Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is eye wash Israel is planning on staying in Gaza for the long term.

Yes. Just a tactical move to gain both militarily and politically. You can already start to see a decrease in social media activity and the protests for Palestine in Western countries. Through this they want to show that they have taken their foot off gas and divert people's attention. Just like they did with the "ceasefire".

Reality is Israel is not going to stop until complete annexation of Gaza.

Female Israeli hostages played arm-wrestling with Hamas guard​

So what are they waiting for?
Syria has been undone by the ISIS project and in no position to do anything at this time.

Lebanon is just caught between saving Palestine vs protecting their own. Sooner or later, Israel will go for Southern Lebanon to create a buffer to safeguard Northern Israel.
Even if Iron Dome intercepts a rocket, the shrapnels can do a lot of damage. That's why Israelis want to create enough distance / buffer between the rocket launch sites both in the north and the south so that the shrapnels fall in uninhabitated areas.

Wonderful, view, in this video, eh??!

Yes. Just a tactical move to gain both militarily and politically. You can already start to see a decrease in social media activity and the protests for Palestine in Western countries. Through this they want to show that they have taken their foot off gas and divert people's attention. Just like they did with the "ceasefire".

Reality is Israel is not going to stop until complete annexation of Gaza.

That is their wish, but they're suffering heavy casualties. They're also using this announced "withdrawals" as a tactic to deploy the forces to other areas in Gaza. They're shifting their battle tactics and are trying to focus n the southern part of Gaza very heavily.
Hamas responding to Israeli massacres on Gaza by shelling Tel Aviv. Shame on Hezbollah frauds and cowards that won't even fire one rocket at Haifa which is right next to them.

Hezbollah frauds and their fraud supporters have been exposed. Before they were acting like Lebanon was untouchable and Hezbollah were greatest fighting force on earth. Turns out they couldn't even muster up the courage to fire one rocket at Haifa. Gaza fired more rockets at Haifa than they did.

If peace happens, it is for Yemen blockade and Gaza patience, not your sectarian tweets.
Hizbullah is to protect south Lebanon. They will not act without considering Christians of Lebanon.

Why should Jordanians like you sit in US and tell Hizbullah what to do?

🧵 In a very dangerous precedent, soldiers in the occupation army admit that they kidnapped Palestinian infants and took them to Israel |

Army Radio revealed this evening that officer Harel Eta, who was killed during the battles in Gaza a few days ago, kidnapped a Palestinian baby from inside a house after killing her family and took her to an unknown location. 1/2

The Israeli soldier close to Captain Harel Eta, Shahar Mendelsohn, told Army Radio that his fellow officer found one of the children crying and took her to Israel (it is not clear how).

Army Radio deleted the tweet below, minutes after it was posted, most likely because it was posted in violation of Israeli military censorship.


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