Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think war is shifting to the north, today was the harshest bombardment of south lebanon, jews are falling in big trap willingly.
Israel will unveil its plan to "re-settle" Gazan people. To this end they seek to hire former British PM Tony Blair to oversee the plan.
For me it is more like psyops then realistic and pheasable proposal, palestinians will rather live in tents then live their land willingly, not to speak about possible all out war, i suppose that would be to much even to the cucked regimes around and puppet PA.
I am not saying anything about the Arabs at all but just focusing on the US's accountability.

This is simply trying to divert attention from the US's primary role in this genocide.

Let's move on as I have made my point that the US has primary responsibility for this genocide on the same level as the Zionist entity and so no need to continue any further.

Focusing on only one aspect of a complex multi-generational international issue is simply a manifestation of personal bias and will never work. But you have the right to indulge yourself any way you wish.
The only whataboutery is coming from yourself.

What do you call providing unending material supporting throughout this attack?

Still can't find the words can you.

What would like me to do? Concentrate on only one aspect that you prefer and ignore all the other complexities that go into it? Sorry, I cannot be such an emotional zealot.
LOL. Blaming USA is just an emotional knee jerk reaction. It’s the Israelis doing that and USA is actually holding it back from worse.
Genocide is worse than enough. The US has supplied over 200 airlifted munitions to Israel in the past few months. Bidens regime have bypassed Congress twice to arm Israel. The US knows Israel is conducting a campaign of collective punishment by bombing pretty much everything in Gaza yet they continue to a more or less unconditionally support of these massacres. Israel has failed to meet either of its main objectives despite numerous Israeli leaders and politicians are calling for genocide in gaza genocide joe and his regime are unwavering on their support.

Israel might be doing the action but let's not be blind to the fact they are fully armed, funded and politically supported by the US to carry out this genocide. The US are completely complicit in this there is no escaping that.
Genocide is worse than enough. The US has supplied over 200 airlifted munitions to Israel in the past few months. Bidens regime have bypassed Congress twice to arm Israel. The US knows Israel is conducting a campaign of collective punishment by bombing pretty much everything in Gaza yet they continue to a more or less unconditionally support of these massacres. Israel has failed to meet either of its main objectives despite numerous Israeli leaders and politicians are calling for genocide in gaza genocide joe and his regime are unwavering on their support.

Israel might be doing the action but let's not be blind to the fact they are fully armed, funded and politically supported by the US to carry out this genocide. The US are completely complicit in this there is no escaping that.

Again, I must respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish to hold, and indeed I will protect that right.

But I also do not see such a single-minded focus for a highly complex issue getting anywhere at all. Please do continue.
Focusing on only one aspect of a complex multi-generational international issue is simply a manifestation of personal bias and will never work. But you have the right to indulge yourself any way you wish.

No my man, the world wants an end to Israeli occuption of Palestine. Wants the mass killing to stop.

Wanting an end to the most brutal apartheid regime on Earth isnt really that complicated.
No my man, the world wants an end to Israeli occuption of Palestine. Wants the mass killing to stop.

Wanting an end to the most brutal apartheid regime on Earth isnt really that complicated.

"The world". Right. But please note that there is more to this world in reality than what you wish to acknowledge.
Again, I must respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish to hold, and indeed I will protect that right.

But I also do not see such a single-minded focus for a highly complex issue getting anywhere at all. Please do continue.
I mean technically your both right, I personally don’t think Israel controls the world I do believe they have donors and lobbyists that have to much sway in Americas government but Biden knows the longer this goes on he’s almost guaranteed to be a one term president and Israel is guilting Europeans over WW2 especially Germany which is why they get heavily discounted military purchases if not at cost below cost. But as you said this can go to different thread.
Is there a thread to go to that appropriate.
If the UN resolutions counts anything then yes its the world wanting an end to occuption.

Of course they do. We have seen them from 1947 onwards in particular, have we not? Nothing different about the ones now, either.
I mean technically your both right, I personally don’t think Israel controls the world I do believe they have donors and lobbyists that have to much sway in Americas government but Biden knows the longer this goes on he’s almost guaranteed to be a one term president and Israel is guilting Europeans over WW2 especially Germany which is why they get heavily discounted military purchases if not at cost below cost. But as you said this can go to different thread.
Is there a thread to go to that appropriate.

But it is relevant to note there that this conflict is only the latest chapter in a long running highly complex issue, and unfortunately, likely will not be the last either.

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