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Egyptian Air Defense


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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Damn. The new president of Egypt as a military man has played his cards well. He has turned Egypt into a power house in north Africa. Congratulations

The air defense systems of Egyptian military has outstanding advantages compared to other regional countries. What it lacks is a line of S-300-PMU family. I think that it is need of hour for Egyptian airdefense forces.

@GoMig-21 sir, why didn't Egypt buy S-300 PMU2 instead of V version? I heard Egypt is going to import more of VM version. Antey-2500 is basically an ABM asset almost unable to counter threat of cruise missiles and low flying fighter jets with its giant and gladiator missiles. That was why Iran refused it. What you face against, is a combination of IAF's F-16 and F-35 fighters. I have no doubt PMU serie is a better option. Hope you go for that too.

Russians have no reason to say no, unless Israelis resist it.

But all in all, Egyptian airdefense has it's own advantages.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Anyone familiar with this type of radar? SC? Ramses, Ghost, @Sami_1 anyone else? I suspect it's not a strictly dedicated radar that's connected to the BUK launcher being fired in the background, but rather a general search & acquisition type radar that maybe operates in several bands such as x-band or S-band even. It also looks like a low altitude radar for terrain-hugging drones & cruise missiles. I'm just not familiar with the name.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Damn. The new president of Egypt as a military man has played his cards well. He has turned Egypt into a power house in north Africa. Congratulations

The air defense systems of Egyptian military has outstanding advantages compared to other regional countries. What it lacks is a line of S-300-PMU family. I think that it is need of hour for Egyptian airdefense forces.

@GoMig-21 sir, why didn't Egypt buy S-300 PMU2 instead of V version? I heard Egypt is going to import more of VM version. Antey-2500 is basically an ABM asset almost unable to counter threat of cruise missiles and low flying fighter jets with its giant and gladiator missiles. That was why Iran refused it. What you face against, is a combination of IAF's F-16 and F-35 fighters. I have no doubt PMU serie is a better option. Hope you go for that too.

Russians have no reason to say no, unless Israelis resist it.

But all in all, Egyptian airdefense has it's own advantages.
The short answer is because they have several other very capable systems to deal with CMs and the low-flying threats you mentioned. What they needed to address was in fact an anti-ballistic capable SAM system.

They needed what they figured was the best system to protect assets such as Cairo itself, the new administrative capital, the Aswan dam (although there are rumors that both, Cairo & the Aswan dam are protected by the Patriot system since 1999, but no one is certain about that).

And of course, probably the main civil infrastructure that will need protection from medium/high-altitude ballistic missile threats is the new, quad nuclear reactor in Dabaa, designed & built by good old Russia herself. The higher & further away from these assets the intercept, the better.

As for the low-flying/stealthy/drones/CMs threat you mentioned, they already have several other systems specifically for that and particularly the IRIS-T-SLM which from what we're understanding so far, they love the ever-loving begeebus out of that system lol. They love it so much they're going to load up on all 3 types of that system because of how prolific it is. The SLM, SLS & SLSX we should see at some point within the next few years.

Maybe that will facilitate negotiations for the EFT2000 too, if they can afford it and decide to buy it since it uses the A2A version of IRIS-T missile which is also a beauty.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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The short answer is because they have several other very capable systems to deal with CMs and the low-flying threats you mentioned. What they needed to address was in fact an anti-ballistic capable SAM system.

They needed what they figured was the best system to protect assets such as Cairo itself, the new administrative capital, the Aswan dam (although there are rumors that both, Cairo & the Aswan dam are protected by the Patriot system since 1999, but no one is certain about that).

And of course, probably the main civil infrastructure that will need protection from medium/high-altitude ballistic missile threats is the new, quad nuclear reactor in Dabaa, designed & built by good old Russia herself.

Higher & further away from these assets the better.

As for the low-flying/stealthy/drones threat you mentioned, the already have several other systems specifically for that and particularly the IRIS-T-SLM which from what we're understanding so far, they love the ever-loving begeebus out of that system lol. They love it so much they're going to load up on all 3 types of that system because of how prolific it is. The SLM, SLS & SLSX we should see at some point within the next few years.

Maybe that will facilitate negotiations for the EFT2000 too, if they can afford it and decide to buy it since it uses the A2A version of IRIS-T missile which is also a beauty.
Indeed, Egyptian air defense enjoys operating other highly capable systems. That's why I was amazed with variety of radar systems and different missile systems that they use already. If deployed and used well, impenetrable airspace to say the least.

You are a knowledgeable user of this forum but according to my retarded information sir, S-300VM is a field protecting asset mostly aimed at defending advancing units against ballistic missile threats. Russians are not afraid of its technology leak. What I saw was that they were too sensitive on PMU family which resulted in their S-400 missile system. And what they gave to Turkey had strings attached. Russians observe NATO without them even knowing or maybe unable to do something about it being present on NATO's soil.

Sure, Egyptian military planners know their own requirement better than a forum-er with his retarded info. I hope they consider S-300 PMU too or the 400 version for their fixed point assets such as the ones you mentioned above.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
In 1973, Egypt had 65 batteries of SA-2 systems, and it was said that it later reached 100 batteries. These systems are currently going out of service quickly and are being replaced by newer systems. Egypt actually buys Russian systems in a successive manner, not one deal, but successive deals, and does not announce any of the Russians in the Egyptian media. had said in a statement, I believe, in 2019, that there was a deal with Egypt for air defense valued at $2 billion, and it was announced during the past years that Egypt was interested in the ANTY-4000 systems and was interested in the BUK-M3 system and a link to newer missiles with a range of up to 130 kilometers, and when China introduced the HQ system - 16FE, with a range of 160 km. In order to prevent the Russians from consuming their markets, they introduced missiles with a longer range that are integrated into the BUK-M3 system.
The S-300VV4 and ANTY-4000 systems accompany armored divisions and ground forces in the theater of operations. The division is provided with short-range and medium-range batteries, while long-range brigades provide it with additional batteries depending on the level of deployment. Therefore, replacing 100 SA-2 batteries alone requires 24 S-batteries. 300/400 are purchased in series while systems such as HAWK are replaced by batteries such as IRIS-TSLX and or alternatively AKASH-NG which will be widely deployed to replace 70 SA-3 batteries and also 30 SA-6.
The Egyptian military defense network is large and the increasing number of ports and military airports requires a wider deployment of missile batteries. Therefore, what was sufficient 10 years ago does not meet current requirements.

Almaz-Antey Eyes Egyptian SAMS Demand​

Our Bureau - : Nov 30, 2021 - : 8:51 pm

Keeping in mind Egypt’s requirement for air defence systems, defence major Almaz-Antey is showcasing its Antey-4000 and S-350 Vityaz long-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMS), as well as the Viking medium-range SAMs, at EDEX 2021.
Also on display are the Tor-M2E, Tor-M2K and Tor-M2KM short-range air defence systems. Russia has been hard selling the S-400 Triumph air defence system, Buk-M2E, Tor-A, Tor-E2 air defence systems, as well as the Rif-M, Calm-1 and 9K96-3E Resource air defence systems.
In addition, visitors to the Almaz-Antey stand will be able to get acquainted with the models of radar surveillance of the airspace “Podlet-E”, “Casta-2E2”, “Gamma-DE” and the repair and diagnostic kit “Redcom”, a company official said.
Models of civilian products intended for air traffic management and airport security: the Sopka-2 highway radar complex, the RLK-10RA and Lira-A10 airfield radar complexes, as well as the ROSC-1 radar and optical complex for ensuring the safety of facilities and neutralizing drones, are also on display.

أقوى الأسلحة الروسية تعرض أمام السيسي في مصر​

تاريخ النشر:29.11.2021 | 12:23 GMT |
آخر تحديث:29.11.2021 | 12:29 GMT | أخبار العالم العربي
أقوى الأسلحة الروسية تعرض أمام السيسي في مصر

انسخ الرابط

تابعوا RT علىRT
تشارك 8 شركات روسية في النسخة الثانية من معرض مصر الدولي للصناعات العسكرية والدفاعية "إيديكس 2021".

السيسي يفتتح أول معرض دفاعي دولي يقام في مصر
السيسي يفتتح أول معرض دفاعي دولي يقام في مصر

ومن بين الشركات التي ستمثل روسيا على وجه الخصوص شركة Almaz-Antey ، بالإضافة إلى شركة Rostec الحكومية وشركاتها التابعة Rosoboronexport و Russian Helicopters و Ruselectronics و Technodinamika.
وتعتزم شركة Almaz-Antey أن تعرض في المعرض أنظمة الدفاع الجوي المطلوبة في الشرق الأوسط، وستناقش افتتاح مراكز خدمة مع شركاء في المنطقة.
ومن المتوقع أن يظهر نماذج من نظام الصواريخ البعيدة المدى المضادة للطائرات Antey-4000 ونظام الصواريخ متوسط المدى المضادة للطائرات Viking ونظام الدفاع الجوي Vityaz S-350 والدفاع الجوي قصير المدى Tor-M2E وأنظمةTor-M2K Tor-M2KM.
وقال المدير العام لشركة Rosoboronexport ألكسندر ميخيف في وقت سابق، إن روسيا ستقدم في المعرض أكثر من 350 عينة من المنتجات، وستعرض شركة كلاشينكوف مجموعة واسعة من الأسلحة الصغيرة، وستعرض أكبر شركة مصنعة للمركبات المدرعة في العالم Uralvagonzavod نماذج من دبابات T-90MS و BMPT ، والتي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا.
ويشارك في المعرض، الذي يستمر حتى الثاني من ديسمبر 2021، أكثر من 400 شركة من حوالي 42 دولة، وبمشاركة 40 من وزراء الدفاع والقادة العسكريين حول العالم،
ومتوقع أن يبلغ حجم الزائرين للمعرض حوالي 30 ألف زائر



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Egyptian media. had said in a statement, I believe, in 2019, that there was a deal with Egypt for air defense valued at $2 billion, and it was announced during the past years that Egypt was interested in the ANTY-4000 systems and was interested in the BUK-M3 system and a link to newer missiles with a range of up to 130 kilometers, and when China introduced the HQ system - 16FE, with a range of 160 km.

Hahaha I like the way you worded that. It's so true, though, because of that incremental increase in range will aways be the driving factor between these two huge, mega air defense manufacturers. Every time one comes up with a longer-range SAM, the other has to outdo it.

Although I would most certainly give the edge to Russia simply by virtue of its unrivaled lengthy history and experience and evident infield success of its systems. Let us not forget this is the country that was able to shoot down a U2 spy plane flying at 70,000 feet back in 1977! That threw the entire aviation industry for a loop. By entire industry that included the civilian airlines as they had to adjust all flight path protocols and IFF rules to try and mitigate/eliminate accidental shoot-downs of passenger aircraft.

And what missile was that the Soviet Union used in that historic shoot-down, you say?

In 1973, Egypt had 65 batteries of SA-2 systems, and it was said that it later reached 100 batteries.

The SA-2, baby. Originally known as the S-75 Dvina by its true Russian designation instead of NATO's sometimes foolish and insulting issued codenames. And boy does Egypt have a crapload of these and even manufactures its own domestic version by the tens of thousands.

The one missile responsible for the downing of most of the 400+ (1/3+) of the zionist criminal air force in 1973. Not to mention what the Viet Cong accomplished with it in Vietnam.

This is the MiG-21 & AK-47 of SAMs. The one drawback of this system is it's large and fixed but is somewhat modular to a certain extent. It could incorporate larger fuel rocket sections which if I'm not mistaken was something the Egyptian military has already done to increase its speed and range.

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SA-2 "Guideline". This video is an excellent example of the SA-2's tracking ability, considering the size of the missile with and without its rocket booster.

Now these mobile SA-6s (which were also killers of flying zionist criminal machines that many here way overrate to a wild childish extent) are what was really needed during the October War of 1973 and they just didn't have enough purposely by the Soviet Union as it knew they would be lethal and allow the Egyptian Army to move much deeper into Sinai and threaten the occupied territory of Palestine which they were afraid would happen, but that wasn't the goal. If there is any system that needs to be manufactured locally in HUUUUGGEEAAAH numbers, this is it.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The EAD requested 8 AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel to replace the AN/MPQ-64 in 2017.

The AN/MPQ-64F1 is the current improved version of the AN/MPQ-64 in the pic below.



The AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel is an X-band electronically steered pulse-Doppler 3D radar system used to alert and cue Short Range Air Defense (SHORAD) weapons to the locations of hostile targets approaching their front line forces. It is currently produced by Raytheon Missiles & Defense.

First built in 1995 as a modification of AN/TPQ-36A for search and track role in the Norwegian NASAMS air defense system, the Sentinel radar is deployed with forward area air defense units of the U.S. Army. Mounted on a towed platform, it can be positioned remotely from the rest of the unit.

The antenna uses phase-frequency electronic scanning technology, forming sharp 3D pencil beams covering large surveillance and track volume. It uses a rotating platform with a high scan rate (30 RPM) to provide 360 degree coverage. The radar is designed with high resistance to electronic countermeasures (ECM) and anti-radiation missiles (ARM).

The system automatically acquires, tracks, classifies, identifies and reports high- and low-altitude targets, including cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and both rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft. Identification of friendly aircraft is aided by identification friend or foe (IFF) interrogation.

The system can be deployed using HMMWV fitted with a 10 kW 400 Hz 115/200 VDC on-board power generator. It can be operated autonomously and communicate with the fire direction center via wideband fiber-optic link. It can also distribute its data over a SINCGARS radio network.

Some other SHORAD systems in the EAD.




The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Anyone familiar with this type of radar? SC? Ramses, Ghost, @Sami_1 anyone else? I suspect it's not a strictly dedicated radar that's connected to the BUK launcher being fired in the background, but rather a general search & acquisition type radar that maybe operates in several bands such as x-band or S-band even. It also looks like a low altitude radar for terrain-hugging drones & cruise missiles. I'm just not familiar with the name.

View attachment 40294
The SNR-75 (also referred to by the NATO reporting name Fan Song) is a series of trailer-mounted E band/F band and G band fire control and tracking radars for use with the Soviet SA-2 Guideline surface-to-air missile system.

Egyptian Fan Song E


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023

Egypt disposed of most of the Sam 2 batteries, as only 16 batteries were no longer in service out of a total of 65 batteries that were in service.

Judging by satellite images, as of 2024, at least 16 S-75 air defense systems are deployed in positions, but how many of them are capable of actually performing a combat mission is unknown.


Part of the replacement process is done with systems BUK-M2



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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This picture was posted on a Russian site and labeled as a "secret radar of the Egyptian Air Defense." SC or anyone identify it?


It is a phased array radar from what I've been able to gather.
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Part of the replacement process is done with systems BUK-M2

I think it's about time the SA-2s are put to bed. There's only so much modernization you can do to such a system that is not only static, but also requires an entire single truck to transport a single missile considering the size of it, and it takes a good 45 minutes to set one up. Replacing it with the Buk-M2E is the perfect solution.

You can see some of the newer rocket boosters and other sections of the missile that have been upgraded.


Interesting what that fella was saying in that tweet about the dual launchers being more common with the Buk-M2s. He is somewhat right back probably around 2016, but since I believe they've upped their inventory with many more quadruple racked Buk-M2Es as I seem to see them a lot more frequently in all the exercises than the dual missiles. Ever since around 2019 I believe the quad Buk-M2E seemed to be many more which I would think is much better. You always want more missiles per laucher.

The Buk-M2E deuce.



And the Buk-M2E quads.




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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Mmmm, another very interesting super secret radar. Anyone?



Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
I think it's about time the SA-2s are put to bed. There's only so much modernization you can do to such a system that is not only static, but also requires an entire single truck to transport a single missile considering the size of it, and it takes a good 45 minutes to set one up. Replacing it with the Buk-M2E is the perfect solution.

You can see some of the newer rocket boosters and other sections of the missile that have been upgraded.

View attachment 47799

Interesting what that fella was saying in that tweet about the dual launchers being more common with the Buk-M2s. He is somewhat right back probably around 2016, but since I believe they've upped their inventory with many more quadruple racked Buk-M2Es as I seem to see them a lot more frequently in all the exercises than the dual missiles. Ever since around 2019 I believe the quad Buk-M2E seemed to be many more which I would think is much better. You always want more missiles per laucher.

The Buk-M2E deuce.

View attachment 47801
View attachment 47813

And the Buk-M2E quads.

View attachment 47802
View attachment 47805
View attachment 47811
View attachment 47812

Old systems require a lot of equipment, so their operating costs are high. Old missiles are also used in training or as surface-to-surface missiles. The SAM 2 missile uses a surface-to-surface missile with a 190 kg warhead and a range of 250 km. SAM-3 missiles are replaced by AKASH-NG missiles to replace 60 batteries with missiles with a range of 70+ km. Newer systems such as AMON can be replaced with newer missiles and radars and operate for long periods. The same applies to Chaperal & CROTAL batteries because Egypt needs huge numbers of air defense batteries.


SAM-11 systems There are development programs available, such as the Chinese HQ-16FE, which reaches a range of 160 kilometers and is integrated into the S-300V4 systems to form unified batteries by expanding the targeting range of the enemy to greater levels and longer ranges.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The SAM 2 missile uses a surface-to-surface missile with a 190 kg warhead and a range of 250 km.

250km? Are you talking about the missile itself if used as a surface-to-surface missile and because of its size, it can carry enough fuel to travel 250km? Are we sure about that? Because that is a crazy distance, and the SA-2's published range as a surface to air missile is 45km max. Hard to imagine it can be converted to travel 5x that distance. So I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Egyptian S-300VM being built & displayed in Russia prior to delivery to Egypt.








Arriving & being unloaded at an unknown Egyptian port.

Set up somewhere in Egypt.

And its range based on one of the battery locations.



Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
250km? Are you talking about the missile itself if used as a surface-to-surface missile and because of its size, it can carry enough fuel to travel 250km? Are we sure about that? Because that is a crazy distance, and the SA-2's published range as a surface to air missile is 45km max. Hard to imagine it can be converted to travel 5x that distance. So I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Egyptian S-300VM being built & displayed in Russia prior to delivery to Egypt.

View attachment 48049
View attachment 48019
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View attachment 48021
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View attachment 48026
Arriving & being unloaded at an unknown Egyptian port.
View attachment 48025

Set up somewhere in Egypt.
View attachment 48041

And its range based on one of the battery locations.

View attachment 48040


OLD Specifications​

The missile has a reported length of 10.8 m, a body diameter of 0.65 (first-stage) and 0.5 m (second-stage), and a launch weight of 2,650 kg. The missile carries a single 250 kg high-explosive warhead. A two-staged missile, the Tondar 69 has a maximum range of a 150 km and uses solid-fuel. It employs inertial navigation system (INS) guidance with command updates.7

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