Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I did quote to you Israeli doctor Meira Weiss's testimony - "...organs were taken from dead Palestinians between 1996 and 2002 and used in medical research at Israeli universities and transplanted into Israeli patients’ bodies."

So you mean to imply autopsy samples being transplanted into Israeli patient's bodies? I may not be from medical field, but I think I do understand the difference between autopsy sample and organ harvesting without consent.
I am not implying anything. I am clearly stating the claim of organ harvesting for transplantation is false. Please don’t propagate a lie.
LOL, then what are you waiting for? The carrier group was there to provide excuse for Hezbollah and Iran frauds so they don't get embarrassed and de-legitimized. Khameni from the beginning sent messages that he is on same page with the US and Israel to prevent wider regional conflict.

Israel is not gonna attack Lebanon. Hezbollah will not do anything now that the aircraft carrier is gone. They simply are frauds and cowards who use Palestine cause to advance their nationalist agendas. If they won't even fire rockets at Haifa next door in response to the full-blown Holocaust in Gaza, what makes anyone ever think they will fight a war for Palestine?

Fun fact:

“Hamas supported Saudi attack on Yemen in 2015.”

Despite that Yemen helped Hamas in the time of need.

In 2015, tensions between Hamas and Iran also developed when Hamas expressed tacit support for the Saudi-led offensive against the Houthis, a militant rebel group backed by Iran in Yemen.

In August 2017, Iran again began funding Hamas after Saleh al Arouri, the Hamas second-in-command, met with senior Iranian officials. “Relations with Iran are excellent and Iran is the largest supporter of the Izz ad-Din al Qassam Brigades with money and arms,” said Yahya Sinwar, a senior Hamas military leader. “The relationship today is developing and returning to what it was in the old days … This will be reflected in the resistance [against Israel] and in the [Hamas] agenda to achieve liberation.”

View attachment 6692Hamas fighter inside Gaza picture yesterday.
That is not a Hamas fighter and is a old photo from few years ago, assuming it's not photoshopped.
Multiple Hamas members would wait days to talk to Soleimani in Iran.
Nope. Nobody cares about him. Hamas already made clear it fights for its people and land not for this Iranian regime poster boy.
That is not true Abuobaidah account. That is why I call you liar.
No shit, it's a ordinary account of a ordinary person. Who said otherwise ? Even ordinary people hate this fraud liar.
I am not implying anything. I am clearly stating the claim of organ harvesting for transplantation is false. Please don’t propagate a lie.

And I am saying I am not propagating lies. I am discussing a possibility by reiterating Israel has a history of organ harvesting for transplantation which has been proven through testimony of Israelies themselves. Therefore it is not inconceivable that they have not been engage in such practices at this time.

There has been an allegation made by the Palestinian authorities in Gaza. It will be investigated in due time and we will see what comes out of it.

You have not produced any evidence to support your assertion that this is false. How are you so certain this is false? Neither you nor I are in Gaza and can attest with certainty organs have not been harvested. So if I wanted, I could have accused you of propagating lies as well.

We can simply agree to disagree and leave this argument.
In January 2020, Haniyeh delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the external operations arms of the IRGC. Soleimani, killed in a US airstrike in Baghdad, played a key role in building the military capabilities of Iranian allies and proxies across the Middle East. What Soleimani “provided to Palestine and the resistance has brought them to the position they are in today in terms of power and steadfastness,” Haniyeh said in Tehran. He also met with Soleimani’s successor, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, the new head of the Qods Force.

I posted the source

Fun fact:
“Hamas supported Saudi attack on Yemen in 2015.”

Despite that Yemen helped Hamas in the time of need.
No you didn't. Nothing in that source shows Hamas supporting Saudi operation in Yemen. Post a source. Yeah, you can't. Because there is no such thing. You just lie over and over again. You give this place a Satanic atmosphere as you can't go one post without lying.
In July 2019, nine Hamas officials, including Arouri, met with Supreme Leader Khamenei in Tehran. Iran reportedly offered to increase monthly transfers to Hamas to $30 million in exchange for information on the location of Israel’s missile stockpiles.
And I am saying I am not propagating lies. I am discussing a possibility by reiterating Israel has a history of organ harvesting for transplantation which has been proven through testimony of Israelies themselves. Therefore it is not inconceivable that they have not been engage in such practices at this time.

There has been an allegation made by the Palestinian authorities in Gaza. It will be investigated in due time and we will see what comes out of it.

You have not produced any evidence to support your assertion that this is false. How are you so certain this is false? Neither you nor I are in Gaza and can attest with certainty organs have not been harvested. So if I wanted, I could have accused you of propagating lies as well.

We can simply agree to disagree and leave this argument.

Please stay on topic. That is the end of such falsehoods here. Thank you.
From 2021:

Source Wilson center

Iranian Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh boasted that Tehran had provided weapons and technology to Palestinian militant groups, particularly rockets. “In Palestine, they are now using rockets instead of stones,” the commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force and Missile Unit said in January 2021. Hajizadeh claimed that Iran had also taught Palestinian militants how to manufacture their own weaponry. Hamas political leaders acknowledged receiving support from Iran. "I give thanks to those who provided funds and weaponry to the courageous resistance, the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] has not skimped in extending funds, weaponry, and technology to the resistance," Haniyeh said on a Hamas Telegram channel in May 2021.
In July 2019, nine Hamas officials, including Arouri, met with Supreme Leader Khamenei in Tehran. Iran reportedly offered to increase monthly transfers to Hamas to $30 million in exchange for information on the location of Israel’s missile stockpiles.

Really? 🤣🤣
In a recent meeting in Tehran between nine senior Hamas officials and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Tehran expressed willingness to raise its monthly financial backing to the terror group to an unprecedented $30 million per month, Channel 12 reported, citing an unnamed Arab source.

Read this from Hamas leader in 2021:
Hamas political leaders acknowledged receiving support from Iran. "I give thanks to those who provided funds and weaponry to the courageous resistance, the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] has not skimped in extending funds, weaponry, and technology to the resistance," Haniyeh said on a Hamas Telegram channel in May 2021.

The rocket that hit the airport today was Iranian help based in Hamas leader.
Read this from Hamas leader in 2021:
Hamas political leaders acknowledged receiving support from Iran. "I give thanks to those who provided funds and weaponry to the courageous resistance, the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] has not skimped in extending funds, weaponry, and technology to the resistance," Haniyeh said on a Hamas Telegram channel in May 2021.

The rocket that hit the airport today was Iranian help based in Hamas leader.
Really, how did Iran help?

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