Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

Pakistan really need to differentiate between TTP vs Baloch and others. TTP AFAIK can never be fixed vs Baloch address their grievances and they will put aside weapons. What Baloch want is development of people and they will be OK.

I don’t think China will ever do HDI for people that is kind of West concept for giving grants which is useless as corrupt eat all money and people don’t get anything.

Anyways RIP the dead ones.

Corrupt elites can be replaced if it a matter between them and national interests. It’s about what political capital it will cost and what legitimacy replacing them will require. Democracy is the best way to do it legitimately, but considered real democracy isn’t available, I guess the powers that be may choose to do it another way.

Indeed RIP to the dead.
Stop living in fools paradise these people even kill polio workers. These are regressive mentality people which Pakistan raised and Pakistan is still thinking they can be friends and used as strategic depth.

Their is no strategic depth,

Strategic depth ended the day we got nuclear weapons, and it was replaced by a nuclear holocaust inside india
We should not have this mentality. As individual we have obligation to do what we can do best. So dont need to talk about ruling class here and there. Why dont you and some members here with good potentials try to go up the ladder and become part of the elites themselves
Because there is no mechanism to move up on the basis of merit, and it seems to be the case by design not by accident.
Well, I was predicting an attack about to take place after Pakistan launched drone strikes in Afghanistan. It may not be relevant to this incident but it is possible that it is relevant.

We have seen surge in terrorist attacks since that day and this madness needs to stop.

My sincere condolences to the families of their Chinese Engineers. May they rest in peace
Why predicting? It was well known

Defensive/Reactive strategy against terrorists has failed. Even if you foil 99% of their attacks, if even 1% slip through they can cause serious incidents like this.

The solution is to punish Kabul and New Delhi for their sponsorship of terrorism. Our Strongly worded letters and diplomatics statements have fallen on deaf ears.

The only language the "international community" understands is violence. Swift Retort and Marg Bar Sarmachar are evidence of this. Look how their tones changed overnight following Pakistan's military operations.
Though I am saddened to see the loss of life I request you to not to drag India responsible for this without concrete proofs..... our target is to become one among top 3 economies of this world in next 5 years and we don't encourage entertain terrorism....
Condolences to the bereaved families :(
Because there is no mechanism to move up on the basis of merit, and it seems to be the case by design not by accident.

Well I think Pakistani should live in reality and accept current situation where active action should be taken by each individuals.

If we keep making the narrative of blaming the elites, I dont think it will help Pakistan situation. Better we try to find ways to do positive and constructive ways while living within current political situation.

Giving critics and input based on the policy rather than talking bad all the time about current elites in power is better. I see even some Indonesians who supported Anies and Ganjar still have this attitude, for me who previously supported Ganjar, I accept Prabowo winning and want to do what ever I can do to have positive contribution to our nation.

We should embrace the current reality and make positive contributions to our nation with any power we have. Not accepting reality is like a man who still want to get a girl while the girl has rejected him by her attitude toward him, this will make that man mentality get damaged and make his life misreable while there are many women who potentially love him outside.
The only way terrorist attack will stop of Taliban leaders are targeted which they aren't

We all know why
I request you to not to drag India responsible for this without concrete proofs.....
The words of your own officials are not proof enough?
I always wondered why Chinese don't get boots on ground in Pakistan. They have invested billions. Chinese are shrewd businessmen and I am completly baffled why they are not worried about their men and Investment.
This is the second or third thread about targeted attack on Chinese workers that I've seen in the past few years. Last time, I recall that China asked for the (Chinese) victims to be compensated by Government of Pakistan. The same expected may be raised at this instance as well.

Perhaps China should consider hiring private security to augment / support Pakistani gov. security for Chinese nationals in Pakistan.

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