Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

They have already been involved in organ harvesting. Do the math. The news below from Israeli source.

Report: Human Traffickers Not Being Prosecuted in Israel​

According to a Justice Ministry report, in 2021, only one indictment was filed for trafficking in Israel and the number of trafficking victims recognized by the state continues to drop.


That story is about human trafficking and the jump to conclude organ harvesting is entirely false.
Hezbollah not acting is because they don't have interest or see a reason to fight Israel for anything. Only for Iran, against whomever.

Tell your handlers to do better job because calling people that criticize the Iranian regime sectarian Jordanians is something new. And if you do it again I will report you to mods. This is a free forum not a government forum where we can't criticize governments.
They are in discussions and have agreed a way forward, when times get tough you mustn't start squabbling, stay disciplined and focussed.
British media is generally unreliable. No mention of this in US media. I don't see any strikes on Yemen anytime soon. The US and Israel are trying to sideline all regional players from what's happening in Gaza and want to isolate the Holocaust to Gaza. Yemen took a step that others have not taken, by rejecting this ploy and enforcing a blockade on Israeli ships in the Red Sea or ships that trade with Israel.

You beat me to posting this. Indeed it sounds significant what he is saying but the next question that will be asked is what is Saudi doing about the situation, beyond its current actions?

In 2006, when Hezbollah was perceived in the Arab world to have won, in a political sense, against Israel, it changed the psyche of the Arab populations, and in a few years, we saw the Arab spring in 2011. This war could do some thing similar, where if governments don’t act, to address public sentiment in a positive manner, a new Arab spring could happen.

It was also only 5-6 years from the 1967 war to the 1973 war. It seems there is at most a 5-6 year window that public can bear action or inaction. Just an observation about Arab populations and their patience. I might be wrong, but the remainder of the 2020s look to be volatile in the Arab world, if Arab governments don’t address this lingering crisis. So much for vision 2030 or 2040.

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You beat me to posting this. Indeed it sounds significant what he is saying but the next question that will be asked is what is Saudi doing about the situation, beyond its current actions?

I'm not sure. Maybe they feel the issue with the Houthi's has been resolved as Houthi's may now be focused on Israel. And domestic pressure may be playing a part. It's all speculation for now. No organized action seems to be taken by any regional bloc.

Yemen is doing their own thing. Hezbollah is trying to avert a war in Lebanon. Iran wants no part. Egypt wants the war to end. Saudis and others want to move on. Everyone is on a different page but inside they're all proud that Hamas crushed Israeli invincibility syndrome.
Everyone is on a different page but inside they're all proud that Hamas crushed Israeli invincibility syndrome.
The danger for these government is they are abdicated the imagination of their own populations to Hamas. They way they did to Hezbollah in 2006, but even more so, because of what the Palestinians have endured and that they are mostly Sunni.
The danger for these government is they are abdicated the imagination of their own populations to Hamas. They way they did to Hezbollah in 2006, but even more so, because of what the Palestinians have endured and that they are mostly Sunni.
It's not really about Sunni or Shia. They're trying to paint Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood pawn and coupling it with Iran and Iraqi factions and it hasn't gotten traction which you're right about.
Hezbollah not acting is because they don't have interest or see a reason to fight Israel for anything. Only for Iran, against whomever.

Tell your handlers to do better job because calling people that criticize the Iranian regime sectarian Jordanians is something new. And if you do it again I will report you to mods. This is a free forum not a government forum where we can't criticize governments.

You tell your boss.

Calling people who are under Israeli barrage and getting killed in Lebanon crooks is new.

Your action is more reportable.

This is a free forum. Jordanians are not under Israel barrage. There are intercepting Yemeni missiles as foot soldiers.

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