that these forces have shown in the field. They fought at the highest level known in the era.

Yaakov Evin
Israeli writer

We lived for six years, from 1967 until 1973, in a fool's paradise or idiot's paradise.


And here is a whole thread where you can educate yourself about these matters:

It was only not to humiliate the egyptian side during peace talks.

Facts are that Israeli forces pushed back the egyptian and syrian forces, despite the help of Irak... and some others.


May 24, 2024
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@The SC , can you relocate all the above posts starting with #152 with @BP2 's reply to me to the October War thread? That's a much more appropriate thread for that specific topic discussion and not here in the Egyptian Air Defense thread. The only reason I brought up the one line he quoted is because it pertained to the Egypt's motivation to go to war which led to the setting up the SAM missile umbrella and the creation of Egypt's air defense branch.

Then we can engage him and have a more appropriate back & forth on that subject.
Why? Not the first time that forumers here don't accept the truth (or my truth if you want).

I'm on some others forums, in Europe, in asia... and never, never I was blocked as lived on this one.

Instead of blocking me, give proofs of the contrary.
Hiding or removing facts don't destroy it !
You can be proud of being egyptian or muslim or.... but give argument and not ban the one that don't agree with your truth.


May 24, 2024
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You are bragging about the US support..without it any Arab country in the vicinity can destroy Israel..
You forget the 90 or 100 israeli nuc warheads.....

But even without using it, as said earlier, Israeli was never beaten since 1948.

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