Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Really? 🤣🤣
In a recent meeting in Tehran between nine senior Hamas officials and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Tehran expressed willingness to raise its monthly financial backing to the terror group to an unprecedented $30 million per month, Channel 12 reported, citing an unnamed Arab source.

“I give thanks to those who provided funds and weaponry to the courageous resistance, the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] has not skimped in extending funds, weaponry, and technology to the resistance," Haniyeh said on a Hamas Telegram channel in May 2021.

Do you believe Haniyeh???

Rockets of Hamas are Iranian.
Ask the leader of Hamas.

He says it.
He eulogizes Soleimani.

Hamas leader does
Tell me what's the rocket technology, idiot. It's a basic homemade artillery rockets. Go actually do something instead of cooperating with Israel and US to isolate Gaza so it can Holocaust Gaza with no outside intervention.
Wilson center about Islamic Jihad

PIJ does not hide its relationship with Iran. In June 2002, Shallah met with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who reportedly pledged to increase funds by 70 percent to cover expenses for suicide bombings.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad is another fruit of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s fructuous tree,” Shallah said.
Tell me what's the rocket technology, idiot. It's a basic homemade artillery rockets. Go actually do something instead of cooperating with Israel and US to isolate Gaza so it can Holocaust Gaza with no outside intervention.

Ask Hanyieh.
I have quoted him.

I added Islamic Jihad too.

Leader of Islamic Jihad says we are fruits of Iran.

Source is American
No words to describe these Evil Nazi Israelis:-

Ask Hanyieh.
I have quoted him.

I added Islamic Jihad too.

Leader of Islamic Jihad says we are fruits of Iran.

Source is American
Okay, //MOD EDIT. NO NAME CALLING. //. So you don't know. Because it's bullshit.

All of Hamas rockets is designed and developed by it's engineers. You can't cite me anything about them that requires Iranian assistance or any technology that they use which is Iranian to build them. Because there's nothing Iranian about it.
No you didn't. Nothing in that source shows Hamas supporting Saudi operation in Yemen. Post a source. Yeah, you can't. Because there is no such thing. You just lie over and over again. You give this place a Satanic atmosphere as you can't go one post without lying.

I remember the day Hamas supported Saudi invasion of Yemen.

I have you the source of Wilson center.

Another one:

Okay, //MOD EDIT. NO NAME CALLING. //. So you don't know. Because it's bullshit.

All of Hamas rockets is designed and developed by it's engineers. You can't cite me anything about them that requires Iranian assistance or any technology that they use which is Iranian to build them. Because there's nothing Iranian about it.

That is what you say.

Leader of Hamas says:

"I give thanks to those who provided funds and weaponry to the courageous resistance, the Islamic Republic of Iran, [which] has not skimped in extending funds, weaponry, and technology to the resistance," Haniyeh said on a Hamas Telegram channel in May 2021.

I exposed your lies and lack of knowledge for everyone
Al monitor says Hamas repositioned itself with Sunni axis defending KSA and against Houthis

Al monitor says

Also wilson center says
Provide a source for your claim where Hamas supported Saudi operation in Yemen. You can't because it didn't. It stayed neutral.
Provide a source for your claim where Hamas supported Saudi operation in Yemen. You can't because it didn't. It stayed neutral.

I gave you two sources: Al monitor and Wilson center

Both stated Hamas supported KSA against Yemen but Iran continued the funding of Hamas later.
I gave you two sources: Al monitor and Wilson center

Both stated Hamas supported KSA against Yemen but Iran continued the funding of Hamas later.
No they didn't. You are simply a pathological liar. This is why it's so hard for you to provide a source for any of your claims. If they did you can provide source in a few seconds.

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