Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

At basic level, there is the battalion and this unit leads everything that the grunt needs to do. The unit provides companies and platoons for all types of security and warfare, having all the necessary weapons ranging from MP5A2 to TOW missiles and mortars along with transport like jeeps and pickups to mount patrols and attacks.

My problem with SSW was exactly the same that you mentioned - SF on VIP protection duty. At this point the JSOC should have had assets inside Afghanistan based on the US Army GreenBerets/Rangers, USNs SEALs etc methodology of operating on enemy soil. If you see all the SF exercises conducted with Russia or KSA, they were aimed against terrorists and involved SF assets of Pakistan.

PN has excellent surveillance assets, comparable to PAF's AWACs/EW. The ATR-72 has all the electronics for intel gathering, surveillance, recon etc while Sea Kings can be fitted with any equipment that involves rotary functioning for any ops requiring transport or firepower or surveillance. There are Marines who are trained on infantry regiments styled themed to conduct all sorts of operations. P3-C can target and fire guided missiles while Uqab drones can provide all intel from the air.
Basically PN can mount an operation on its own against TTP/BLA without PA/PAF support.
Brilliant post and it all comes back to the point I made when SSU was established - why have all these sexy units especially within the Paramilitary Law-Enforcement/CT function that are heavily funded but in reality lack the command, experience and logistical capacity to conduct operations outside the wire.
China would/should give financial and logistical support, but PLAAF/PLA would never take kinetic action inside Afghanistan.

If China sends its military to Afghanistan, it would be a dream come true for the US to spread militancy in western China via Afghanistan and Central Asia.
China may provide some key surveillance technologies so that the Pak forces can detect and neutralize the terrorists.....
Brilliant post and it all comes back to the point I made when SSU was established - why have all these sexy units especially within the Paramilitary Law-Enforcement/CT function that are heavily funded but in reality lack the command, experience and logistical capacity to conduct operations outside the wire.
SSU protects Bilawal, Elite force protects Maryam, LCB protects cantts, SSG/SSW/SSGN protects red tapers.
SSU protects Bilawal, Elite force protects Maryam, LCB protects cantts, SSG/SSW/SSGN protects red tapers.
And in the end when the poop hits the fan they all call for Zarar Coy. I don't mean to be negative but back when I was involved in ATS training - we had to shape up the VVIP detail of a major political figure, 30 men for one tub of lard.

Anyway, these men were incredibly out of shape and many complained when they had to do a 1.5 mile run barely making one lap before sweating like a horse in a glue factory and stating (sir yeh humara kaam nahi hain.).

They informed us how once they attended their VIP to a gala opening event. These men had been up since 3AM standing outside. So when the kitchen was open they decided to sneak in and start eating the rice.

Anyway, the VIP left in his car with 3 guards and they had to catch up to him by commandeering rickshaws.

Yeh haal hain "Elite Force" ka.
Its called hostile surveillance. Easily done if your mark (target) keeps to a routine.
Im looking in some case studies of cyber security nowadays and there are programs in market where federal authorities can infiltrate anyone's mobile phone like Cellebrite or Grayshift etc.

In Pakistan, TTP/BLA must be making phone calls for coordination at some level but triangulation techniques seems to be failing in such case. Using AI tools, different algos can be put in place to monitor the filters set on mobile phones for any red flags. There is a big Data analysis department operational since more than a decade in one intel agency of Pakistan, but the focus of that department seems to be shifting towards internal monopoly of power rather than internal threats.
Im looking in some case studies of cyber security nowadays and there are programs in market where federal authorities can infiltrate anyone's mobile phone like Cellebrite or Grayshift etc.

In Pakistan, TTP/BLA must be making phone calls for coordination at some level but triangulation techniques seems to be failing in such case. Using AI tools, different algos can be put in place to monitor the filters set on mobile phones for any red flags. There is a big Data analysis department operational since more than a decade in one intel agency of Pakistan, but the focus of that department seems to be shifting towards internal monopoly of power rather than internal threats.
Sir I am so glad you mentioned Cellebrite, we have that capability here which includes cell site downloads, telemetics and obviously physical phone downloads. Pakistan took some flak from the radicals here for using Cellebrite as you know where it is made etc.

Militants use ICOMM (which is unencrypted on 400 - 470 MHz band) easily intercepted using any PMR scanning those frequencies, hell even a off the self baofeng UVH would do that job.

For cellular and LTE, Pakistan has the capacity to conduct cell site dumps, but this requires being proactive.

Just you wait, they will set up a "high level" JIT with the usual suspects and they will publish a glossy report accompanied by a few pathakas instead of conducting pro-active work that actually gets results.
And in the end when the poop hits the fan they all call for Zarar Coy. I don't mean to be negative but back when I was involved in ATS training - we had to shape up the VVIP detail of a major political figure, 30 men for one tub of lard.

Anyway, these men were incredibly out of shape and many complained when they had to do a 1.5 mile run barely making one lap before sweating like a horse in a glue factory and stating (sir yeh humara kaam nahi hain.).

They informed us how once they attended their VIP to a gala opening event. These men had been up since 3AM standing outside. So when the kitchen was open they decided to sneak in and start eating the rice.

Anyway, the VIP left in his car with 3 guards and they had to catch up to him by commandeering rickshaws.

Yeh haal hain "Elite Force" ka.
The commander - he trains, arms, deputes, sends into combat, manages, and leads his troops. In my own experience, the troops lapse when the commander is laid back. I dont expect much discipline from Police SFs, its the military's designated SF units that are hardcore in their professional paradigm.

These Chinese engineers left the camp:

1. How did driver get NOC to get vehicle out of camp ? who authorized that NOC ? MT supervisor name ?
2. Who authorized the day pass/out pass for Chinese engineers ? supervisor name ?
3. Who authorized unarmed movement of Chinese ?
4. Who authorized Chinese movement without escort ?
5. Who set out the route planning for vehicle movement ?
6. Who set out the shift timings and coordinated the travel/return of Chinese engineers ?

I have seen much more stringent SOPs used by commanders/managers/supervisors. Those who signed the above NOCs, passes etc should be reprimanded.
Whats the reason why Chinese engineers are required for this project to begin with?
Because the Chinese are helping Pakistan build Hydro Power projects along the Indus.

Is this expertise the Chinese can provide that no one else can? Are there no capable Pakistani engineers?

China is benefitting by employing there nationals who I'm sure are getting a bigger salary for working outside and probably have a hazard pay. All of this paid by Pakistan.
Is this expertise the Chinese can provide that no one else can? Are there no capable Pakistani engineers?

China is benefitting by employing there nationals who I'm sure are getting a bigger salary for working outside and probably have a hazard pay. All of this paid by Pakistan.
China and Pakistan are allies and this is a joint project as part of the wider CPEC and China/Pakistan commerce zone. Both countries benefit and the Chinese have extensive experience in hydro power and infrastructure considering China has more than 98 000 dams/reservoirs in China, including nearly 40 % of the world's largest dams.
This is only the beginning - everyone is about to have a field day blowing up things in Pakistan while the leadership(if anyone even cares for them anymore) is busy vacillating left and right.

I, for one, am looking forward to it.

It'll only squeeze the corrupt Pakistani elites eventually. Ofc all the undesired killing is deplorable too but what can anyone do? Revolutions are bloody business. Or using proxies to bleed an enemy.

Might is Right. And eventually, that might will be used to topple the corrupt within Pakistan, either through external or internal force.

Who let OBL be in Abbotabad in the first place?

Shehr e jana mein ba’safa kaun hai?

There's no proof of OBL being in Abbotabad.

The OBL incident isn't a singular one, there's Salala too and the thousands of Pakistanis literally "sold" to the US on fake "terrorism" charges who were later released by the US itself.
You moron IK hasn't been in power for 2 years, what has Papa John Army-noon

If IK has made a policy then reverse it.
Yeah there was no TTP or any terrorism prior to 2018. Jamedar logic at its best.
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Looks like there probably was no way to avoid an explosion in such a narrow road. Likely the attacker came from the opposite end and exploded himself. I doubt the convoy would have allowed anyone to overtake them.
High explosive , blew up everything. Too many players active in Baluchistan.
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