Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As i said, the US also voted for the very same resolutions.

Are you implying a US double game? That the US and therefore its European allies by extention dosent really want Israel to end the occupation?

I am not implying anything. It is a complex issue, that is all.
This clip shows that jews pretty much can not control any area in Gaza strip without being attacked eventually, for me in classical guerilla war doctrine is clear sign that resistance military has upper hand and is closer to decisive victory then enemy if we put aside civilian calamities and atrocities of course.

The US rebalancing to the Pacific is going to have consequences for the middle east including Israel.

US will not be able to contain China AND be actively invested in Israel as it used to be, both at the same time.

The zionist in America will never allow the US to be free from its control, atleast not peacefully. Thus there is a great possibility that US will continue to be entrenched in the Zionist regime of Israel, thereby failing to compete against China.

Thats the price to pay for having a dysfunctional system where your nations descision-makers are bought and coerced into making choices that no longer is the nations long term interest.
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This clip shows that jews pretty much can not control any area in Gaza strip without being attacked eventually, for me in classical guerilla war doctrine is clear sign that resistance military has upper hand and is closer to decisive victory then enemy if we put aside civilian calamities and atrocities of course.

Gazans win by not losing. By merely surviving. No rocket science about it: Happened in Algeria, Afghanistan (twice!), Vietnam and elsewhere.
If the Gazans are able to get to a ceasefire now, they will be certainly victorious and will be more powerful than before. Why? Because they will have destroyed the IDF aura of invincibility, which was already greatly damaged by Hezbollah in 2006. Israelis know that and that's why, more than even for Gazans, this has become Israel's 'existential' struggle. A reverse Aliya awaits Israel if Gaza remains a threat. The stakes are extremely high for Israel. And if Israel loses this then you'd see the Israel apologists in this thread vanish or fine tune their support. Cowards.
The US rebalancing to the Pacific is going to have consequences for the middle east including Israel.

US will not be able to contain China AND be actively invested in Israel as it used to be, both at the same time.

The zionist in America will never allow the US to be free its control, atleast not peacefully. Thus there is a great possibility that US will continue to be entrenched in the Zionist regime of Israel, thereby failing to compete against China.

Thats the price to pay for having a disfunctional system where your nations descision-makers are bought and coerced into making choices that no longer is the nations long term interest.
You’re basically describing every nation on earth money and power corrupts all from America to Russia to China and iran and many European nations and Middle Eastern nations I just had to point out a few. China preaches one thing but the state officials are billionaires and millionaires as long as the people behave they allow a certain western lifestyle, Russians well let’s not even go there lol, Iranian state companies or companies affiliated to state companies are controlled by once revolutionary guard members that have made millions it not billions with not having to compete in contracts the list goes on the point is corruption is everywhere.
The US rebalancing to the Pacific is going to have consequences for the middle east including Israel.
US will not be able to contain China AND be actively invested in Israel as it used to be, both at the same time.
The zionist in America will never allow the US to be free from its control, atleast not peacefully. Thus there is a great possibility that US will continue to be entrenched in the Zionist regime of Israel, thereby failing to compete against China.
Thats the price to pay for having a dysfunctional system where your nations descision-makers are bought and coerced into making choices that no longer is the nations long term interest.

This post should be really really understood by all Westerners/Americans!! Something like that was implied by 400+ US officials to the Biden administration after this conflict started. Patriotic Americans know that their country has been hijacked by a foreign lobby at the expense of American interests. Chinese must be very very glad as is Putin. You know, China has already blocked some electronics/chips export to Israel--they too will slowly bleed Israel--and by extension America.

American expulsion from the Middle East is guaranteed unless there is course correction very soon. A century of propping up puppets and 'investments' ... Poof!
I do admire your confidence.
My extrapolation can be wrong in its entirety and I'm fully capable of accepting a wrong judgment... it is an opinion, and formed overtime.

It almost like you know what you’re talking about. Pity you are so wrong. But 10/10 for confidence.
Since many here haven't seen the one liners and long winded replies. A succinct and sufficiently old post of yours on the old forum speaks for itself without any input from me...MendaciousVCheng.jpg

Now please stay on topic. Thanks.
I wonder why US even becomes a topic in Mideast.

Time to course correct, admit fault and make amends. Stop the menace and roll back the colonial entity.
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American expulsion from the Middle East is guaranteed unless there is course correction very soon. A century of propping up puppets and 'investments' ... Poof!

Let's take this up a bit later with some more developments, shall we?
You’re basically describing every nation on earth money and power corrupts all from America to Russia to China and iran and many European nations and Middle Eastern nations I just had to point out a few. China preaches one thing but the state officials are billionaires and millionaires as long as the people behave they allow a certain western lifestyle, Russians well let’s not even go there lol, Iranian state companies or companies affiliated to state companies are controlled by once revolutionary guard members that have made millions it not billions with not having to compete in contracts the list goes on the point is corruption is everywhere.

Not every nation is a great power and have extremist pro-apartheid entities controlling their foreign policies.

Certainly neither Russia or China does. Both have elite class of billionaires but neither of them controls their foreign policies.

Zionists in the US created a system where the capitalist plutocracy is worshipped by the people (enter zionist media) and supported by the public servants (enter AIPAC and other zionist lobby groups).
I extrapolation can be wrong in its entirety. I'm fully capable of excepting my wrong judgment... it is an opinion, and formed overtime.

And I respect your right to whatever opinion you may wish to hold.

Since many here haven't seen the one liners and long winded replies. A succinct and sufficiently old post of yours on the old forum speaks for itself without any input from me...

And I still stand by every word I posted there. Now please let us remain on topic, and I assure you that I am not it.

I wonder why US even becomes a topic in Mideast.

Yes, why indeed? Could it be because biases lead people only in the direction that they want to go, regardless of anything other considerations?

Time to course correct, admit fault and make amends. Stop the menace and roll back the colonial entity.

Just like that? Do you want to take the first step, and if so, what do you want me to actually do?
Is it possible to ignore moderator?
Not when they are the subject of the thread.

Leaves less hope for the other threads.

Shouldn't let others derail this thread, I think our American friend has caught us all a bit by surprise.
What would like me to do? Concentrate on only one aspect that you prefer and ignore all the other complexities that go into it? Sorry, I cannot be such an emotional zealot.
It’s not complex, just shows the West double standard towards Israel. USA is complicit in the genocide because those weapons they provide are used to commit genocide which is clearly being shown. The least the west can do is threaten to not resupply them if they are to be used on civilians. Members of the Israeli government have made their genocidal intent very clear by carpet bombing civilian infrastructure and have been consistently calling for the expulsion of Gazans and resettlement of Israeli settlers.

When you provide weapons to someone who carpet bombs a civilian population who do not even have an active military. They have no planes, tanks, etc what do you call that? When over 70 percent of the population is forced to leave their homes. They have carpet bombed UN shelters, hospitals, high rise towers, water plants, electrical grids, etc.

If you think this is perfectly acceptable to supply weapons to someone who is openly committing genocide and their leaders openly say it, you are a sick individual. This is the hypocrisy of the West and a long list of crimes from these supposed democracy and human rights supporting colonizer maniacs.

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