Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Aaron Maté


What "women" are you talking about?There are no women on record claiming that they suffered sexual violence on Oct. 7th. This article cites one woman, Sapir, who claimed she witnessed rape. Her story is a transparent fraud. She claims that as one "terrorist" raped a woman, another cut off her breast with a box cutter. “One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,” Sapir said. On top of witnessing that, "she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women."Where is the evidence of a severed breast and severed heads? Who really believes this insanity?The article then cites two other women soldiers who claim that they saw signs of sexual violence in the corpses. But yet the article also concedes that the Israeli army has zero forensic or physical evidence of sexual violence. As one Israeli army spokesperson says: "We have zero autopsies, zero." Accordingly, Israel has zero evidence. Yet so many dupes are rushing to parrot this genocidal state's insane claims.


Alon-Lee Green - ألون-لي جرين - אלון-לי גרין

Dec 30
The NY Times investigation of the sexual crimes committed by Hamas on the 7th of October is one of the toughest things I have read since this war started. Nothing can justify murder, nothing can justify kidnapping innocent people, nothing can justify rape. I believe the women.


6:40 PM · Dec 30, 2023

javed khan

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The timing of the article is also quite convenient; there’s a story of a 13 yr old Palestinian girl having been brutally raped by IOF soldiers, after being starved for a few days and isolated. The story has been shared by a couple of activists and seems to be getting traction.
Stop embarrassing yourself regime clown. Unlike you, I have all my family in Gaza and lost over 90 family members so it's a urgent and emotional issue. When a terrorist country threatens to murder all your people and ethnically cleanse them it's urgent to stop a genocide. You did not prove you have any patience of such sort until we see a US war on Iran. Not caring does not equal patience.

Showing outrage over Israels crimes does not equal lack of patience. It's people of Gaza's steadfastness and patience and faith that's made sure they've gone this long and we're not expelled to Egypt. And our duty outside to make sure everyone is aware of what's happening on the ground.

I have seen you enough in this forum for years.

There is more likelihood for Palestinian Jordanians to lose family members in ISIS than in Hamas.

I have experienced my share of patience in Iran Iraq war when US and soviets and Jordan and PLO all ganged up against Iran.

We know your types well in Iran.
No words
But ... it is reality of Muslims what we face , if we don't protect our Leaders

The crime of these Muslim Kids , they are waiting for Muslim World to Respond
Pakistan is on crossroad because we can't elect our own Leaders
  • Value our own Freedom is must so we can protect our own Elders and Leaders
  • So our own leaders can raise voice for these Kids in Gaza

These Muslims are in occupied region , Muslim Countries all Around them but no one can protect them

Freedom is priceless
View attachment 6573
FYI, this is an ai image.

Israel is built on a lie.
It calls itself a jewish ethnostate.
Which is an oxymoron.

Jews are ethnically as difference as there are ethnically different muslims.

In reality Israel is jewish supremacist state. Only one other organization in the world has a similar goal: ISIS

Orthodox jews insist judaism is a religion and NOT a ethnicity. Zionist insist Judaism as religion should play secondary role in society, but still use judaism as a ethnicentric identity.

Zionists are the most confused lot.
Jackson Hinkle is trolling Indians!! He has become hugely popular on Twitter in no time after he started supporting the Palestinians and I bet other Western bloggers have noticed that and are focusing on the Palestinian Cause. There are 1.5+ billion Muslims alone who'd be captive audience along with, going by the UNGA votes, the majority of the humanity.
Yes, thanks to social media many people have come out in support of Palestine. So many on tik tok , Facebook, twitter, etc have huge following now since they are not suppressed by the media.
I have seen you enough in this forum for years.

There is more likelihood for Palestinian Jordanians to lose family members in ISIS than in Hamas.

I have experienced my share of patience in Iran Iraq war when US and soviets and Jordan and PLO all ganged up against Iran.

We know your types well in Iran.

I don’t know what you are doing, you seem to like playing both sides. You claim to be anti Israel but you like to attack Palestinians consistently too. Seems to me you don’t actually support Palestinian cause just use it to your advantage.
Typical two faced shill.

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