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Five decades after Pakistan’s recognition of Bangladesh

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Mar 9, 2024
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Why's the guy in rural Gujarat waiting for an Israeli to come to India to provide clean water??
Deselination. Israel has best desallination technology in the world.

What's going on with the billion+ Indians in India??

Dude your pro-Israeli sentences make no sense.

Indians can easily provide clean water to their countrymen the day they decide to actually do something about their own country men, like the Paani project in Maharashtra founded by Aamir Khan among other Indians.

Read more here: https://www.paanifoundation.in/about/mission/

India is a very water poor country with a lot of people. Many are in places with no other source of water but desellination.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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Pakistan owes not just an apology but reparations to BD.

Keep dreamin about it

Pak has been begging the world for climate aid, BD must interfere and claim all aid to Pak even before it reaches.
Now I know you're dreamin 😂

Deselination. Israel has best desallination technology in the world.

Why desalinate water and destroy the ecosystem by releasing brine??


The subcontinent has enough annual rainfall to store water. It's just that Indian politicians aren't good enough at managing the country so much so that organizations like Paani have to exist in both India and Pakistan.


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Mar 9, 2024
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You forgot that countries are run by the people....not aliens.
Those who run the country have to bother about welfare of its citizens and not just their sentiments. Sentiments are fickle and they turn on a dime.

There are several countries on this planet, like Saudis, whose first priority is not their own country/people but the prosperity of their own rule first and foremost. Similar dynasties or political dynasties exist throughout the world, like CCP in China and BJP in India.

All such "organizations/families" will let their citizens die for them if it means their own survival and thrival.
Will you like to live in a country in which its rulers put interest of others first? India did that with Tibet in '60s and we are still paying the price of it. It gave us a permanent enemy and war.

And no, BJP will be kicked out if it stops bothering about Indian people's interests and pursue a purely ideological path.


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Mar 9, 2024
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Why desalinate water and destroy the ecosystem by releasing brine??


The subcontinent has enough annual rainfall to store water. It's just that Indian politicians aren't good enough at managing the country so much so that organizations like Paani have to exist in both India and Pakistan.
Not every part. Gujarat and Rann does not have much of rainfall. And its too costly to bring water from rest of India into Gujarat. Desellination is the only way there.

There is a reason why Modi was literally begging to Israel for Desellination plants.

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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Those who run the country have to bother about welfare of its citizens and not just their sentiments. Sentiments are fickle and they turn on a dime.

No one's welfare is hurt by opposing Israel, which is a very big arms exporter.

Not supporting Israel will mean global peace.

Will you like to live in a country in which its rulers put interest of others first?
The US is capable enough to do multiple things at a time. We'll support whoever we want and we can...

India did that with Tibet in '60s and we are still paying the price of it. It gave us a permanent enemy and war.
That's the fault of India for not being ready for the Chinese.

Don't worry though, US is there to help India. 😂

And no, BJP will be kicked out if it stops bothering about Indian people's interests and pursue a purely ideological path.

Hasn't happened yet...

Didn't BJP/RSS push for the destruction of Babri Masjid?

And it got a lot of votes in India...

Not to mention that opposition to BJP/RSS is also weak. So by default the only option available to Indians is BJP/RSS.

Now that's how you rig a game. 😂

War Lord

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Aug 27, 2013
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Not every part. Gujarat and Rann does not have much of rainfall. And its too costly to bring water from rest of India into Gujarat. Desellination is the only way there.

There is a reason why Modi was literally begging to Israel for Desellination plants.

It's never "too costly".

Money can be generated. There's tons of ways of doing it, I don't feel like teaching you about all the different ways people do it around the world, you can easily google it or ask ChatGPT.

Simple over land or over sea pipelines can bring water into any area of India. Rainfall can also be increased by cloud seeding. Water can be evaporated, pushed and turned into rainfall also (still being worked on if I'm not wrong).


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Mar 9, 2024
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No one's welfare is hurt by opposing Israel, which is a very big arms exporter.

Not supporting Israel will mean global peace.

The US is capable enough to do multiple things at a time. We'll support whoever we want and we can...

That's the fault of India for not being ready for the Chinese.

Don't worry though, US is there to help India. 😂
But India needs those weapons for its own safety, so yeah, aligning with Israel is beneficial. India needs its own security first then we can think about things like "global peace" and what not.

And I never said India is powerful enough to fight with everyone. In fact, on the contrary during early years India neglected military totally. That and ideology based stupid diplomacy lead to a disastrous defeat and a permanent enemy on its border to north.

Hasn't happened yet...

Didn't BJP/RSS push for the destruction of Babri Masjid?

And it got a lot of votes in India...

Not to mention that opposition to BJP/RSS is also weak. So by default the only option available to Indians is BJP/RSS.

Now that's how you rig a game. 😂
India has kicked BJP regionally when it failed. Karnataka being biggest example. Himachal is another. If it is not fulfilling its role in center, it will be kicked from there to. Its doing alright on a balance of things till now.


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Mar 9, 2024
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It's never "too costly".

Money can be generated. There's tons of ways of doing it, I don't feel like teaching you about all the different ways people do it around the world, you can easily google it or ask ChatGPT.

Simple over land or over sea pipelines can bring water into any area of India. Rainfall can also be increased by cloud seeding. Water can be evaporated, pushed and turned into rainfall also (still being worked on if I'm not wrong).
It is not in India's capability. That why we are taking help from Israel. If you can convince US to sell India desalniation tech for cheap, I am sure Gujarat and Indian govrnment will be more than happy to look into it.


Sep 14, 2006
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None of this has anything to do with Bangladesh. I shall now begin to thread ban.


Mar 9, 2024
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Pray for us.
Hello Joe,

What I've realised with elections is people vote for things that matter to them.

As sad as it sounds, that's the reality.

I ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE with BJP and their communal agenda and the damage its caused to India's social fabric.

Having said that, if I was in India I'd also not want my future generations to have less opportunity and stunted growth in Nehru's socialist India.

I'd personally vote for NOTA and if I HAD TO choose from the mainstream parties, I'd probably choose BJP. Because I personally think they're better for the economy (from whats been portrayed in the media so far anyway). While I absolutely hate their communal agenda, the thing that's gonna affect me personally is the economy, growth and better opportunities for the future generations.

The same thing happened in US. Almost half of the people voted for Trump, doesn't mean they agree with his racist agenda. They were just tired the mainstream politicians and wanted an outsider who couldn't be bought. (Whether they got what they voted for is a different question)

On a lighter note,

On topic, there'll never be peace in South Asia as long as religions, ethnicity, languages and skin colour is something we're actively thinking about.
Jan 7, 2024
Hello Joe,

What I've realised with elections is people vote for things that matter to them.

As sad as it sounds, that's the reality.

I ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE with BJP and their communal agenda and the damage its caused to India's social fabric.

Having said that, if I was in India I'd also not want my future generations to have less opportunity and stunted growth in Nehru's socialist India.

I'd personally vote for NOTA and if I HAD TO choose from the mainstream parties, I'd probably choose BJP. Because I personally think they're better for the economy (from whats been portrayed in the media so far anyway). While I absolutely hate their communal agenda, the thing that's gonna affect me personally is the economy, growth and better opportunities for the future generations.

The same thing happened in US. Almost half of the people voted for Trump, doesn't mean they agree with his racist agenda. They were just tired the mainstream politicians and wanted an outsider who couldn't be bought. (Whether they got what they voted for is a different question)

On a lighter note,

On topic, there'll never be peace in South Asia as long as religions, ethnicity, languages and skin colour is something we're actively thinking about.

It’s amazing how Americans and Indians justify voting for Trump and Modi.

But completely have their arse on fire when Gazans vote for Hamas 🤣


Mar 9, 2024
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It’s amazing how Americans and Indians justify voting for Trump and Modi.

But completely have their arse on fire when Gazans vote for Hamas 🤣
Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush, but these are the same people that voted for Brack Obama and Manmohan Singh in droves.

You're not seriously comparing a terrorist organisation with mainstream political parties are you?

I have no issues with Gazans voting for Hamas, but as a Palestinian sympathiser I just think they'll struggle to have their case heard internationally and will lose credibility.
Jan 7, 2024
Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush, but these are the same people that voted for Brack Obama and Manmohan Singh in droves.

You're not seriously comparing a terrorist organisation with mainstream political parties are you?

I have no issues with Gazans voting for Hamas, but as a Palestinian sympathiser I just think they'll struggle to have their case heard internationally and will lose credibility.

What is mainstream about Modi and Trump?

Modi is a murderous thug.
And Trump is a fascist who tried to overthrow the government.

Gazans are living in hell - no none knows how they will behave if they were kept in an open air prison and were shot at by Israeli settlers on a daily basis.

Whereas Americans and Indians have zero excuse to vote for fascists!

And using the vote for Obama to justify voting for Trump is hilarious. Yes, and loads of racists have black friends as well.

Where did you learn to debate, dude?!!

You are hilarious!


Mar 9, 2024
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What is mainstream about Modi and Trump?

Modi is a murderous thug.
And Trump is a fascist who tried to overthrow the government.

Gazans are living in hell - no none knows how they will behave if they were kept in an open air prison and were shot at by Israeli settlers on a daily basis.

Whereas Americans and Indians have zero excuse to vote for fascists!

And using the vote for Obama to justify voting for Trump is hilarious. Yes, and loads of racists have black friends as well.

Where did you learn to debate, dude?!!

You are hilarious!
Lol things aren't so black and white.

I don't think you're getting what im saying. I'm not justifying voting for Trump.

The point is that A LOT of people who voted for Trump had also voted for Obama.

The elections are won by convincing the silent majority. The vocal hardliners on both sides aren't changing their allegiance. It's the silent majority that decided who wins the election, not the fringe right or left wingers.

You need to be able to understand finer nuances to make sense of this. Just because people vote for Trump or Modi doesn't make majority fascists. The point is this is the same majority that voted Obama and MMS in as well.

As I said, things aren't so black and white. There are 50 shades of grey (pun intended). You can't simplify very complex and dynamic situations and say 'Indians and Americans are fascists because they voted for Modi and Trump.'

Do you believe in two state solution for Israel and Palestine?

You lost me at personal insults. Good luck and have a nice Sunday.
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