Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

What we're the Chinese doing in an American vessel state .
Are you guys crazy

Americans ordered this tragedy Pakistani intelligence & military involved don't know why the forum racists ate jumping up and down like monkeys screaming Afghanistan Afghanistan

There is one fitna in South Asia the Afghans the indians the kashmiris the bengalis will tell you along with the majority of pakistani public

It's the Pakistan army
Oh what a wonderful South Asia it would have been if the pak army didn't exist in its current drunken sexual perverted debauched organisation enslaved to the white man to carry brutality against its own people .

Can dream .
I think the Chinese state is smarter than a youthiya Internet user to know why they are present in a "American vessel state"

Aur kuch?
At the very least, it should be self evident that Pakistan needs to use MRAPs for all staff on all CPEC projects.

I wouldn’t be surprised China demands Pakistan to purchase MRAPS from China (and meets the satisfaction) of the Chinese government to move all their nationals.

P.S. I asked my Chinese friends. The reaction was shocked surprised. Then it turned to why, and then explaining China will demand compensation but also that there is a large surge in nationalism in China these days.

China will demand financial compensation from Pakistan but also justice from the perpetrators and their backers soon or later. One of my Chinese friends says China has to retaliate to prevent this from becoming a norm.
Unstoppable force (Chinese work ethic) meets immovable object (Boomer Bureaucrat Babus of Pakistan Gov't)
Our elites are incompetent, uneducated and hedonistic Perverted slaves of the western system so of course pakistan is screwed. Loot pakistan go to West happily ever after this is our mentality. It's insane I always think to myself we have so many educated people in this forum also young educated people who are tired of this all why don't we bring change? Our own party our own ideology not imported from West?
Pakistani Army needs to realise that they have been hijacked by traitor CIA
Generals, the Turks realised and removed them in 24 hours.

It has been 2 years and half a million Army can't take out 20 Traitors from

I won't be surprised if these traitor CIA Generals are taking dollars
to kill Chinese and finish off CPEC.
Whats your solution to stop Terrorists entering into Pakistan from Afghanistan?

You like it or not, Afghanistan will always remain your neighbor.

If you want to seal the border, so that no person can pass through it then I have a news for you that this is task IMPOSSIBLE. You can build a 1000 storey building or launch a man into the moon or build a 7th generation fighter aircraft but there's no way you can seal the 2700 km complex border in a way that's sealed for infiltrators. Whenever you seal it, you actually close only the known checkpost for passengers with legal documents. You can NEVER seal it for terrorists.

Pakistan needs hundreds of billions of dollars in addition to shift its entire capability from east to western side just to guard AF-Pak border against any mass movement of troops. You still won't stop it if dozen of terrorists want to pass through. Af-pak border is way more complex than LOC. The LOC terrain is simple, plains of punjab then desert of Sindh. Only complexity is in Kashmir. But AF-Pak region is nightmare to guard. You can never stop infiltration.

My solution was to establish such relationship with govt in Afghanistan which involves win-win situation for both and they assist you. You got to have trade & joint prosperity. IMO, this is the only solution. What's your permanent solution to stop TTP infiltration into Pakistan?
By carpet bombing them.

Establishing a buffer zone.
Shut up slave . Hundreds and thousands of pakistanis have been murdered by your over Lords the Americans over the years and you still lick thier balls like a good obedient servant.

continue .

PTI-supporter must be one of your close relations boyfriends the amount of hate spewing against your fellow citizens . I don't give a flying duck about you and your backward uncivilised food thieving politics nor your grave worshipping married to a witch ex leader .

Now don't derail your thread because of your family members hurt .

Go along oh slave .
Youthiyas calling others slaves is the most ironic thing. You are just cultish bootlicks of Kaaaan saaahbbb and have a Bible full of illogical conspiracy theories.

You are just a cult of low IQ emotional morons.
Special Quick Reaction Action (QRA) teams consisting of fighters / drones equipped with PGM are now on 24/7 standby to give a quick blow to terrorist HVT within and across the borders.

PAF intelligence based kinetic operations will neutralize all enemies of the state.

Nation is really bored of these statements. Just accept your epic intelligence & security failures.

No one's asking whether PAF is ready or not.
By carpet bombing them.

Establishing a buffer zone.

Even Zionist mentality is put to shame and yours is even non-practical at first place.

Do you want to exhaust your entire arsenal in wiping the villages & cities along AF-Pak border ? You will run out of ammo before you even complete 1%. BTW, even israel ran out of arsenal and had to import from US when it did its initial bombing on just a tiny strip of 40 kms. Gazans not only lived in just 40 km tiny strip but they also have no mountains / caves or terrain at their advantage. Think harder next time before giving a silly suggestion to carpet bomb as if its a small area. US did massive bombing campaign with B-52s over tora bora region but still OBL and others were believed to have escaped.

You created a large buffer zone in the 90's Not by carpet bombing but by alliance with Taliban 1.0. Look for such an alliance in afghan territory.

Edit: This nick name of yours is even more hillarious, imagine a rational pakistani is giving the most absurd and non-practical suggestion to carpet bomb all along border to create buffer zone. Your previous nick of anti-youth was still better lol.
Even Zionist mentality is put to shame and yours is even non-practical at first place.

Do you want to exhaust your entire arsenal in wiping the villages & cities along AF-Pak border ? You will run out of ammo before you even complete 1%. BTW, even israel ran out of arsenal and had to import from US when it did its initial bombing on just a tiny strip of 40 kms. Gazans not only lived in just 40 km tiny strip but they also have no mountains / caves or terrain at their advantage. Think harder next time before giving a silly suggestion to carpet bomb as if its a small area. US did massive bombing campaign with B-52s over tora bora region but still OBL and others were believed to have escaped.

You created a large buffer zone in the 90's Not by carpet bombing but by alliance with Taliban 1.0. Look for such an alliance in afghan territory.

Edit: This nick name of yours is even more hillarious, imagine a rational pakistani is giving the most absurd and non-practical suggestion to carpet bomb all along border to create buffer zone. Your previous nick of anti-youth was still better lol.
I'm not reading all of that tbh, sounds like a bunch of transgender liberal screeching anyway.

Any idiot that still talks of "Afghan cooperation saar" simply shouldn't be taken seriously. It's like asking India for cooperation in taking back Kashmir. Idiotic thing to say.
This is so sad & devastating. Perhaps the most incompetent people are running the security affairs and the country. Total intelligence & security failure.

Attacks on daily basis is direct response to flawed strategy. The incompetent lot of GHQ has absolutely no clue what to do.

Pakistanis always believed our intelligence agency is one of the best in the world, the have been exposed for the last 20 years, complete incompetent people running it, if this was China or Iran, they would take strict action against terrorists, their sponsors, funders and sympathisers. These kind of attacks will greatly harm our economy for the next few decades.

We need a strong independent government in charge, the state institutes must be depoliticed and should concentrate on doing their duties.
Please elaborate
  • who brought them into Pakistan
  • who gave them NIC
  • who gave them Passports
  • who gave them airport access
List is long & end only where it all matters.

During general Mushraff time 1000s of foreign agents were allowed to operate in Pakistan for dollars, these agents must have formed close contacts and we may have 1000s of sleeper cells waiting to be activated.
Please elaborate
  • who brought them into Pakistan
  • who gave them NIC
  • who gave them Passports
  • who gave them airport access
List is long & end only where it all matters.
Most recent person I can think of is Imran Khan, with the help of Faiz Hameed.1000000585.jpg
I'm not reading all of that tbh, sounds like a bunch of transgender liberal screeching anyway.

Any idiot that still talks of "Afghan cooperation saar" simply shouldn't be taken seriously. It's like asking India for cooperation in taking back Kashmir. Idiotic thing to say.

Ofcourse as I was expecting. When you have nothing rational and no argument then you will respond with filth or will bring politics / yothia mantra.

You keep telling others about IQ levels, ever wondered why you have a limited & meaningless response.

If you want to believe that you can screw up entire neighborhood without consequences then what can I say. Keep believing that Taliban, Iran and India are all so scared of you and won't do a thing while you blow up massive craters & do massive carpet bombing at your western borders be my guest.
Ofcourse as I was expecting. When you have nothing rational and no argument then you will respond with filth or will bring politics / yothia mantra.

You keep telling others about IQ levels, ever wondered why you have a limited & meaningless response.

If you want to believe that you can screw up entire neighborhood without consequences then what can I say. Keep believing that Taliban, Iran and India are all so scared of you and won't do a thing while you blow up massive craters & do massive carpet bombing at your western borders be my guest.
Far far better of a response than begging like a submissive coward for co-operation, with the same people you are up against in a conflict.

Like I said you are clueless. It's like begging India for co-operation in taking back Kashmir.

You don't even understand the conflict with Afghanistan

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