Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

With the reporting killing of 10 of their soldiers by US forces and the news of planned air attacks by the US and UK, I am wondering if this will act as any deterrence. I didn't keep close to the Yemen civil war a and the GCC involvement, but I am assuming that war has ended and the Houthis can focus on the Israeli blockade. Also its likely any ships heading to Yemen now will be stopped and inspected so weapons will need to be smuggled across.

strength through deterrence is a policy that has failed the Western genocidal murders years ago

never work with Russia and China and has not worked with North Korea and even now Iran

Israel follows the Great Satan USA and also tried the "strength through deterrence" policy and it also failed against Hamas and Hezbollah and even Houthis

these idiots are just so weak that they think building bigger war machines will win them wars

well they got a nasty surprise time and time again

whats more amazing is they are still too dumb to realise it and keep digging their own hole

at some point you need REAL men on the ground to do the heavy lifting
This is not a game, this is real life with a genocide taking place in front of our own eyes. Instead of speaking against this, you dedicate your time into attacking Palestinians. If you find this the right time to be taking shots at Palestinians may God help you.

It looks like you are totally fine when falcon says hizbullat is not firing enough of missiles. Yet Palestinian Jordanians are doing the right thing??!

Jordanians could be the top ISIS supplier for years but they cannot make a peaceful protest in Jordan like NY???!!

I am complaining of 50 percent Palestinian Jordianians being quite.

Lebanese are getting shot when we type these lines as well. Respect them as well and do not belittle their life.
then you dont live in the real world or you are simply bias

US= Devil

What we have here is a difference of opinion. I will move on and let events speak for me.
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Iran has been under immense pressure for years.
Only countries helping Iran where Syria with missiles and Pakistan with P1.

Yet Iran has given out missiles to Yemen and Lebanon and partly to Hamas too.

How can someone say Iran is not doing anything like King of Jordan??

King is Jordan is a foot soldier himself. Entire moderate Arab countries are foot soldier and will soon start killing Yemenis.
But EVERY country is doing all of that. How is USA any different than any of the other parties involved?
2 wrongs never make a right, and US is responsible for consequences for ITS actions that support Israel, independent of whether other countries did it or not. You try to absolve US of all its responsibilities and i'm afraid that wont work this time.
Normally I don't engage in history debate but you keep peddling this so...

Jews? Americans were turning away Jewish refugees during/before WW II and Americans were still a Superpower then. And, not into at least 1967 then Americans particularly cared for Jews. Europeans have built America, yes, of which Jews are a very small part. And even the so-called Jewish contribution to America has a large part to do with promoting fellow Jews--hidden in plain sight!! And they do so while dragging America into eventual strategic failures in the Middle East and they are able to do so ONLY because the AIPAC has basically bought the US Congress.
and Jews today are no more than 4% of US's can 4% (maximum) of the US's large 3xx Millions population be the main or only group responsible for US's economic success? i agree with you that is a bogus stereotype of Jews - "they are very smart, they will make your economy boom", like everybody else that worked hard and contributed to national development didnt matter? smh.
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2 wrongs never make a right, and US is responsible for consequences for ITS actions that support Israel, independent of whether other countries did it or not. You try to absolve US of all its responsibilities and i'm afraid that wont work this time.

And Hamas and Israel are responsible for the consequences of their actions. They can’t be absolved if we are being fair.
Iran, the leader of the Axis of Resistance, has provided the Yemenis with sophisticated air defence missiles, including:
- Missile 358 (loitering anti-air missile designed to eliminate drones and helicopters)
- Taer-2 (with 50km and 70km range)

This will not, however, be sufficient to repel an assault by the USAF, for obvious reasons.

How many or what kind of anti ship missiles do the houthis have?
And Hamas and Israel are responsible for the consequences of their actions. They can’t be absolved if we are being fair.
Except one is an occupier who has been committing crimes for over 70 years. The other one is an occupied people who have every right to defend themselves in anyway possible from these Zionist colonizers.
Except one is an occupier who has been committing crimes for over 70 years. The other one is an occupied people who have every right to defend themselves in anyway possible from these Zionist colonizers.

I respect your right to your opinion of course.

Just because actions can be justified doesn’t absolve the actor of the consequences.

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