Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan


Before I start I think some perspective for some of the wayward members here is important on this subject. CPEC is a massive development and cooperation project between the Governments of Pakistan and China representing an investment of over $65 billion USD, present available data suggests in excess of 60,000 Chinese Nationals residing and working in Pakistan on various projects., this is a growth of 757% since 2015.

As per the report published by the in 2021 it is estimated that with growing cooperation between Pak/China in Biotech and under the Pak/China Health Corridor the number of Chinese Nationals living in Pakistan is estimated to grow to over five million by 2027****

Returning to your question and AFIK and remember;

Protective Intelligence Development:
Special Branch have a dedicated Chinese Security Cell established in 2010 which produce a daily security report which is shared with the Home Dept and CM office.

SB published a national security plan for residential security for Chinese Nationals - (Will not publish details here for obvious reasons but oversight of this lies with Home Dept in Punjab and Provincial Gov's accordingly.).

Physical Security:

National Level:
S.S.D have complete oversight = 9 battalions, six wings = 13,700 personnel dedicated to security of CPEC. Headed by a Major General of Pakistan Army reporting directly to GHQ. Over 5000 of these personnel will be dedictaed to counter-terrorism and crisis response capacity [LCB Baloch Regiment]
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AGPL (APL/Askari) have national contract for PSC contract for all things CPEC [this is restricted to residential security teams and some limited CP details].

Provincial Level:


In KPK SSU (CPEC) has control of escort duties for all CPEC personnel and projects. Some 400+ constables were merged into this unit in 2021.

Current Commandant - D.I.G. Muhammad Zafar Ali

Six wings (5,700 personnel) of the Frontier Corps, 3,000 police constables and 1,000 Levies personnel would guard all the routes.

3,500 policemen, 900 Rangers, 4,100 private security guards and 740 Askari Guards would protect various projects linked to the economic corridor in Punjab.

In total some 32,000 security personnel including private guards from Askari and 500 security personnel from China have been assigned to CPEC security as of 2015*

The interior ministry of Pakistan revised the standard operating procedures (SOPs) regarding the protection of Chinese nationals, investors, and experts, especially those participating in the CPEC initiatives in Feb 2022 which included among other things the following caveat:
Chinese nationals utilize reinforced vehicles and notify the appropriate authorities and police stations prior to their visits.

**As per de-classified security threat assessments There are a number of internal and external factors posing threats to CPEC. These threats are diverse as, internally, TTP militancy in Khyber Pukhtunkhawa (KP) and the tribal areas is a threat whereas externally, hostile foreign agencies like the Indian Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) have plans to sabotage CPEC.

The enormity of the security threats can be judged from the fact that the highway project of the CPEC has faced more than a hundred security-related incidents since its launch in March 2014

Threat Analysis:
Internal threats:

Militancy is a tangible threat to the projects designed for the Corridor. Thus it will be a challenge for both countries to quash militant groups and their fighters along and across their borders. Militant groups have targeted Chinese citizens, workers and engineers in the past.

In Balochistan province, insurgent groups like the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) etc. indulge in anti-state activities and pose a threat to mega development projects in Balochistan, including Gwadar Port. Although their activities have been considerably curtailed due to sustained operations by the security agencies, their capabilities to carry out terrorist attacks have not been crippled to the hilt.

The militant-criminal nexus in certain areas also poses a threat to Chinese engineers, workers and citizens in the form of kidnapping and robberies. In the past, there have been some incidents of kidnapping and killing of Chinese citizens working and living in Pakistan.

In Sindh, a small and insignificant group, Sindhudesh Liberation Army (SDLA) led by Shafi Burfat and affiliated with the Jeay Sindh Mahaz (JSM), levelled threats against Chinese companies. The SDLA has been involved in many bomb attacks on government installations, especially railway tracks and state-run banks, in the province; however, the recent crackdown and killings of JSM workers in different parts of the province have weakened the group
(News, 2015).

Analysis: There are chances that external forces can use these Balochi and Sindhi
groups to create problems for CPEC projects.

External theat actors:
Indian conspiracies to fail CPEC will place Gwadar on the matrix of intense geo-strategic competition (CPGS, 2014). It has been said that Gwadar will intertwine China and Pakistan in a strategically profitable position along the Arabian Sea, stoking up existing Indian concerns that stem from the favourable position China has attained with its ‘involvement in nearby ports such as Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Sittwe in Myanmar and Chittagong in Bangladesh’ (Chowdhury, 2013).

Pakistan’s intelligence agencies had collected authentic evidence and proof about the designs of RAW. The Indian agency has already initiated its efforts to try and scuttle the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and it has formed a special cell within RAW for this purpose.

The Indians are also making an effort to sabotage Gwadar and activate Chahbahar port in Iran. “Thriving on both sides of the divide, India has quietly worked on its Chabahar port Initiative to provide Europe and Central Asia an alternative, if and when Iran gets out of isolation. It can then skirt into Afghanistan as leverage against Pakistan and China”

The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which is also described as the Turkistan Islamic Party, is based in China’s Xinjiang province and largely comprises Uighur militants. ETIM militants are not only a threat to China’s stability but also to that of Pakistan. The ETIM had worked in close cooperation with different factions of the TTP and foreign militants, especially Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal areas since 2009.

Uighur militancy has been on the rise during the past seven years. The Uighur militants’ links with the TTP in FATA pose a major threat to Chinese interests in Pakistan. An Uzbek speaking militant leader Mufti Abu Zar al-Burmi released a video message last year directing all Taliban groups to carry out attacks on Chinese embassies and companies and kidnap or kill Chinese nationals.

(Sirs you will recall the report and investigation into the presence of Uigur at raiwind Markaz)

Insecurity and instability in Afghanistan are a major source of concern not only for China but also other neighbouring countries including Pakistan, India and Iran.

In light of above mentioned threats and recommendations a four-pronged security strategy has been devised which aims at providing a comprehensive protective cover to CPEC.

The spirit of this strategy is not only to provide physical security to the manpower and assets but to protect the project from conspiracies, malicious propaganda and nefarious designs of local and foreign elements.

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Physical Security:

Keeping in view the track record of attacks on Chinese projects and personnel, not only in Pakistan but all around the world, the physical security of Chinese personnel and assets in Pakistan ought to be the top priority of the Government of Pakistan.

Protective Intelligence:

Security of CPEC is not all about physical security and target hardening of manpower and assets. It needs to pre-empt and foil the sinister plans of sabotage and subversion. Only intelligence can ensure this protection.

Therefore Protective Intelligence would be a very important component of the security strategy of the CPEC. It will aim at tackling the plans and conspiracies at the source. For this purpose Federal and Provincial agencies will have to work in tandem.

Moreover the federal intelligence agencies of Pakistan like ISI and Intelligence Bureau (IB) must enhance their liaison with the intelligence community of China for this purpose.

NACTA can play vital role in bringing about coordination among the intelligence agencies and operate as the hub of receipt of intelligence from all agencies for onward transmission to LEAs for timely action.

Awareness through Media:
It is abundantly clear that estranged and hostile elements will try to create confusion and mistrust in the public about the Pak-China relations and CPEC through their agent provocateurs and facilitators.

For example initially some elements had raised objection about the change in the route of CPEC which aimed at creating mistrust in the minds of the people. Such unchecked persistent propaganda campaign can create doubts about the CPEC project and undermine its process. Media can play an effective role to ward off any such propaganda. It should work on the following lines:

a) Highlight the significance of CPEC for economic progress and stability of Pakistan.
b) Create awareness among the public of the nefarious designs of enemies to sabotage it.
c) Counter subversive activity.

Some recommendations:
i. A comprehensive review of the physical security of Chinese manpower and assets to protect them from terrorist attacks and kidnappings.
ii. There should be a greater focus on rigorous implementation of the National Action Plan to create a more secure and terror free environment in the country.
iii. National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) may be activated to monitor the security arrangements for the Chinese and to advise the provincial authorities for appropriate actions.
iv. CPEC Security Commission may be formed to give sustainability and agility to the security arrangements of Chinese in Pakistan.
v. Proper legislation should be done to empower PEMRA to bridle negative reporting about CPEC in the electronic media.
vi. Programs should be shown on the electronic media to promote CPEC
vii. Print media should establish development cells to regularly give news about development work of CPEC
viii. There is a need to enhance people to people interaction to create closer affinity and understanding of each other’s culture.
ix. Students must be encouraged to learn Chinese language.
x. Increase the number of universities and colleges signing MOUs for student exchanges and scholarships.
xi. Exchange of TV plays, movies, literature, cultural troupes can help bring the people closer.
xii. Intelligence coordination and sharing between provincial and federal agencies and also between Pakistani and Chinese intelligence agencies can help foil conspiracies of hostile agencies and elements against the CPEC.

CPEC is considered a game changer in Pakistan. It has huge potential to transform the regional dynamics of trade, development and politics very quickly and is expected to boost the economy and usher in prosperity in Pakistan.

Besides, it has initiated a new era of reinvigorated Pak-China friendship. Nevertheless, a host of security issues are facing it. China and Pakistan are well aware of the security threats and are employing all resources to counter the same. These security threats can be addressed by deliberate, planned and sustained efforts.

Chowdhury, D. R. ‘Pakistan Happy to Aid in China’s Quest for Land Route to the West;
India, Not So Much’. South China Morning Post. November 19, 2014. http://www.

Ebrahim, Zofeen T. ‘China’s New Silk Road: What’s in it for Pakistan?’ Dawn. April 20,

‘Four Bodies of Abducted Workers of CPEC Project Found in Turbat’. News. August
24, 2015.

Gishkori, Zahid. ‘Army Assigned Security of Chinese Engineers’. Tribune. April 22, 2015.

Haider, Mateen. ‘Army’s Special Security Division to Protect Chinese Workers in
Pakistan’. Dawn. April 21, 2015.

‘President’s Remarks in China’. Dawn. September 4, 2015.

Rahman, F. ‘Targeted Attacks on Chinese: Myths and Reality’. Pakistan Council on
China. July 21 2007.

Rahman, Zia Ur. ‘Militants May Target Chinese Interests in Pakistan’. Friday Times.
May 23, 2014.

RAW at Frontline to Sabotage Economic Corridor, China Warns Pakistan’. Express
Tribune. May 22, 2015.

Rehman, Z. ‘Taliban, Separatists May Attack Chinese

Interests in Sindh’. News. June 3, 2015.

Sharaf, S. S. ‘Challenges to CPEC’. Nation. May 23, 2015.

Sharif, Army Chief Discuss Security of CPEC Projects’. Dawn. September 5, 2015.

Sial, Safdar.‘The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: An Assessment of Potential Threats
and Constraints.’ June 28, 2014. file:///C:/Users/S%20Khan/Downloads/268%20(2).

‘Taliban Group Threatens to Attack Chinese Interests.’ Nation. November 17, 2014.

Tadesse, T & Heavens, A. ‘Rebels kill 74 in Ethiopian Oil

Field Raid.’ Reuters. April 27, 2007.

Zaafir, Muhammad Saleh. ‘Special Cell Set Up in RAW to Foil Economic Corridor’.
News. May 11, 2015.

Zafar, Muhammad. ‘Rockets Fired at Gwadar Airport’. Tribune. September 3, 2015.

Pak China Institue: Monologues - 2018-2022-2023

Riaz Ahmad, Hong Mi & Lloyd W. Fernald (2020) Revisiting the potential security threats linked with the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 1:1, 64-80, DOI: 10.1080/26437015.2020.1724735
Terrorists knew the weak spot. They knew the travel route and timings. They knew if there will be escort or not. They knew that Chinese travel in that vehicle. They knew driver was unarmed and Chinese didnt carry any weapons for self defense.

You mentioned SB. I am aware that they patrol routes in plain clothes. SSD didnt provide substantial provide escort to vehicle transit. There was no security guard inside vehicle with chinese.

Its come down to this - one mistake cost lives. Even if other 99% Chinese are secured, its only one lapse and there's the bang.
Terrorists knew the weak spot. They knew the travel route and timings. They knew if there will be escort or not. They knew that Chinese travel in that vehicle. They knew driver was unarmed and Chinese didnt carry any weapons for self defense.

You mentioned SB. I am aware that they patrol routes in plain clothes. SSD didnt substantial provide escort to vehicle transit. There was no security guard inside vehicle with chinese.

Its come down to this - one mistake cost lives. Even if other 99% Chinese are secured, its only one lapse and there's the bang.
Sir looking at this incident it is apparent there was no RPF. Chinese Engineers are provided the same RPF as dignitaries which includes a sweep of the route prior to convoy movement with cable detectors etc.

You are correct regarding the poor situational awareness and once again our surveillance detection has failed. This was a failure, no other way to spin it.
Sir looking at this incident it is apparent there was no RPF. Chinese Engineers are provided the same RPF as dignitaries which includes a sweep of the route prior to convoy movement with cable detectors etc.

You are correct regarding the poor situational awareness and once again our surveillance detection has failed. This was a failure, no other way to spin it.
Its next to impossible to make Pakistan a fortress which is safe from attacks. We all knew what PAF strikes in Iran and Afghanistan will do, but for every strike inside Pakistan, there should have been 10 strikes inside Afghanistan or Iran. In reality, Pakistan faced three strikes and now the military thinks that they should strike back. Seriously, its the face saving from Chinese since unfortunately SSD and all the security apparatus failed.

FC does a few IBO's, that requires time and planning. It gets help from Police and Military. Intel is spread thin in Baluchistan which is actually useless. So what are PAF drones and Jets doing standing on tarmac. The foot soldiers can take so many hits.

One thing more - does CNS feel the need to send in Naval assets after terrorists post attack on Turbat Naval Base ? If not, why not ?
Why should CNS wait for CJSC/COAS approval ?
Its next to impossible to make Pakistan a fortress which is safe from attacks. We all knew what PAF strikes in Iran and Afghanistan will do, but for every strike inside Pakistan, there should have been 10 strikes inside Afghanistan or Iran. In reality, Pakistan faced three strikes and now the military thinks that they should strike back. Seriously, its the face saving from Chinese since unfortunately SSD and all the security apparatus failed.

FC does a few IBO's, that requires time and planning. It gets help from Police and Military. Intel is spread thin in Baluchistan which is actually useless. So what are PAF drones and Jets doing standing on tarmac. The foot soldiers can take so many hits.

One thing more - does CNS feel the need to send in Naval assets after attack on Turbat Naval Base ? If not, why not ?
Why should CNS wait for CJSC/COAS approval ?
Once again solid criticism and correct line of questioning. The issue here is China has the could provide increased capacity. I know for a fact that Chinese Engineers in Karachi and even Islamabad have been issued NOCs to keep personal issued sidearms - they used to attend Police Lines for range hours and familiarization training.

Re: Afghanistan - Yes 1000% why are we not hitting back, we have the equipment and wherewithal to do this, it shows a lack of will and this has emboldened the savages across the border.

Re: CNS this is a great question, one beyond my pay-grade :LOL: but I think with increased investment in Economic Zone from Chinese enterprises we may see some action from China perhaps as a show of force in the region? Is China concerned about potentially stirring up emotions to our east? Who knows.
It is in Afghanistan’s strategic interest to weaken Pakistan and create a divide between its population so it can annex KPK.
Afghans, no matter who came to power, never accepted the durand line.
India finds a new stronghold again with Afghan talib’s accepting a few millions and looking the other way. For them it is a win win situation. They don’t need to actively carry out their dream. TTP, BLA with india’s funding is doing it for them.

Afghan’s don’t have shiiit to trade and earn money except drugs. No amount of trade benefits Pakistan uses to intice Afghans is going to work.

We as a country need to stand united, understand Afghans are dajjal’s offspring, and start a new operation to combat this threat.

Stop importing Afghan goods, but still export to them.
Stop giving visa’s to Afghans.
Deport all afghans.
Routine drone strikes on HVTs and their families in afghanistan and Iran.
Don’t claim responsibility for the attacks, act innocent just like they do.
If Afghan talibs directly attack annex wakhan.

And the most controversial take, I think some good re-education camps like China in KPK and Balochistan will do wonders.
Does not matter if u kill a ttp or bla scum. Their families still benefited from the foreign funding and will carry their mission forward again.
So capture them all, the terrorists, their facilitators, their families, their linked friends groups.

India suppressed kashmiri freedom movement with shear force, we will have to do the same.
Unless KPK and All cities of balochistan become heavily patrolled and surveillanced 24/7 with thousands of cameras, Becoming a surveillance state in true sense, this ordeal will not be over.

As long as they can hide, the perpetrators will continue exploiting the vulnerability of our incompetent surveillance. Oftentimes they used stolen vehicles, faces uncovered so as to not draw attention and get easy passes from check post to check posts. Until AI facial recognition and car tracking used widely on all civilian infrastructure in these red zones this ordeal will not stop.

China can provide assistance in this regard. Their surveillance system is a marvel to behold.
Copy the Chinese model.
Suppress internet in these areas.
Use massive surveillance.
Ban any and all weapons, anyone caught with illegal possession( let him rot in a reeducation facility)
After your heavy troops on ground and surveillance state is in place in these areas, go after the Mahrangs and Mohsin dawars who use the guise of humanity to hide their agenda.
Only through shear force will this ordeal stop.
Only through heavy investments in surveillance
Only through restrictions

Some members might find these radical steps, and fear that this system might be unjustly used against the general populace. Your fears are not to be overlooked. But unless this system is in place we won’t find peace with 3 countries on our borders trying to destroy us. It is in afghans, iranian and Indian intrerest to break Pakistan apart. Will we let them? It is a choice we must all make.
If today IAF sends aircrafts in Pakistan's airspace or IN send its subs/ships in Pakistan's seas or if IA infiltrates with regular regiments into AJK/Pakistan - the Pakistani Armed Forces will give a prompt response.

Its against TTP/BLA that quagmire starts to pose hurdles. I wonder what the hell is NACTA doing.
Well this is one thing I 100% agree with PTI supporters on.

It is the Pakistani government that nurtured extremism to its own population. Literal madrasdas that preach jihad and violence to children were allowed to run openly. I am not exaggerating this you can find crazy videos of this online.

Not just this but the state taught its own people to be more loyal to foreign Muslims which it idolised to them in a submissive way, than to its own people and nation. NO OTHER COUNTRY DOES THIS. These people do saaar saar to other Muslims like an Indian to an Israeli.

They will cry for Syria but won't care about their neighbours home burning down. If their neighbour was attacked they'd take it personally and attack their government.

If you allow foreign ideologies on your soil then they will create people who have loyalty elsewhere. The countries who funded extremism in Pakistan made sure their investment is protected, they trained people who are more loyal to them than Pakistan, they read their books, follow their molvis, its quiet obvious who's propaganda they follow.

Old videos

They funded extremism all over the Muslim world, then the extremist set up their jihad groups. Its not just Pakistan story, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Sudan, Nigeria, Mali etc have the same problem.
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Once again solid criticism and correct line of questioning. The issue here is China has the could provide increased capacity. I know for a fact that Chinese Engineers in Karachi and even Islamabad have been issued NOCs to keep personal issued sidearms - they used to attend Police Lines for range hours and familiarization training.

Re: Afghanistan - Yes 1000% why are we not hitting back, we have the equipment and wherewithal to do this, it shows a lack of will and this has emboldened the savages across the border.

Re: CNS this is a great question, one beyond my pay-grade :LOL: but I think with increased investment in Economic Zone from Chinese enterprises we may see some action from China perhaps as a show of force in the region? Is China concerned about potentially stirring up emotions to our east? Who knows.
The commanding officers of units that I have seen, family and otherwise- they wouldn't spare the foe whoever took a shot at their unit's troops. Whether an unarmed brawl, or infiltration inside unit area or somebody taking a dig at unit's vehicles.

They would issue weapons/ammo from kote, cover up the ammunition shortage through training BS, but would fire shots at dacoits/thugs even if the situation came to that. They would even chase armed tribal thugs pushing them back in their tribal areas when Levies/FC would fail to contain them.

That breed of commanders has disappeared. Those commanders were responsible gentlemen. They wouldn't spare anyone who came in their AOR or took panga with their troops.

And they would handle reports of firing which reached to Bde HQ to Div HQ and finally the COS from Corps HQ questioning them. Even if DIv HQs Col staff questioned them, they would provide a solid reply and Col staff would quietly amend the report in unit's favour seeing that all was done in line of duty and morale of unit.
If you allow foreign ideologies on your soil then they will create people who have loyalty elsewhere. The countries who funded extremism in Pakistan made sure their investment is protected, they trained people who are more loyal to them than Pakistan, they read their books, follow their molvis, its quiet obvious who's propaganda they follow.

Old videos

They funded extremism all over the Muslim world, then the extremist set up their jihad groups. Its not just Pakistan story, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Sudan, Nigeria, Mali etc have the same problem.
This is fine and all, but this is religious indoctrination, quite different to what we are discussing here.

Let's just wait and see what happens, but the way things are going it does seem my point is quite true
Who leaked the intelligence ? How did attackers know about the exact vehicle to target ? Could anyone other than security agencies in charge of security know such details ?
I wonder what the hell is NACTA doing.

I don't know if you recall my article after APS on the old forum titled "Not napping on NAP" - NACTA is a white elephant. It was meant to be the lead on Counter Terrorism and coordination for intelligence fusion centers at provincial level as well as the hub for the proposed and sexy "counter terrorism dept".

NCATA is sleeping, CTD is basically now just red berets worn by constables deputized to work VVIP detail. NACTA's National Coordinator IGP Muhammad Tahir Rai has not really published anything noteworthy.

Here were the highlights of NACTA's outreach activities in 2023 :LOL:

Who leaked the intelligence ? How did attackers know about the exact vehicle to target ? Could anyone other than security agencies in charge of security know such details ?
Its called hostile surveillance. Easily done if your mark (target) keeps to a routine.
This is fine and all, but this is religious indoctrination, quite different to what we are discussing here.

Let's just wait and see what happens, but the way things are going it does seem my point is quite true

"religious indoctrination"? but this is where extremism and terrorism originated from, this is the root cause, now we have allowed a monster to be created and are fighting against the leaves, we need to cut the roots of this cancer.
The commanding officers of units that I have seen, family and otherwise- they wouldn't spare the foe whoever took a shot at their unit's troops. Whether an unarmed brawl, or infiltration inside unit area or somebody taking a dig at unit's vehicles.

They would issue weapons/ammo from kote, cover up the ammunition shortage through training BS, but would fire shots at dacoits/thugs even if the situation came to that. They would even chase armed tribal thugs pushing them back in their tribal areas when Levies/FC would fail to contain them.

That breed of commanders has disappeared. Those commanders were responsible gentlemen. They wouldn't spare anyone who came in their AOR or took panga with their troops.

And they would handle reports of firing which reached to Bde HQ to Div HQ and finally the COS from Corps HQ questioning them. Even if DIv HQs Col staff questioned them, they would provide a solid reply and Col staff would quietly amend the report in unit's favour seeing that all was done in line of duty and morale of unit.
We don't have military "leaders" anymore sir, you know this and I know this. We have uniformed administrators. The days of the rugged officer who understood his command and the men under his command by name and face are long gone.

Last time I went to Quetta and had the pleasure of spending a day in the mess. One of the books in the Mess library made me chuckle:

I don't know if you recall my article after APS on the old forum titled "Not napping on NAP" - NACTA is a white elephant. It was meant to be the lead on Counter Terrorism and coordination for intelligence fusion centers at provincial level as well as the hub for the proposed and sexy "counter terrorism dept".

NCATA is sleeping, CTD is basically now just red berets worn by constables deputized to work VVIP detail. NACTA's National Coordinator IGP Muhammad Tahir Rai has not really published anything noteworthy.

Here were the highlights of NACTA's outreach activities in 2023 :LOL:

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At basic level, there is the battalion and this unit leads everything that the grunt needs to do. The unit provides companies and platoons for all types of security and warfare, having all the necessary weapons ranging from MP5A2 to TOW missiles and mortars along with transport like jeeps and pickups to mount patrols and attacks.

My problem with SSW was exactly the same that you mentioned - SF on VIP protection duty. At this point the JSOC should have had assets inside Afghanistan based on the US Army GreenBerets/Rangers, USNs SEALs etc methodology of operating on enemy soil. If you see all the SF exercises conducted with Russia or KSA, they were aimed against terrorists and involved SF assets of Pakistan.

PN has excellent surveillance assets, comparable to PAF's AWACs/EW. The ATR-72 has all the electronics for intel gathering, surveillance, recon etc while Sea Kings can be fitted with any equipment that involves rotary functioning for any ops requiring transport or firepower or surveillance. There are Marines who are trained on infantry regiments styled themed to conduct all sorts of operations. P3-C can target and fire guided missiles while Uqab drones can provide all intel from the air.
Basically PN can mount an operation on its own against TTP/BLA without PA/PAF support.

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