Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Brother I would like to yet again remind you…….

I know you are very passionate and hurting at what’s going on in Palestine but you must not make this a sectarian issue. Sunni Shia etc it’s not relevant here. We are all the same. The enemy today are those that are killing innocent Palestinians.
Please save the rest for another day. Focus on giving us info on what is going on.
I desperately hope it ends brother.
By now, almost ALL Americans agree that the Iraq War of 2003 was a strategic disaster. Almost all Americans except the likes of John Bolton, G.W. Bush and some dozens of Neo Cons. Heck, Hillary's loss to Obama in 2008 was partly because of her support for the 2003 (illegal) invasion of Iraq. That the war benefited Israel--for the short term--is beginning to be talked about. That it were many Israel Firsters who promoted that war was already talked about in 2003.

But if you listened to people like @VCheng in those days--and I don't what he really said in 2003 because I was not on PDF then-- then it wouldn't be hard to come to the conclusion that he'd say something like 'America is pursuing its own interests'.

Non Sequiturs and a big apologist for anything the NeoCons would do--I guess he is trying really hard to appear a 'Patriotic American'.

Read his Afghan posts... he was for it until it went sour for everyone. You know the thing with House !*^@%@ they always over correct. The will force the masters hand... they'll call all else traitors and deserving punishment.
When the US stands the only vote vetoing the UN call for ceasefire even the Brits abstain... U.S. does not...
U.S. remains the ONLY active party to this conflict outside of a concentration camp re-equiping the belligerent, knowing fully that this is at cost of US own global preeminence, balance of power and the verge of another defeat while burning down heaps of munitions and systems, simultaneously!
See, in his case he is duty bound... for those who matter it is nothing more than a religious fulfillment, prophecy and ultimately a messianic age.

once you step below that threshold, the structure below is not looking at the judgements, policy or direction but as mere minions on the dole justifying their check.
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Read his Afghan posts... he was for it until it went sour for everyone. You know the thing with House !*^@%@ they always over correct. The will force the masters hand... they'll call all else traitors and deserving punishment.
When the US stands the only vote vetoing the UN call for ceasefire even the Brits abstain... U.S. does not...
U.S. remains the ONLY active party to this conflict outside of a concentration camp re-equiping the belligerent, knowing fully that this is at cost of US own global preeminence, balance of power and the verge of another defeat while burning down heaps of munitions and systems, simultaneously!
See, in his case he is duty bound... for those who matter it is nothing more than a religious fulfillment, prophecy and ultimately a messianic age.

once you step below that threshold, the structure below is not looking at the judgements, policy or direction but as mere minions on the dole justifying their check.

I do admire your confidence. It almost like you know what you’re talking about. Pity you are so wrong. But 10/10 for confidence.

Now please stay on topic. Thanks.

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