Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


I wrote:

Also this is not a complex issue, its more simple than many make out. The solution which everyone including Hamas agreed to is rejected by Netanyahoo and his Likud party whos charter states no Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.

Then you wrote:

I am sure you can solve this issue in no time, if only the rest of the world listens to you, right? After all, you seem to have figured out just how simple this issue is, but such clarity eludes the rest of the world.

Then I wrote

No majority of countries including the one you reside in support what I just wrote. The issue is implementation of it which Israel has been blocking.

Then you wrote

That claim is simply untrue.

Then I wrote

So are you saying the US and majority of the world don't support a 2 state solution based on 67 borders?

If so then its clear your trolling and this conversation is done.

Then you respond with:

Where did I say that.?

My statement at the beginning was clearly in reference to the 2 state solution, that is why I think you are trolling.
Not every nation is a great power and have extremist pro-apartheid entities controlling their foreign policies.

Certainly neither Russia or China does. Both have elite class of billionaires but neither of them controls their foreign policies.

Zionists in the US created a system where the capitalist plutocracy is worshipped by the people (enter zionist media) and supported by the public servants (enter AIPAC and other zionist lobby groups).

This Zionist genocide on the Gazans has destroyed the last shred of moral standing that the US had left in the world.

Everyone apart from Zionists and their old white racist supporters are universally disgusted at what is taking place.

US would have anyhow declined in absolute terms with the rise of especially China but the Zionists that have a stranglehold on its foreign policy have accelerated the decline.
Zionists in the US created a system where the capitalist plutocracy is worshipped by the people (enter zionist media) and supported by the public servants (enter AIPAC and other zionist lobby groups).

You know the saying: Follow the money!! You'd eventually arrive at the root cause of human actions. In case of the Israel-Palestine conflict, there is a vicious cycle of the Military Industrial Complex, the Israel Firsters in America, the Evangelical Christians as 'Useful Idiots', and the Paid-for Congressmen/Media. It is a wonderful alliance which swindles tens of billions from the American taxpayers while causing destruction not only in the MENA region--although that's the easiest target--but also in other regions like in Ukraine.
the mujahideen still after almost 90 days and equivalent of two nuclear bombs cannot even save 1 single hostage

how embarrassing but I guess not to embarrassing since Israelis have no shame

make it 900 days they still wont win

like cowards in frustration they will hit civilian and hospitals

I think the US Tax payers should be asking the question

where is their tax money going when $5 billion of aid and 220 cargo planes and 20 container ships to Israel still have not release a single hostage ?
It’s not complex, just shows the West double standard towards Israel. USA is complicit in the genocide because those weapons they provide are used to commit genocide which is clearly being shown. The least the west can do is threaten to not resupply them if they are to be used on civilians. Members of the Israeli government have made their genocidal intent very clear by carpet bombing civilian infrastructure and have been consistently calling for the expulsion of Gazans and resettlement of Israeli settlers.

When you provide weapons to someone who carpet bombs a civilian population who do not even have an active military. They have no planes, tanks, etc what do you call that? When over 70 percent of the population is forced to leave their homes. They have carpet bombed UN shelters, hospitals, high rise towers, water plants, electrical grids, etc.

If you think this is perfectly acceptable to supply weapons to someone who is openly committing genocide and their leaders openly say it, you are a sick individual. This is the hypocrisy of the West and a long list of crimes from these supposed democracy and human rights supporting colonizer maniacs.

Again, I will respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish. Please do note that my sickness, or whatever else your personal opinion may be of it, is not the topic here.

Please do explain why one should concentrate on US culpability only and ignore all the rest of the equally involved players?
Again, I will respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish. Please do note that my sickness, or whatever else your personal opinion may be of it, is not the topic here.

Please do explain why one should concentrate on US culpability only and ignore all the rest of the equally involved players?

we should address the root cause

which is the continued dehumanisation and occupation of Palestinian lands
A two state solution remains the only viable solution. The problem is how does one get to it?
Don’t kid yourself, Israel does not want a 2 state solution. Palestinians gave up pretty much everything with the Oslo accords. All it got back in return was more illegal settlements in the West Bank and continued occupation. They even assassinated their own leader to prevent one. It’s evident the peace process and acceptance of Israel has not worked. You know what worked? Gaza at least made it not worth it to continue to occupy with constant attacks which made them dismantle their settlements. The only way for Israel to want peace is that it must feel the same pain that Palestinians face.
Don’t kid yourself, Israel does not want a 2 state solution. Palestinians gave up pretty much everything with the Oslo accords. All it got back in return was more illegal settlements in the West Bank and continued occupation. They even assassinated their own leader to prevent one. It’s evident the peace process and acceptance of Israel has not worked. You know what worked? Gaza at least made it not worth it to continue to occupy with constant attacks which made them dismantle their settlements. The only way for Israel to want peace is that it must feel the same pain that Palestinians face.

Well, Israel cannot get everything it wants either. No one can. That is the complexity of the solution involved. There has to be give and take on all sides.
It's not viable, the Israeli ambassadors to the UK emphatically confirmed this is not going to happen.

As I said above:

Well, Israel cannot get everything it wants either. No one can. That is the complexity of the solution involved. There has to be give and take on all sides.
he mujahideen still after almost 90 days and equivalent of two nuclear bombs cannot even save 1 single hostage
how embarrassing but I guess not to embarrassing since Israelis have no shame

Israelis have been desperately wanting to repeat the 'Munich' or the 'Raid on Entebbe' glorious achievements or the bombing of Osirak...
You know, the Spielbergs in America have put Israelis so much on the pedestal! But the fact is that the last conclusive Israeli victory was in 1967--I bet most of the forum members were not even born then!!

But Israelis now afraid of fighting even militias in Gaza and Lebanon at the same time. They are cowards. COWARDS! And their vassal state in America is still hesitant about a full blown war against another militia in Yemen.
Again, I will respect your right to hold whatever opinion you may wish. Please do note that my sickness, or whatever else your personal opinion may be of it, is not the topic here.

Please do explain why one should concentrate on US culpability only and ignore all the rest of the equally involved players?
What equal players? One people are under occupation trying their best to survive while the other one is committing ethnic cleansing for over 70 years by playing their tired old holocaust card. Funny that Zionists worked with Nazis. Funny they do the same things, ain’t it?

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