Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

Go ahead and do it. Also Court martial those who allowed drone strikes on their
own Country. Also investigate why Muslim Khan and Ehsanullah Ehsan were

Who was in bed with Americans when they done the Abbottabad raid?
Of course. This will start with Imran Khan and Faiz Hameed and everyone involved will go down.
Chinese patience should be wearing thin by now.

The callous attitude towards protecting their citizens but falling head over heals to satisfy American demands won't go un-noticed.

A trust that took decades and giving away our territory to build is breaking down through a multitude of reasons. The reprecussions would be felt long after the Generals win another short sighted domestic political victory.

If China feels it needs another link bypassing the Americans and the Indians, it will have it anyways with our without Pakistan.
Every tom dick and harry gets up, screw us, kills us, and gets away with it. Our response is releasing songs, giving extensions, and corruption. Hit these scumbags in their hideouts plus return the favor to our eastern neighbor who is training and financing them.
Today Six Judges of the Islamabad High Court filed a petition in the Supreme Judicial Council exposing undue pressure on them by the ISI.

How many operatives that would normally be tasked with maintaining state security in a normal functioning state are now deputed on playing these dirty political games in the banana republic of Pakistan?
This is only the beginning - everyone is about to have a field day blowing up things in Pakistan while the leadership(if anyone even cares for them anymore) is busy vacillating left and right.

Our interior minister is Chairman PCB, and there is a major ICC event coming up.

Let that sink in for a moment, then laugh at the joke that is Pakistan right now.
YES, I am saying all Afghans are fassadi and the less you have the less terrorism, murder and fassad you will have

At the end of the day it's the responsibility of the state to look after it's own interests and benefits

What benefits have Afghans given Pakistan?, what benefit does Pakistan get from hosting so many of these namak harams?

Even if we have friendly government in Kabul, why should we keep millions of people inside Pakistan that are costly to keep and add nothing to Pakistan?

At some point you have to prioritise the well being of your own people and population, because of you are going to wait on afghanis to act like insaan then you are going to wait forever

The Afghans are killing polio workers because they are trying to immunise children against polio

These are the type of people you are dealing with

Whats your solution to stop Terrorists entering into Pakistan from Afghanistan?

You like it or not, Afghanistan will always remain your neighbor.

If you want to seal the border, so that no person can pass through it then I have a news for you that this is task IMPOSSIBLE. You can build a 1000 storey building or launch a man into the moon or build a 7th generation fighter aircraft but there's no way you can seal the 2700 km complex border in a way that's sealed for infiltrators. Whenever you seal it, you actually close only the known checkpost for passengers with legal documents. You can NEVER seal it for terrorists.

Pakistan needs hundreds of billions of dollars in addition to shift its entire capability from east to western side just to guard AF-Pak border against any mass movement of troops. You still won't stop it if dozen of terrorists want to pass through. Af-pak border is way more complex than LOC. The LOC terrain is simple, plains of punjab then desert of Sindh. Only complexity is in Kashmir. But AF-Pak region is nightmare to guard. You can never stop infiltration.

My solution was to establish such relationship with govt in Afghanistan which involves win-win situation for both and they assist you. You got to have trade & joint prosperity. IMO, this is the only solution. What's your permanent solution to stop TTP infiltration into Pakistan?
Chilas having pusto speaking population, doesn't have good reputation with locals of next doors Gilgit Baltistan.
These 5 Chinese Engineers must be very brave to work in Pakistan. This attack should have made some people in Security establishment uncomfortable.
Last time I was in northern areas was in 2021.
Chinese were working quite comfortably and I'm public view, on these projects.
Imagine, we are expecting from intelligence agencies to find the top leadership of TTP or BLA at foreign soil.

When the same intel agencies were tasked to find political people like Murad Saeed & Hammad Azhar within Pakistan. Though they should not have been tasked to do such things but irony is that they even failed to find them. This is the level of competence we are left with.
Papa John Army-Noon did not learn from 1971.

Now TTP is the new Mikhti Bahini and India will be
waiting for an opportunity. In 1971 you lost Bengal,
which part will they lose now?
I just read the information about this hydropower station: the Dasu Hydropower Station project in Pakistan was constructed by China Energy Engineering Gezhouba Group. On February 18, 2023, the project was successfully closed and entered a new stage of dam construction.
According to China's Belt and Road Network, Pakistan's Dasu Hydropower Station is the second level of the planning of the water elevator in the Indus River basin. The total installed capacity of the power station is 5400 MW, which will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, there will be 6 units, totaling 2160 MW. The dam is 242 meters high and 570 meters long, with a designed roller compacted concrete volume of 4.7 million cubic meters. It is the highest roller compacted concrete dam under construction in the world and also one of the most technically challenging, total installed capacity, and total investment projects in Pakistan so far.
During the construction of the Dasu project, we collaborated with over 100 local suppliers to create 8000 employment opportunities and 25000 indirect employment opportunities, promote the development of the local infrastructure industry and talent cultivation, and make important contributions to the local economic and social development. After the completion of the power station, the annual power generation will be about 12 billion kilowatt hours, bringing clean and accessible electricity to over 5 million households
Why AF-PAK border can never be shutdown

Its amusing to read comments when people suggest to shutdown the afghan border as if its some gate. The infiltrators / terrorists even can penetrate the most secure locations of your country which have perimeter wall of just 1 kilometer. Imagine if you have to guard a 50 kilometer wall, how you would do that ?? Now try to image that there's no wall at all but vastness of 2700 km that includes several villages lying right over the border line, rivers passing over & parallel to border line, caves & mountains, and what not. There's just infinite number of ways to cross such a border.

You want to stop infiltration? think of something else .

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