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Five decades after Pakistan’s recognition of Bangladesh

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Jan 7, 2024
More like we are the one who tried the brotherhood but it didn't work very well. The muslim league was established in Dhaka and the first flag was raised here. Bengalis statemen from Suhrawardi to Sher-e bangla contributed significantly to the establishment of Pakistan. But turns out you guys didn't wanted to play fair. The statehood can only be maintained on equality. Refusal to transfer the power to legitimate the prime minister-elect in a multi-ethnic state always going to have severe consequences, specially if you initiate the military capmaign. If anyone backstabbed it seems to be one who refused to play fair.


No apology is required by Bengali Muslims.

Bengali Muslims suffered very little during 1971.

It’s the Biharis and Hindus who bore the brunt.

Bengali Muslims are very pro Pakistan.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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More like we are the one who tried the brotherhood but it didn't work very well. The muslim league was established in Dhaka and the first flag was raised here. Bengalis statemen from Suhrawardi to Sher-e bangla contributed significantly to the establishment of Pakistan. But turns out you guys didn't wanted to play fair. The statehood can only be maintained on equality. Refusal to transfer the power to legitimate the prime minister-elect in a multi-ethnic state always going to have severe consequences, specially if you initiate the military capmaign. If anyone backstabbed it seems to be one who refused to play fair.

I'm well aware of the fact that certain Pakistani politicians didn't do justice to Bangladesh but lets keep the facts straight.

The same Bengali statemen like Suhrawardi that I and then you mentioned also wanted to initially have a "united Bengal".

There never was a "United Bengal" because India took West Bengal from you. And it might take the rest in the future too. 😂

Bengali statesmen had no choice, they knew their only options were India or Pakistan. They tried Pakistan first and then asked India for help later.

This is how shrewd (and foolish) statemen work. Brotherhood died the day Muhammad Ali Jinnah's vision died, soon after Jinnah's own death.

The subcontinent is very far from the vision of the 3 founding fathers of each major nations. Time will keep moving forward though. It's for the citizens of the subcontinent to decide if they want to live peacefully next to each other or die trying to takeover what's left.


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Jan 6, 2024
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No apology is required by Bengali Muslims.

Bengali Muslims suffered very little during 1971.

It’s the Biharis and Hindus who bore the brunt.

Nope. factually inaccurate. (Yes, Hindus & Biharis suffered but so did Bengali Muslims, a lot)

Bengali Muslims are very pro Pakistan.

I live in BD, and I am not very sure about that at lot. Most of us are neutral.


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Jan 6, 2024
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I'm well aware of the fact that certain Pakistani politicians didn't do justice to Bangladesh but lets keep the facts straight.

The same Bengali statemen like Suhrawardi that I and then you mentioned also wanted to initially have a "united Bengal".

There never was a "United Bengal" because India took West Bengal from you. And it might take the rest in the future too. 😂

The initiative for stablishment of Muslims league in Dhaka and the proposal to protect the interests of subcontinent's Muslims were taken long before the united bengal proposal. So, I am not sure what are you trying to downplay.

Bengali statesmen had no choice, they knew their only options were India or Pakistan. They tried Pakistan first and then asked India for help later.

This is how shrewd (and foolish) statemen work.

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War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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The initiative for stablishment of Muslims league in Dhaka and the proposal to protect the interests of subcontinent's Muslims were taken long before the united bengal proposal. So, I am not sure what are you trying to downplay.

Not sure on what you just said because I'm not that well versed in East Pakistan history...

But the conclusion is that religion was used when necessary.....once it wasn't required ethnicity was used to further the agenda to break apart Pakistan.

Either way, time will tell who needs who.


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Mar 9, 2024
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Ok, this thread should not be about the past but the future.

We have seen the true face of India as regards Gaza and that is that the rulers hate Muslims, and so India is the only “Global South” country that supports the terrorists killing Gazan civilians in the 10s of thousands.

Muslim countries need to move closer together and while India will remain a county that BD needs to have at the least a working relationship with, it also needs to improve relations with Pakistan in order to facilitate the formation of an eventual Muslim economic and military block.
Oh I am sure if Bangladesh has better opportunities for itself, it will align with Israel as well. There is no shame in it. Countries are primarily responsible for their citizens, not ideal or ideologies.

India will trade with a war criminal for better oil deal.
India will provide diplomatic support for a genocidal regime in exchange for technologies like water desalination, radar, electro optic sensors, survelliance and semiconductors.

Bangladesh will take loan and support from a anti Muslim and muslim genociding regime.
Bangladesh will trade with the very country that was once ready to enable Bangla genocide.

Its all for national interest. Countries are not like people.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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Oh I am sure if Bangladesh has better opportunities for itself, it will align with Israel as well. There is no shame in it. Countries are primarily responsible for their citizens, not ideal or ideologies.

India will trade with a war criminal for better oil deal.
India will provide diplomatic support for a genocidal regime in exchange for technologies like water desalination, radar, electro optic sensors, survelliance and semiconductors.

Bangladesh will take loan and support from a anti Muslim and muslim genociding regime.
Bangladesh will trade with the very country that was once ready to enable Bangla genocide.

Its all for national interest. Countries are not like people.
I must sadly agree.

Individual human beings exercise morality (it is to be hoped) in deciding their actions.
Countries do not; their choices are amoral.

This is regrettable, but it is what it is.


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Mar 9, 2024
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This is regrettable, but it is what it is.
One man's morality is other's burden. I can boycott Russian oil by buying an electric car. A guy whose livelihood runs on diesel cannt. I can boycott israel, the guy who is waiting for clean water in rural Gujarat can not.

I am thankful that many countries look for burden on its people before morality of its rulers.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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Oh I am sure if Bangladesh has better opportunities for itself, it will align with Israel as well. There is no shame in it.

At a time when the entire World, including Western Israeli allies like US/UK/France are opposing the Israeli genocidal killing/removal of Palestinians you think there's no shame in "aligning" with Israel??

Are you in a sound state of mind??

Bengalis will lynch Hasina the day she decides to support Israel. 😂


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Mar 9, 2024
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At a time when the entire World, including Western Israeli allies like US/UK/France are opposing the Israeli genocidal killing/removal of Palestinians you think there's no shame in "aligning" with Israel??

Are you in a sound state of mind??

Bengalis will lynch Hasina the day she decides to support Israel. 😂
You are confusing people with countries. Countries are looking for their interest. Some people in those countries want to oppose israel.

Most people do not have time for it because it does not affect them. Most of the world is reeling with massive inflation and that is most people's first priority.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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I can boycott israel, the guy who is waiting for clean water in rural Gujarat can not.

Why's the guy in rural Gujarat waiting for an Israeli to come to India to provide clean water??

What's going on with the billion+ Indians in India??

Dude your pro-Israeli sentences make no sense.

Indians can easily provide clean water to their countrymen the day they decide to actually do something about their own country men, like the Paani project in Maharashtra founded by Aamir Khan among other Indians.

Read more here: https://www.paanifoundation.in/about/mission/

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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You are confusing people with countries. Countries are looking for their interest. Some people in those countries want to oppose israel.

Most people do not have time for it because it does not affect them. Most of the world is reeling with massive inflation.

You forgot that countries are run by the people....not aliens.

There are several countries on this planet, like Saudis, whose first priority is not their own country/people but the prosperity of their own rule first and foremost. Similar dynasties or political dynasties exist throughout the world, like CCP in China and BJP in India.

All such "organizations/families" will let their citizens die for them if it means their own survival and thrival.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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Says the man who is assisting China destroy mosques and turn them into toilets. Stop pretending to be a Muslim!

I have actively spoken out against the destruction of mosques around the planet, whether it be in India, Israel or China kiddo. 😂
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