Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

Why AF-PAK border can never be shutdown

Its amusing to read comments when people suggest to shutdown the afghan border as if its some gate. The infiltrators / terrorists even can penetrate the most secure locations of your country which have perimeter wall of just 1 kilometer. Imagine if you have to guard a 50 kilometer wall, how you would do that ?? Now try to image that there's no wall at all but vastness of 2700 km that includes several villages lying right over the border line, rivers passing over & parallel to border line, caves & mountains, and what not. There's just infinite number of ways to cross such a border.

You want to stop infiltration? think of something else .

You can only manage the situation, removing the Afghan refugee population is a start,

You need to limit the amount of population the Afghan terrorists operate under

Fundamentally your trying to target individuals, leaders or afghans in the process of terrorism and that could go on forever

what you have to understand their are 35 million afghans, they need trade, food, people to buy their crap, access to ports, across across the Pakistani border etc

all this just to feed the Afghan population,

at the moment we are involved with fighting Afghan terrorists and the rest of the Afghan population doesn't care, they can even support the terrorists and still get access to Pakistan

what you need to do is put pressure on the Afghan population, that will then put pressure on the Taliban and TTP to knock off the fassad

So any and all refugees need to be removed
The border can be secured against the majority of the Afghan population
Trade can be curtailed if needs be,
Port access can be denied

Fundamentally the message needs to be clear if the Afghans wants friendship and trade and easy movement of people then it needs to act like a neighbour not a enemy

You can't have these two things occuring at the same time

Once the Afghan population starts to feel the squeeze then the Taliban and Afghan state will be forced to act, because it won't have any options

You can't offer the hand of friendship to a state and people who are constantly trying to attack you
Daily major terrorist attacks and it is still business as usual for the state

No emergency or urgency. No accountability
Yes Our Generals are highly protected they have money power and when they retire they will go and live on their farm lands elsewhere in the world.So much for the Pak watan poor soldiers die each time without adequate weapons or protection and the ain’t great.
Our interior minister is Chairman PCB, and there is a major ICC event coming up.

Let that sink in for a moment, then laugh at the joke that is Pakistan right now.
Maybe they really want to prove that Pakistan ka Allah hi hafiz hai.

Like the ultimate litmus test of how far can it be taken.
I just read the information about this hydropower station: the Dasu Hydropower Station project in Pakistan was constructed by China Energy Engineering Gezhouba Group. On February 18, 2023, the project was successfully closed and entered a new stage of dam construction.
According to China's Belt and Road Network, Pakistan's Dasu Hydropower Station is the second level of the planning of the water elevator in the Indus River basin. The total installed capacity of the power station is 5400 MW, which will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, there will be 6 units, totaling 2160 MW. The dam is 242 meters high and 570 meters long, with a designed roller compacted concrete volume of 4.7 million cubic meters. It is the highest roller compacted concrete dam under construction in the world and also one of the most technically challenging, total installed capacity, and total investment projects in Pakistan so far.
During the construction of the Dasu project, we collaborated with over 100 local suppliers to create 8000 employment opportunities and 25000 indirect employment opportunities, promote the development of the local infrastructure industry and talent cultivation, and make important contributions to the local economic and social development. After the completion of the power station, the annual power generation will be about 12 billion kilowatt hours, bringing clean and accessible electricity to over 5 million households attachment 29074View attachment 29075View attachment 29076

Absolutely, these projects are vital for Pakistan

The dam projects are adding a massive amount of clean electric to the grid and water storage capabilities

Yet we have these Afghans trying to target engineers or this development
I feel sad. The news of the deaths of five Chinese people also made it to the top five of China's hot news searches, with tens of millions of views. The last time I paid such attention was when BLA attacked a female teacher at a Confucius Institute. The anti-terrorism situation in Pakistan is really severe and complex. It involves regional imbalances, economic development, separatist forces, population/ethnicity/culture, and a series of issues. I personally hope that Pakistan can overcome these difficulties through stability and unityView attachment 29009
I recall that during the IK era there wasn’t so much terrorism maybe I’m wrong
YES, I am saying all Afghans are fassadi and the less you have the less terrorism, murder and fassad you will have

At the end of the day it's the responsibility of the state to look after it's own interests and benefits

What benefits have Afghans given Pakistan?, what benefit does Pakistan get from hosting so many of these namak harams?

Even if we have friendly government in Kabul, why should we keep millions of people inside Pakistan that are costly to keep and add nothing to Pakistan?

At some point you have to prioritise the well being of your own people and population, because of you are going to wait on afghanis to act like insaan then you are going to wait forever

The Afghans are killing polio workers because they are trying to immunise children against polio

These are the type of people you are dealing with
Someone is born with Afghan written across their forehead? Are Pakistani Pakhtuns spared from this labelling?
Many "Afghans" were born in Pakistan and have lived here for at least a whole generation. They say themselves that they feel more connected with Pakistan than Afghanistan. What makes some of them Pakistans' people and others not?

And ideologically, current Afghan regime is different from republican regimes of past where in their ideological animosity towards Pakistan seems less to do with irridentism. There is a much more straightforward path with this regime compared with previous republican regimes towards finding common ground, that lies in the foundational ideology of Pakistan.
The British, Russians and Americans tried to tame Afghanistan but failed. The difference in our situation is that Pakistan isn’t taking over afghan territory but they are being coming to our territory to attack. I see this as a long term war of attrition (20 years +)

We should follow the afghan playbook of hit and run( for us via drones).
I have noticed that while many PDF members repeatedly apply this reasoning, they consistently omit one important detail. Pakistan was involved in all of the recent wars that have occurred in Afghanistan. Afghanistan lacks strength and would require outside assistance to prevail in any conflict. War with the Red Army Not to add the technological assistance, intelligence and training given by the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, West Germany, France, and even Israel, Pakistani and foreigners Jihadis also played important role. While we were supposedly an ally of the West during the last NATO invasion, as everyone knows, we were actually supporting Good Talibis. Pakistan is well known for having played a double game.

Additionally, I regret to say that we currently have the mindset of a weak nation. If we can't fight with a country like Afghanistan, then why are we even spending our massive budget cuts? We have to stop glorifying these Afghans like superhumans who are unbeatable; if you can't defeat them, good luck fighting a war with India.
My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack. - Marshal Foch, the Allied C-in-C in WW1

RIP to the fallen.....

I think the time of reckoning is past due for the Pak Deep State vis-a-vis Afganistan, which has become the playground of India etc. to harm Pak-China in all ways possible . CPEC is under a direct attack, in fact it's a war now. Now is the time to evoke the Chinese cooperation, especially in terms of technology, to jointly tackle this existential threat to Pak and the Chinese citizens residing there. I am pretty sure the Chinese won't just give up on their ambition just like this. They know how to take pains and work patiently and diligently to achieve goals. Nothing should be off the limit and table.....

One good news among these gloomy events - locating the Afgans inside Pakistan has started. It's the very first step. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step....

At the very least, it should be self evident that Pakistan needs to use MRAPs for all staff on all CPEC projects.

I wouldn’t be surprised China demands Pakistan to purchase MRAPS from China (and meets the satisfaction) of the Chinese government to move all their nationals.

P.S. I asked my Chinese friends. The reaction was shocked surprised. Then it turned to asking why, and then explaining China will demand compensation but also that there is a large surge in nationalism in China these days.

China will demand financial compensation from Pakistan but also justice from the perpetrators and their backers soon or later. One of my Chinese friends says China has to retaliate to prevent this from becoming a norm.
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You can only manage the situation, removing the Afghan refugee population is a start,

You need to limit the amount of population the Afghan terrorists operate under

Fundamentally your trying to target individuals, leaders or afghans in the process of terrorism and that could go on forever

what you have to understand their are 35 million afghans, they need trade, food, people to buy their crap, access to ports, across across the Pakistani border etc

all this just to feed the Afghan population,

at the moment we are involved with fighting Afghan terrorists and the rest of the Afghan population doesn't care, they can even support the terrorists and still get access to Pakistan

what you need to do is put pressure on the Afghan population, that will then put pressure on the Taliban and TTP to knock off the fassad

So any and all refugees need to be removed
The border can be secured against the majority of the Afghan population
Trade can be curtailed if needs be,
Port access can be denied

Fundamentally the message needs to be clear if the Afghans wants friendship and trade and easy movement of people then it needs to act like a neighbour not a enemy

You can't have these two things occuring at the same time

Once the Afghan population starts to feel the squeeze then the Taliban and Afghan state will be forced to act, because it won't have any options

You can't offer the hand of friendship to a state and people who are constantly trying to attack you
Where Merhamet is taken as a sign of weakness you need to resort to Jelalet....
Special Quick Reaction Action (QRA) teams consisting of fighters / drones equipped with PGM are now on 24/7 standby to give a quick blow to terrorist HVT within and across the borders.

PAF intelligence based kinetic operations will neutralize all enemies of the state.
No one blames Pakistan, many say it's done by US.

0.28 [email protected] 06/07 kcn:/ 现场画面曝光!中国车队在巴基斯坦遭自杀式炸弹袭击,5名中国公民不幸身亡 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!

View attachment 29025
I concur that most Chinese people are more knowledgeable about geopolitics than any other nation. As Pakistanis, we were deeply saddened by these instances involving our Chinese brothers, who came to our country to help us with our country's development and we failed to protect them.

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