Formally induction of two new warships into the Pakistan Navy will occur on 6th Sep 2024.


Damen Showcases OPV 2600 Model Tailored For The Pakistan Navy​

Tayfun Ozberk
04 Mar 2024

Damen is constructing two OPV 2600 vessels in Romania for the Pakistan Navy, as a continuation of the existing Yarmook-class OPVs currently in service. It ceremonially laid the keel of the first multi-purpose patrol vessel OPV 2600 for the Pakistan Navy in October 2022. At the same ceremony, the first steel plates were cut for the construction of the second OPV 2600.

These new OPVs will be slightly larger and heavier than the Yarmook-class vessels. The scale model presented at the DIMDEX 2024 exhibition indicates a more heavily armed vessel, featuring 2×2 anti-ship missile canisters, likely equipped with Harbah missiles, Aselsan-made Smash 30 mm gun, Gökdeniz close-in weapon system (CIWS), and two STAMP remote weapon stations. Additionally, the ship is armed with a 6-cell VLS (Vertical Launch System) that incorporates surface-to-air missiles.

Although the specific type of missiles hasn’t been disclosed by officials, it’s likely the Albatros NG, as the Pakistani Navy is the inaugural export customer for these missiles.

However, company officials emphasized that the vessel will be delivered with “fitted-but-not-with” armament . While Damen is responsible for constructing and delivering the hull, the outfitting is the customer’s responsibility, as highlighted by a Damen official at the booth.

Damen lays keel of the first OPV 2600 for Pakistan Navy

OPV 2600 multi-mission patrol vessel rendering (Damen photo)
The OPV 2600 is the largest member of four new second-generation offshore patrol vessels (other variants are OPV 1400, OPV 1800, and OPV 2400) designed by Damen Shipyards to support a variety of naval and Coast Guard missions, such as Border and EEZ surveillance, Counter piracy and smuggling, and Counter drugs- and weapons trafficking among others.

The 2600-ton vessel has a length of 98 meters, which is longer than the Yarmook-class OPVs Pakistan Navy currently operates. It has 4x 2350 kW diesel engines coupled to two CPPs that can deliver a top speed of 24 knots to the vessel. OPV 2600 will also be fitted with a bow thruster for close maneuvers.

The vessel can operate at sea state 6 and is capable of surviving at sea state 9 thanks to its active fin stabilizing system. It will be capable of accommodating 60 people.

The OPV 2600 will be armed with the main gun of up to 76 mm on the ship’s bow deck and two 20 mm guns as secondary weapons. The sensor suite includes a medium-range surveillance radar and an E/O fire control sensor. The ship will also be capable of helicopter missions with its helicopter deck and can house the helicopters in its hangar.

Under the aft deck there will be space for up to 5 containerized mission modules that can be loaded and unloaded using a crane.

Moreover, the OPV 2600 boasts the capacity for five additional mission modules, covering areas such as Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) with side-scan sonar, Mine Countermeasures (MCM), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Unmanned Surface Vehicle (UAV/USV), pollution control, hospital facilities, diving support, as well as energy and water-making facilities, among others.

Designed for sustained maritime patrols, search and rescue operations, law enforcement, humanitarian assistance, and disaster response missions, the scaled model crafted for the Pakistan Navy is also capable of Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) and Anti-Air Warfare (AAW).

Damen showcases OPV 2600 model tailored for the Pakistan Navy - Naval News

Dutch shipbuilder Damen unveiled a scale model of the OPV 2600 at the DIMDEX 2024 exhibition in Doha, Qatar.

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